Right Around Africa

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I am SO going to do this route!! Looks awesome.
Meeting the guy sometime this week.

I get adrenalin rush just looking at all that sand. They make it look too easy.
Thanks for sharing that video Jo :thumleft: :thumleft:

Sure does look very nice indeed. :ricky:
Right...1 visa down, 7 more to go! 2 and a half months to go then I'm back in Morocco!  :thumleft:
Applied for my Tunisian visa today. Accepted and waiting to go pick it up. Next is Algeria and then Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. Will do Morocco and Schengen last. Libyan visa I'll pick up in Tunisia.  :ricky:
** Big Sigh - Deep Breath **

Ek probeer die aankondiging nou al so lank as moontlik uitstel.

It breaks my heart but I'm afraid the trip is off for now.
Main reason being because my sponsor didn't come through. They gave me no indication of backing out, so I didn't realize until it was too late. I even got just about all my visas sorted.
I needed about R60K to finish the trip. Not a great deal of money...but it's a lot when you don't have it.
I've even tried getting a loan from the bank or any financial institution that might consider giving me a loan. Nobody will give me a loan without pay slips and proof of employment. Even the nigerian down the road won't help me out!

So at the moment I'm trying to find a way to get my bike back.
Moroccan customs have slapped me with a R10 000 fine because my bike has been there for so long. I tried to explain the delay with my accident and broken ankle, surgery etc. Not that they care.

So now I'll either have to raise the money somehow to get Dax back and see if I can maybe get the money together myself to finish it some other time.


I'll have to sell my bike off in Morocco. Or have customs sell it off.


Raise the money to finish the trip. (That would mean having to re-apply for all my visas again as I was supposed to leave end of the month and there's only 3 weeks left.)

As much as it saddens me (glo my, ek het nou al groot trane gehuil), I'll most probably have to sell my bike off in Morocco and live to fight another day.

As they say: Everything happens for a reason.

Sorry julle!

Sorry to hear Jo. Its such a pity it costs so much.
Have you tried any TV channels interested in filming or if you film and they buy the content by sponsoring you.
You've done half of Africa already I'm sure you'll get to do the other half someday.
What if you sell the Kawa that was at Kurts?
Teapot said:
Sorry to hear Jo. Its such a pity it costs so much.
Have you tried any TV channels interested in filming or if you film and they buy the content by sponsoring you.
You've done half of Africa already I'm sure you'll get to do the other half someday.
What if you sell the Kawa that was at Kurts?

That financed Jo's broken ankle.
Tough Jo......but don't give up, there must be a way........
Yep - The Kawa was sold and paid for the surgery on my broken ankle and physio.

Thanks guys. I'll get there someday.  :thumleft:  :ricky:
Everything does happen for a reason and sometimes that sucks. Strengths Jo. Hope you get Dax back. If you do pm me and we go ride local.

The first time I read you reply I thought - this is terrible especially as you have already got the visa's etc.

Now I do not have R60 000 rand and you dont need millions and you doing it solo - no TV crews backups etc. The way we like it - so this is what I can do

I will pledge you R1000 - and there must be 59 other dogs that can do the same or 118 dogs that can pledge R500 or any other ammount .(And some of the vendors can give more and Kilroy can also give some of the sticker money )

So here is my throughdown to the other dogs - skut daai sakke lets make this happen - you have a R1000

Who else ?????? :peepwall: :peepwall: :peepwall: :pot: :pot: :pot: :pot: :ricky: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:

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