Rain in the Richtersveld Two.0 - Desolation & Dunes

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Our stomachs full, we headed back to Springbok.

Regrettably we were unable to ride the shipwreck route, a previous group of bikes had gone through and ridden everywhere but in the tracks they were meant to be riding in. No one wanted a repeat of this, despite our impassioned pleas.

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Winding our way towards Wilderperdehoekpas a jeep track leading down towards a river bed poked its head out. This definitely called for an off-piste excursion.


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The twisty river bed was not suited to me, anything under 30km/h in sand is HARD. So when Marc threw his bike down on a tight corner, I omitted to stop and help him up. A transgression I would pay for later.


Craig naturally found a rock to climb.

And when the thorns closed in over the sand a summit conference was called to decide on the best course of action.

The flowers were beginning to master their stage fright. Scattered rains this season had given nature limited areas and intensity with which to provide the spectacle we so highly anticipated.

Our route master felt the need to toughen us up a bit, concerned about the influence the flowers may have on us.

We turned off the road that had served us well to this point, and onto a well rutted twee spoor track.

We rode over the rise toward a large granitic intrusion, technically called an inselberg. Or as Justblipit would say - a Gomo.

Craig was desperate to give it a go.

No - down boy. Stay. There will be plenty more.
