Little Lesotho / Kaokoland
This weekend I went back to where I left off last week - to explore the mountains north of Steelpoort. Last week I got the taste of northern corner that reminded me of Kaokoland, this week I wanted to explore from the south upwards, ideally connecting to the section I did last week. That would give me a route across the whole 50 - 60 km range.
So on Friday evening I gunned it on tar to Steelpoort where I crashed in the rowdy Jorge's resort - a contractor accommodation place, which was still full of contractors elated that the weekend was close, with all the attendant ruccus. So I went to bed relatively late, which was a cause of relative late start next morning - not ideal considering the temperatures were already around 30 by 9 am.
I set off and hit straight away what I expected to be the toughest bit. Getting to the top of the steep mountains starting just to the north west of the town in satellite township. I knew from satellite images that the terrain will be steep - indeed it remindd me of Lesotho, hence title of this ride. I found a route shown by Google, that traversed the steepest slopes upwards. I was suspicious, as I couldn't really see the track on the satellite images, so I plotted alternative route in the next valley that I could actually see.
First I tried the Google route and as expected I came to a dead end. I found out later when I got to the top that there really was road there some time ago, but now is so badly erroded that it is basically non-existent. Attemptable on 500, but no way on the 990.
The alternative route seemed much more promissing - at least it was clearly a road, though not much used and badly washed up in places:
I came upon first gnarlier bit. Being on my own on big heavy hippo I always first walk the tougher bit to assess if it is worth trying rather than just hitting it point blank - as even turning that bitch in tight gnarly spot even without falling is massive backbreaking exercise. Usually I'm not worried about the bit I see, but I'm curious what is behind it so I don't go through the effort of cleaning tight spot, just to be turned back around the corner by massive washout. I spend a lot of my morning walking about...
Which paid off this time. The section I went to check was challenging, but doable, so was the next one, but then I came to the place where most of the road was washed out into 2 meter deep ditch and there was just narrow pat along the cliff across 3 massive boulders. If in a group one could carry the bikes over, but on my own, no chance. I checked few 100 meters further on to see what is up there (as I will be back on 500 and information is massive capital in these kind of explorations) - few quite gnarly bits but doable even on 990, but no way to get there across the washout.