Return to Sedgefield

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Well, most of what happened over the weekend was bloody funny....

KEEP IT REAL Terror :imaposer:

He looks like and old granny on a mission!! I didn't dare to get in the way of the trolly lest I got ridden over :imaposer:


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Drazil, you were smiling like a little schoolboy on his 1st tricycle when you took Cassies bike for a spin! Donner you should have hear us!!

"STOP!! STOP!!!! Your gonna plow into the Merc!!""

Shit if you didn't manage to find the brake, I think you would have, poor driver didn't know if he should reverse or pull off at speed :imaposer: Well you missed him than goodness!

As poor Drazil pulls off for a second time after regaining composure the peanut gallery errupted again!!

"Stand up! Stand up!! Look up John, you're gonna fall!! Open up John open up!!"


Best was when poor Drazil was trying to lift his leg to kickstart :imaposer:


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Let me tell you that it was hilarious,my leg with the attgat would not lift high enough for the kick start and well the boots to large to find the back brake pedal. :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Awsome pics I should have made the effort to get you guys there anyway my loss looks like you guys had great time :thumleft:
Dis was die lekkerste saterdag wat ek nog gethad het!
Drazil ek bring die blou skilpad more oggend vir jou uiteindelik!
As julle weer kom asb bel my
jislaaik Terror
jy het die hele ding met die arme merc in action gehad
Let op na die bokbal squad en Drazil se boude :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
cassiebotha said:
jislaaik Terror
jy het die hele ding met die arme merc in action gehad
Let op na die bokbal squad en Drazil se boude :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

Noooo Cassie NOOOOooo

It was Fugly not Terror that took the photos :imaposer:
Cassie as daai Tannie van jou mooi is sal ek miskien nog steeds jou Oom wil wees  :thumleft:
:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

Wolweseun onthou jy die aand by die Oudshoorn ding!
Wie was die ou wat heeltyd michelle, michelle kom slaap nou geskree het
Ek het gesnik van die lag in my tent
cassiebotha said:
:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

Wolweseun onthou jy die aand by die Oudshoorn ding!
Wie was die ou wat heeltyd michelle, michelle kom slaap nou geskree het
Ek het gesnik van die lag in my tent

Ek weet nie ek was bietjie gaar

Maak n draai more as jy in die Baai is

cassiebotha said:
:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

Wolweseun onthou jy die aand by die Oudshoorn ding!
Wie was die ou wat heeltyd michelle, michelle kom slaap nou geskree het
Ek het gesnik van die lag in my tent

The Kat is out the bag. :imaposer:
Manne Manne

Telling only half the story is not fair. Let me enlighten our avid band of fans about the Knysna/Sedgefield pubcrawl scene.

After a brief 5 KM of dirt up phantom pass fugly and I found ourselves mysteriously drawn to crabs creek yet again. Where of course we found the wild eyed one and only Cassie F. Botha. Not sure about the F at all but it kinda makes him sound like a moerse oke, you check? So we were chugging a few bowls of hops soup when CFB announced his imminent departure. We should have taken this as a sign. See Cass man's George biker breker buddies also had a sluk but then left and they were Cass man's ride home. In the ensueing panic - and anyone who knows CFB will be able to picture this. He kits up completely. Gloves, jacket, helmet the works - including his backpack. At which point CFB realizes his bike keyes are in his backpack. Now most of you lilly livered softies would simply take the bag off remove the keyes and put the bag back on. CFB is no weakling I tell you. We were treated to a superb and ultimately futile contortionist act at the crab shack. CFB drew a crowd the way he was trying to manouvre his elbow into his ear to secure a hold on his thir lumbar vertabra therby ensuring adequote grip for his one hand to get hold of the zipper. I had a dog once that used to chase it's tail. It was docked. I had flashbacks to old wagter...

Fugly and I bravely pressed on after the circus left town and eventually made it to our lodgings where we ofloaded. This entailed carrying my toothbrush to my room and the unpacking was done. At this point we looked for Drazil who it proved, was experiencing the weird and wonderfull world of the screaming shits with a light topping of trunk calls. See he was brave enough to indulge in the local cuisine otherwise known as pizza at a local Sedgefield establishment of some repute. Fugly and I later uncovered the sordid truth of the matter: "ag no man bru... that was not nice". But I get ahead of myself. So feeling too weak to brave the terrible onslought of brew Drazil opted to maintain vigil and drop a few loose drogue anchors in porcelain bay while Fugly and I headed to the local den of what passes as wildlife in Knysna and purveyors of fine alchohol. Here we sampled the crab shacks' pizzas. This was to be a sign but at this point we were not feeling literate enough for sign language so we ate it in any case. With garlic. Much garlic. So much in fact that we asked the waitress (intellectually challenged bovine female) if there was a limit to the garlic we may consume to which the answer was "No we have a 5 kg tub in the back. eat as much as you want." After the third time we asked for the little bowl to be refilled she gave us some snotty remarks and a whole bucket full of lip. We ate the rest of the pizza, described some new signs of our own to her and headed for the wild party life of Sedgefield where we were to learn so much more than we ever expected.... But that children is a story for tomorrow night when we "return to Sedgefield: never did we imagine it like this..."
What should not be taken away is Mr Cassie Bothas unique ability to "salt" peoples chips with 1 of his 6 Huletts EquiSweets that he uses in his coffee :imaposer:

Poor Slowpoke suffered the brunt of this hidden tallent :imaposer:


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Sedgefield - it was not like they said - or we thought for that matter.

And so Fugly and SP visit the local party zone that was a pub in the one street town of Sedgefield. We stopped at the first neon signed pub. we checked out the joint and decided that we'd rather get drunk with Drazil. When all of a sardine the barlady comes out of the bar and personnally invites us in. And here we were to meet a few of the local legends - bikers also nogal. See what we did not know is that we inadvertendtly stumbled into what is either the hardest biker gang this side of the Ganges or just plain the weirdest funked up hippie  version of a chemical induced vision of what a hard core biker club is. Either way there was much respect for these guys. See, Milo, the fellow who sat to my right was waay interested in our rides. When we explained we like the 800's we were looked at in that far away look of a dog s#itting razor blades. See Milo was the president of the Sedgefield biker club that runs under the impressive banner of "the Dragons" - a gold and red one nogal. I thought it is quite cool. The Dragons President then at length described how he and his gang ride Vuka's. We responded with we like riding dirt roads and here he actually looked hurt. "but Vuka's are great on dirt"....  So those of you attending the whale rally, look for the Dragons, their leader is a big bloke on a 110 Vuka full of dust from the dirt travel. Just before we thought it cannot get any stranger Milo and some other apparition got into an argument. One was argueing the Vuka vs BMW angle and the other was argueing a sprocket incedent on a KTM. Nah, did not make sense then either. their lips were moving, they were definately talking at each other but they might as well have been on different continents - they had a full on argument and not once did they both talk about the same thing. Weird man.... Suppose too many shrooms and dube can do this to a man.

Fugly got a nice candid pic of the waitress with which we tried to tempt Drazil to join us in the travelling roadshow managerie. We thouroughly enjoyed these guys - they are good folks. Would love to sit around a bash fire with them sometime. And so then the biker boys filtered out at which point I started talking the waitress into pumping some music we actually liked. She had a whole MP3 library going. Man we had meatloaf, deep purple, ACDC, Guns'nRoses - all the good shit going. Loud. And here we were introduced to meatloaf - not the artist, the local appreciater of the artist. This dude was in his own zone. Totally. Friendly as a dog with two dicks he sat there and sang along with meatloaf lyrics - obviously reliving some good memories. Respect man, memories are all we have eventually. Then the bar closed and we mosied on the a restaurant / bar joint.

Here we had some eye candy and lotsa booze. Fancy stuff with lemon slices and all. Then around 1am we decided we were now ready for the heavy bar. We'll mainly it was the elevator music in the fancy bar that got to us - what kept us there was the fire, soft seats and candy. Soft seats are important for 800 riders who know the hardships in life start with hard seats.

And now children we get to the scene which forever will be my memory of Sedgfield wildlife. 6 guys and a bar lady. All some kinda hippie streak. Oh yes and then the grey wolf in the corner. Let me take you around the bar. in the corner was greywolf. No, I don't know if that is his name or not. He sat starring at everyone. Every 25 minutes or so he would stand up go to the bar and go back to his seat. Doing nothing I could determine other than sitting and starring. Vacant plot if you ask me. Never said a word or moved any other way in 3 hours... Then there was Niki - a pint sized bar lady with abaseball bat she's never used. Very entertaining gal. One the left of the bar we had the long grey haired ex biker hippie. He was deep and in too deep. To his right there was the happy guy and the red smurf. Now the happy guy was either also a high guy or the most forgiving bloke in the world. The red smurf - I kid you not, mostly red clothes of the red smock kind long hat and all - was as it turns out the local chef at the establishment where Drazil picked up the urge to ride the white go cart for hours on end. Now smurf man was a little gone and him and happy guy were bonding quite well when smurf decided to offload his supper on happy guys arm. Carrots and all. Happy guy stares at his arm and I thought "ok here it comes, grab a chair leg..." And he looks smurf square in the eye with a kicked puppy dog look and says "Nooit man, thats not cool" and scrapes off the worst bits. They hug and carry on being deep. I almost pissed myself laughing. Fugly was rolling on the stage. It took three beers to calm down the giggles.  And then there were three characters close to the door whom I believe to be escaped test lab subjects. The purpose of their test may have been bad cause they were twitchy, haunted and strange but seemingly harmless. All of the above took great offense if for some reason I'd get between them and their chair and I could see why. The chairs were worn to the exact profile of their butts - it was clear that these chairs were theirs - every night for the last 40 years since woodstock.

And so it was that at short after 3 am Fugly and I made our way back to our lodgings. That night in Sedgefield is one that can barely be described and one to be recommended only for those dronkies amongst us with a sense of adventure. It's been a long time since I met people so comfortable with themselves, completely unpretentious and so totally out of touch with what we think of as reality.  :thumleft:
Yep, it really was like that folks! Think it actually took 3 beers, 5 rums and 2 shooters to stop laughing at our chef/waitron who tossed his cookies over his mate.

Lets not forget that about 3 hours earlier poor Fugly lost speech, no fault of the singing, and then nearly lost controll of the bike on the way home whilst watching Slowpoke trying unsuccessfully to negotiate the flower beds! It did take a few turns to find his way out :imaposer: :imaposer:
Yess this bit was to follow under the technical ride section... See the short version goes something like this. Fugly and me had MAJOR skills after our escapade. To get to our house we take a shortcut through the garden on the brick winding path, at three in the morning, in a dark garden, with trees, losts of flower beds, and deep soft sand between everything. So I miss the turn off we used earlier the day and decide too hook it around a tree. Of course my front wheel whases out, I catch a skrik and blip the throttle. The bike pushes through and I manage to stay on top. I stall it, start again and head straight through and somewhat over a large bush where I wash out again and know from previous experience to blip the throttle . Only now I overcook it and end up sideways on the other side of the bush in more sand where I stall again. I start up and make the last 10 meters safely revving a lot higher than needed - purely to avoid another stall you see.

Now understand that much of the above had to be pieced together in daylight later on since neither of us would have made reliable eye witnesses.