Sharing the secret of the Eastern Free State August 09

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Race Dog
Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
Cape Town
Harley Davidson (all models)
Sharing the secret of the Eastern Free State August 09

Always a good excuse to go riding…a mate gives you a call and next thing; things are on track…this one was put together just the weekend before...

“Ok so where we going?” was Ou honds question…”well I have to go to my farm so lets pop down to Kestell area??”.”Cool” says Ouhond “ive never done the touristy thing at Clarens lets just find some gravel when we there….”

So the weekend was on….

We left Gauteng Friday, meeting point 1pm BP Garage in Pta east….Mmmmm
Got a call from Ouhond running behind due to having a really kak day so far and work pressure…finally at 2pm we about to roll…Unfortunately Ouhonds kak day not behind him yet…the 1150Adv duzint want to fire up….Shit a loose wire…Lucky we not far from Tops house so we wiggle the wires get the bike fired up and do a brief detour to Tops to get the electrics sorted

3pm and we on track for our weekend. Back roads to Villiers via Delmas .A quick stop for a smoke at Villiers and 6pm we clock into the farm…nice and cool at 9degrees( I like these big tourers,you can get going when you want too)

We stopped at the farm to put on the geysers drop our kit and then off to one of the best kept secrets in the area the “Shack” in Kestell makes the best pizza I have ever tasted (and I have been around, even Italy)
The ‘Shack” has an amazing atmosphere, a cute pub will lots of character and to top it all very interesting locals….we laughed and kuired all night and much later filled with wine/ rum/jack and ginger and a few shooters we nursed our way back to the farm….not feeling the cold at all

The next day it we headed to Clarens opting to the scenic gravel road from Kestell via Golden gate






I took the 1150 Adventure for a spin giving Ouhond a taste of the New Adventure with electronic suspension….Mmmm having had the old 1150Adv. I was amazed at how used to the new one I had become.. biggest notable diff was how solid the 1150Adv was and stable…my view its much easier to ride on the loose stuff vs. the newer one…Skati nearly had a fit when I mentioned getting a good used 1150Adv again!!!


Awesome views around Golden Gate





Clarens we visited all the little shops had lunch and caught the last half of the Kiwis pippin the Aussies in the Tri nation’s game. Later that afternoon we supported the Clarens beer brewery…. something worth a visit
Late afternoon saw us heading back to the farm for a braai and just chill after our previous evenings party. The mood was laid back and relaxed and we where in bed fairly early

Sunday up early we took gravel roads back to Gauteng via Kestell/Warden/Vrede/Cornelia


An old bridge just outside of Kestell




Awesome view. Who said the Free State was flat???



Puncture…I love tubeless 15 minutes just enough for a smoke break


Cornelia just before getting back on the tar


We took the scenic route gravel all the way to Cornelia winding its way through the mountains and hills of the eastern OFS…im continuously amazed  that many folks aren’t aware of the scenic beauty and abundance of gravel roads this area has to offer

Any way we where home by 3pm in spite of a little hold up with a puncture…and all the Kak from my week and Ouhonds long forgotten..

It just goes to show what a weekends riding can do for you…so start planning and go ride!!! If you live in Gauteng go find that piece of paradise that the eastern OFS has to offer only 300km away!!

Awesome weekend thanks Skati and Ouhond
Great, we missed out on a nice trip, going there next weekend, so glad you did the piture thing..
Nice one  :thumleft:
We also took the the Kestell road from Golden gate after we came back from the FS bash, some nice scenery there.
Nice story... I only just almost had a fit, cause we are running out of garage space  ;)

Boys and their toys....

Thanx for a nice weekend guys

Mother said:
Skati nearly had a fit when I mentioned getting a good used 1150Adv again!!!

Nice one C. I can understand Skati's comment about the garage space  :thumleft:

Still wonder how/why Ouhond changed his name.

At the Gauteng bash last year we christined him "Werfetter"  :biggrin: