Richtersveld. What is it with this place?

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Smoke break


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Kwaggasakkie and I were having a small race going, when my Tiger line went straight into the mouth of a desert sand worm.

We had to kill it before I could dig my bike out.


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At the Orange again!

And this is where our steam ran out (of control). The Orange had been in flood recently, filling the gaps between the rocks with fesh-fesh. This made the going slow and difficult, with the bikes easily getting bogged down between the boulders. Being there in mid day didn't help either! We had to manhandle the bikes a bit as the 640 got dug in, and we soon overheated with in sync with the bikes. I was unfortunately too hot to think of taking more pictures, and instead walked straight into the river, boots 'n all. What a relief it was! We were soon all in for a lifesaving laze in the cool merky water.


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We inhaled a few icy cold and well-deserved Windhoeks at Oewerbos near Vioolsdrif, where we spent the night in combat with the mozzies. A great place to stay though! No pics.  :-\
That is what life is about! Gooi nog. :ricky:
Nice trip!

Thanks for taking the effort to post.

We are leaving for Namibia on Monday, and I can't wait to see the greenness.

I'm seriously thinking of sleeping in the Gamkap canyon like you did. It looks stunning.

Enjoy Kaboef! Gamkab is a must. Just a tip- take some firewood with.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Lekker! En dankie. Julle doen dit op die regte manier
Ja nee dis great trip. Jy het nie lus om daai trippie op Mapsource aan te stuur nie?
See Duiwel said:
Ja nee dis great trip. Jy het nie lus om daai trippie op Mapsource aan te stuur nie?
My gps het vroeg al die gees gegee en ek sukkel met my Mapsource. Ek sal kyk wat ek kan doen. Is daar spesifieke gedeeltes waarin jy belangstel? 

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Avontier said:
See Duiwel said:
Ja nee dis great trip. Jy het nie lus om daai trippie op Mapsource aan te stuur nie?
My gps het vroeg al die gees gegee en ek sukkel met my Mapsource. Ek sal kyk wat ek kan doen. Is daar spesifieke gedeeltes waarin jy belangstel? 

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

Ja, Gamkap canyon!!


Ek het hom klaar op T4A uitgespek en n waypoint gemaak.
Nou moet ek net vir SWAMBO oorreed.
Ek sal hout saamvat, ons ry met die kar.  :thumleft:
Avontier said:
It just keeps on calling me back for more. Every time I go there the allure only grows stronger. I've been there twice with the 4x4, and just did my third one on the bike. Staying in Limpopo, it is quite a hassle getting there, but damnit, it's worth every effort!

We were five bikes, four 690s and a 640, who've all been there before. Konyn, Krazy Kubu, Kwaggasakkie, Daan (Oset Bikes), and myself.

We did the 1000km trip to Upington with the bikes on the trailer, to have more time in the middle. We spent a week away from home.

I will just let the pictures do the talking.

*All pictures were taken with my phone (Note 3). I guess the days of apologising for crappy cellphone pics are numbered. You be the judge.*

There's something magical about rain in the desert.
Baie lekker lees en lyk na lekker trip dankie vir die deel en nice fotos!
This was taken between Vioolsdrif and Goodhouse. The slightly sandy, flowing tweespoor tracks make for insanely enjoyable riding, while the breathtaking scenery and liberating solitude just leaves you shaking your head in awe. The stretch between Vioolsdrif and Witbank is without a doubt my favourite stretch of biking on Earth.


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another pic on the same spot.


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If you disregard the phantom fairing in this stitched pic, you'll get an idea of what the tracks are like.


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