Redstar Race way Wild dog track Day!!

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Stoetbul said:
Add you time if you want.

Stof: XR650R = 2:38:309
SWIFTY= 2:43........... Het daai 950SE net op 1 silinder geloep?? :peepwall: :biggrin:

Ouens, ek moet vir Swifty opkom, hy was baie versigtig om die draaie, ek het hom heeltyd dop gehou, hy lean miskien nie soos van die ander ouens nie, maar pappie as hy daai straights vat, dan brul daai katoom vir 'n vaale.

Eerder versigtig gery, mooi Swifty, net jammer jy konnie daai XR van Stoffies vang nie.

Julle ouens het almal baie smart gery, ek het dit vrek baie geniet. :thumleft: :thumleft:
What a super dooper day at the track, THANK YOU to all those who made it possible. I never knew tar could be so much fun  ;D even though I got my ass kicked by Judy on a TA  :biggrin: I still had huge fun and learnt a lot, especialy how well knoblies can stick to the tar. I will diffenity start doing some track days during the year.

My day started very very slowly @ 3 mins a lap  :biggrin: and by session 7 I was down to 2.46 min, which was my quickest time  :thumleft: For now I am happy ....  >:D

Will post some pics once they have been edited.

Thanks again to everyone who attended/rode/partyed  :biggrin:
Gee S said:
shesha said:
Stof:             XR650R = 2:38:309               
SWIFTY:        950SE   = 2:43                      Het daai 950SE net op 1 silinder geloep
White Rhino: 800GS   = 2:42                      Ground off footrest
Malibu:          TransAlp = 2.46                  Had a whole 80km's on the clock when we got there! 
Shesha:        1200GS = 2:43
GeeS             800 GS = 2:36.446

Well done Gee S, you did the 800's proud! Not sure if any KTM's did any better than 2:36?  :laughing4:
FukFuk Test drive,

Listen for the "refreshments" clinking in the cooler box! and for the wonderful "reverse gear warning system!"

Gee S said:
shesha said:
Stof:            XR650R = 2:38:309             
SWIFTY:        950SE  = 2:43                      Het daai 950SE net op 1 silinder geloep
White Rhino: 800GS  = 2:42                      Ground off footrest
Malibu:          TransAlp = 2.46                  Had a whole 80km's on the clock when we got there! 
Shesha:        1200GS = 2:43
GeeS            800 GS = 2:36.446
Gus Porra    1200 GS  - 2:24.281
ThysBasson said:
Stoetbul said:
Add you time if you want.

Stof: XR650R = 2:38:309
SWIFTY= 2:43........... Het daai 950SE net op 1 silinder geloep?? :peepwall: :biggrin:

Ouens, ek moet vir Swifty opkom, hy was baie versigtig om die draaie, ek het hom heeltyd dop gehou, hy lean miskien nie soos van die ander ouens nie, maar pappie as hy daai straights vat, dan brul daai katoom vir 'n vaale.

Eerder versigtig gery, mooi Swifty, net jammer jy konnie daai XR van Stoffies vang nie.

Julle ouens het almal baie smart gery, ek het dit vrek baie geniet. :thumleft: :thumleft:
Ek stem saam met Thys.... al julle manne wat Swifty so k@k gee.... kom ry saam met hom hier agter op die Cullinan paadjies.... dan praat julle weer  >:D >:D >:D
DeonDj said:
Smaak my toe rule die 800 GS'e op die einde van die dag! Lol
Smaak my as jy daar was kon jy 'n bek vol te se gehad het......................maar nou ja! die ouens met die grootste bekke is mos altyd afwesig!  :pot:
Dodo said:
ThysBasson said:
Stoetbul said:
Add you time if you want.

Stof: XR650R = 2:38:309
SWIFTY= 2:43........... Het daai 950SE net op 1 silinder geloep?? :peepwall: :biggrin:

Ouens, ek moet vir Swifty opkom, hy was baie versigtig om die draaie, ek het hom heeltyd dop gehou, hy lean miskien nie soos van die ander ouens nie, maar pappie as hy daai straights vat, dan brul daai katoom vir 'n vaale.

Eerder versigtig gery, mooi Swifty, net jammer jy konnie daai XR van Stoffies vang nie.

Julle ouens het almal baie smart gery, ek het dit vrek baie geniet. :thumleft: :thumleft:
Ek stem saam met Thys.... al julle manne wat Swifty so k@k gee.... kom ry saam met hom hier agter op die Cullinan paadjies.... dan praat julle weer  >:D >:D >:D
Fanks for the vote of confidence
Eerder bang Jan as Jan met bike regmaakskuld!

::) :rolleyes: :thefinger:
Orangeswifty said:
Dodo said:
ThysBasson said:
Stoetbul said:
Add you time if you want.

Stof: XR650R = 2:38:309
SWIFTY= 2:43........... Het daai 950SE net op 1 silinder geloep?? :peepwall: :biggrin:

Ouens, ek moet vir Swifty opkom, hy was baie versigtig om die draaie, ek het hom heeltyd dop gehou, hy lean miskien nie soos van die ander ouens nie, maar pappie as hy daai straights vat, dan brul daai katoom vir 'n vaale.

Eerder versigtig gery, mooi Swifty, net jammer jy konnie daai XR van Stoffies vang nie.

Julle ouens het almal baie smart gery, ek het dit vrek baie geniet. :thumleft: :thumleft:
Ek stem saam met Thys.... al julle manne wat Swifty so k@k gee.... kom ry saam met hom hier agter op die Cullinan paadjies.... dan praat julle weer  >:D >:D >:D
Fanks for the vote of confidence
Eerder bang Jan as Jan met bike regmaakskuld!

::) :rolleyes: :thefinger:
En toe gaan spend jy daai geldjies op iets "anders" op pad huistoe.... ::)
Misty said:
CroftsMan said:
Nou waar's die fotos van die "scores to settle", so tussen die BMW & KTM ouens???

Unfortunately no pics as evidence, but I know for a fact (and would I now lie?!)  :mwink: that BMW won this one - or what do you say MarkH ??  :pot:  :peepwall:  :biggrin:

My mistake,,, there were pics - thanks tankgirl!  :ricky:

Sorry MH - but it was just priceless, to me at least!  ;)



You are suppose to ride around a block of flats, not the other way round!! :)
What a fantastic opportunity! :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:

We must do the same in PE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can the main men/ladies post a "checklist" of some sort so that we can try to do the same>?

So, anybody want to tell us how the S10's did. Lap times etc?

I'm taking mine out to Redstar on Sunday!