Round the World - Do you have beer we are coming to visit?

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cloudgazer said:
I started reading this ride report from the beginning again.
As a result I have not done any work for the last 2 days.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you guys rock!!!

Thanks man it really means a lot to us.  :thumleft:
woody1 said:
Toe julle die plekkie in Parys gehuur het was dit miskien by die Bois de Boulonge ?–-Bois-de-Boulogne

Ons het 'n paar keer daar 'n plekkie gehuur toe ons kontrak werk in Holland gedoen het.

Dankie vir die deel van julle storie.  Ons ry lekker saam.

Yes dit is die plek. Ons moes R700 per nag betaal maar die mense het ons verskriklik jammer gekry toe ons by ontvangs instap sop nat en dit was damn koud buite. Die girl gee ons toe n 3 bed hut vir R350 per nag. Elke dag met die bike in en uit Parys gery.. :biggrin:


The biggest & highest dune in Europe – Dune de Pilat

Back in Bordeaux we quickly learned that camping in France is actually more an activity of ‘parking’ a caravan or RV. We camped at LeVillage DuLac and it felt a little bit like being in the Addo Elephant Park … us in our small tent surrounded by giants. Now, we love to mingle with all kinds of people, getting to know the cultures and differences between countries.


Had to steal this photo. That patty is bloody raw! I mean slaughtered few hours before and a Vet can still make it moan.  :lol8:


Cheese, wine, fresh figs, and warm bread late afternoon on the Bordeaux river flowing past the city.

In France we found it generally difficult – yes, the language barrier did not help but it felt a little bit as if we were irritating the local community.  :lol8: We normally avoid restaurants due to our budget but on the one occasion we did wander into one, it was difficult to order and even worse when the meat turned out tough and we got solidly ignored when we tried to return the dish.  


Having our friend and her ‘school French’ did not help at all and at the Chateau Dillon we were told straight out ‘No’ we do not speak English and once more ignored. Anyway this is generalising – all in all this country is beautiful with stunning wine and cuisine. Look the French is known not to be fond of English or the Brits.  Generally France is a very nice country to travel and especially on motorcycle it’s great when on a tight budget.


Bordeaux has a groovy vibe and there’s an energetic feel about the city. It’s old buildings really drives home the rich history while strolling around the narrow streets. Even the older people go about like they are still in their late 20’s. Wearing stylish hip clothing sitting outside cafe sipping on their espresso.


Wibiens tent is a tad to small and not waterproof :lol8:
Etter wat 'n lewe! Meeste mense kan maar net droom....maar ek dink solank jy nog kan droom het jy 'n kans.  :lol8:

Bleddie jaloers!
We had to spend some time in Bordeaux exploring before Wibien left. In the end it was a bit of serendipity. The French culture and way of life is something one can quickly get accustomed to.



Old toppie nearly took his own head off watching the booty going past.  :lol8:



All kinds of people makes the world go round.  :)




Buy from Supermarkets and food is on average a bit more expensive than in SA. Bear in mind our currency is kakking which over R10/1Ue makes their food more expensive than in SA. Less than R10 and we score.
woody1 said:
Beauf Tartare is baie gewild in Europa

Ek het ook maar net so gekyk na die spul en die mense jammer gekry wat nie 'n vuurtjie kan bekostig nie.  :imaposer:

Kyk ons almal smaak n medium or effe rou steak. Maar damn rou mince!? Huhuuu, nope. :eek7:


Ons het Foie gras ook probeer en alhoewel dit kontroversiëel is smaak dit glad nie bad nie. 
Janee ek stem, rou maalvleis is nie my idee van lekker eet nie

Wild camping in France is so easy. Just buy some wine, cheese and bread and go look for a place to camp.


Laurant, aka Asian Rider. He circumnavigated Africa the same time as us and we met him at Jungle Jungle in Nairobi. We have stayed in touch ever since and was cool to stay with him and his fiancee for a few days. He showed us around Provence.


French country side in Provence region reminds you of the Western Cape.



Provence France, some of the grooviest mountain passes to enjoy on a bike! Not to mention the breathtaking views, cool villages and cafe’s to spent the days sipping on red wine.


La Ciotat harbor Provence France. We had way too much wine to drink sitting outside a small cafe.


Man that place is beautiful but btw, you cannot drink way too much Wine. Saak van onmoontlikheid.  ;D
Offshore said:
Man that place is beautiful but btw, you cannot drink way too much Wine. Saak van onmoontlikheid.  ;D

:lol8: Jy is natuurlik korrek.
No words to describe your trip so far.............................awesome!

Keep keeping us enthralled, and be carefull out there!
RigDog said:
No words to describe your trip so far.............................awesome!

Keep keeping us enthralled, and be carefull out there!

Dankie Rigdog. Daar is nog plenty om te kom.  ;)
Wonder as ek vir die kinders se dat universiteit gekanselleer is, dan vat ek hulle maar saam op so 'n trippie.

Miskien leer hulle meer..... :p
Andre E said:
Wonder as ek vir die kinders se dat universiteit gekanselleer is, dan vat ek hulle maar saam op so 'n trippie.

Miskien leer hulle meer..... :p

wat is fout met die weeshuis?  :lol8:

michnus said:
Andre E said:
Wonder as ek vir die kinders se dat universiteit gekanselleer is, dan vat ek hulle maar saam op so 'n trippie.

Miskien leer hulle meer..... :p

wat is fout met die weeshuis?  :lol8:


Jy't hulle heel duidelik lanklaas gesien, groter kans dat hulle my in 'n outehuis gooi...... :biggrin:

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