@HS: well, it is all posted here so no need for book

. And for book I would have to actually read it after myself and correct all the stupid grammar and stylistic mistakes that become visible always only once I post the report.
@ m0lte3n: for pictures I use two systems:
- for the good ones - not the riding ones - I use camera with good glass. Actually two cameras with two different lenses - in my case both Olympuses - one OMD EM1 and one OMD EM5. I try to limit my luggage, but I generally do no skimp on photo gear - except if it is just little fartabout.
- for the riding ones (and I guess those are the ones you are primarily asking about) I record video on the helmet camera (in my case Drift Ghost S) and then at home scrap the images off the video. That way I have both video as well as images. The quality is not great, but it is sufficient for documentary purposes I use it for and enable me to capture those moments that everybody misses on the trips (mostly when going gets tough, the last thing people want to do is to stop and pull out the camera - this way it just records automatically). I have tried the interval photo taking on helmet camera, but didn't like it at all - the Murphy says that all the good images are always screwed (for example the image is taken exactly as the lion is already over the road and you can see only tail on the image). The only downside is that one has to sit through a lot of footage at home scraping images of it - and if you want good quality you will need big cards, and good computer to be able to handle tons of footage - that is usually where computers run out of steam quickly.
If you want to use helmet camera the way I do, I would suggest to use high quality setting (I use 1080p and 60 fps) - but of course that means bigger cards and more processing power. When I first used this on my first X-mas Safari trip, I had previous Drift and was recording at 720p and the lack of resolution combined with wide angle lens that makes everything much smaller were a serious limitation. Here is photo of two full grown lionesses running about 15 meters from me on the Chobe boundary, and as you can see - if I wouldn't point out those are lions, you probably wouldn't guess it. At higher resolution 1080 or ideally 4k (not available at the time) this would be much better image:
Here is the video this image was scraper from, the lion part is at 3:05 and again - without subtitles you probably wouldn't know those are lions: