Sixpack goes Touring.....

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Race Dog
Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
AJS (all models)
It only took one phonecall……one single call from my friend Katoom telling me that we’re riding the Baviaanskloof in 3 days’ time.  Suddenly the planned weekend with family is no longer important, in fact, what planned weekend?

I have always been very keen to ride the Baviaanskloof with my bike having done it many years ago with my bakkie.  But to do it on DS bikes with my friends, would be priceless!

Day 1

The alarm goes off at 4am Thursday morning, having gone to bed at 1am.  I get up, pack the last things, say a prayer, and leave at 5am to meet the fellas at Ultra City Riviersonderend.  Kat, Frik and H2O had just arrived as I pulled into the fuel station on a crispy fresh January morning.  With loads of excitement we greet each other, fill up and hit the N2 to meet the rest in George, as they had left Wednesday afternoon and camped in Mossel Bay.

Reaching Albertinia still early in the morning for refuelling.



We meet the rest of the Sixpack at KTM George, where the ever friendly and helpful Jaco promptly checks ALL the bikes and lubes all the chains for our trip.  Quickly, a lot of money gets spent on bling, with Frik walking out of the shop with the latest KTM jacket…..WOW, nice!

By now, the whole Sixpack was there, 

Kat,  KTM 990 S (Merrie)


H2O, Honda Varadero (Outboard)


Katoom, KTM 990 S

Spoorbek, KTM 990 S (Hings)


Frik, KTM 950 S (CI Sprite)


And Jors Troolie, Uil, KTM 950 (Blink Vosperd)


Koplamp with his KTM 990 joined us for day 1, camped in Patensie with us, but left the next morning for a very important date with his wife.

We take the boring N2 again, stopping at Knysna Waterfront for a sushi lunch at 34 degrees South.


What an interesting shop, great food!


Onto the N2 again, we headed for Patensie.  We took the Nature’s Valley road, but it was closed.  After a quick vote between the riders, it was a 100% vote to pass the barricade and take the road.  Stopping at the bottom of the valley, one could see the flood damage, and why the road was closed.  It was good time to take a rest, as it was getting really hot.  We were met there by a very nice couple on a 1200 GS travelling the opposite direction.




Spoorbek taking a power-nap!




Kat felt like Tarzan in the jungle!


Frik taking a break


Coming out of Nature’s Valley, we crossed the toll road, into Bloukrans Pass, which was also closed due to flood damage.

Katoom coming up the hill.


Just about 500m from where this pic was taken, Katoom got chased by a huge Baboon mannetjie……so we stopped at the Rugbos Trail so we just calm our laughter!





Frik’s touring machine, by now dubbed “CI Sprite” as he looked like he was towing a caravan!


We reached a hot Humansdorp, just in time to stock up on some liquid refreshments (always necessary) and headed for Patensie via Hankey.  Tannie Karin from Garmin helped us through the little metropolis of Hankey and to the Patensie Buiteklub, where the local dominee, Steven Sas, had arranged for us to camp.

I had thoughts of Patensie being a small little semi-Karoo dorpie, but was I surprised….  It’s a green, humid and fertile valley with lush green orchards everywhere.


We set up camp next to the Buiteklub.  Some have had experience in there equipment…..


Others had to pitch new tents, supplied only with a limited instruction manual….



Others camped faaaaar away from the snoring A-team…….


We had steaks, potatoes, salads served by the local barman’s daughter, after which some spent time getting to know the locals until the wee hours of the morning…..


Next instalment………entering the fantastic Baviaans!

…to be continued.
The "dirty half dozen" >:D

Lyk na 'n lekker trip, gaan asb voort!
Day 2

It was an early rise for most of us, myself having had only 3 hours sleep (again!) pack up and hit the road for the Kloof, as Baviaanskloof is known by the locals.  The local dominee, who is a friend of Katoom (believe it or not!) met us for breakfast at a little place called Padlangs, 7km outside Patensie.  They serve the best tramazinni I have had in a long time, in air conditioned premises. 

It was clear that it was going to be a HOT day, with an expected 40 degrees C at midday.  After a few kilometres, passing Poortjie, the vegetation and scenery changes dramatically.  We stop to cool off at the first watercrossing.

Fun in the sun……

Honda used as a waterpump to shower the hot riders!




Spoorbek doing his best Roxy Ingram impersonation ….


H2O taking a swim in full ATTGAT…


Into the Wilderness Area and over the mountain we went.  Going up the mountain, Spoorbek lost his momentum against a rock, stalled the bike, and promptly toppled over the Hings, as he likes to call his 990 S.  Luckily no damage or injuries.

Coming down the rocky mountain pass, I stopped in a corner for some shots of the Sixpack coming down….

H2O hitting the hole on the heavy Varadero.


Katoom taking a better line through with his “Mossie”.  His 990 S was dubbed “Mossie” by Spoorbek, referring to the orange high fender conversion he did, looking like a bird’s beak!



Spoorbek taking it slowly, holding the Hings (Male horse in Afrikaans) back….


Frik bringing CI Sprite down the hill, slowly and very securely.


…to be continued
Still day 2.  These pics were taken by Frik from the mountain.





Stopping for a break.....



Finally, rare pictures of Uil riding......coming down towards Smitskraal.



will continue later....have to do some work!
The high fenders on the Katooms look good!
Trailrider said:
The high fenders on the Katooms look good!


Dunno why KTM doesn't sommer give that as an option when you buy the bike (or do they ?)

Eisbein said:
Trailrider said:
The high fenders on the Katooms look good!


Dunno why KTM doesn't sommer give that as an option when you buy the bike (or do they ?)

It comes in a kit, on the 950, the brake lines have to be split, on the 990 it comes split.  You also need to put on fork protectors.
Day 2 continued.

I always wanted to see Smitskraal, and ride through it of course.  When I took those pics of the guys coming down the mountain, I didn’t realise I was that close to Smitskraal.  So, when I finally got dressed up and rode further, I was left too far behind to be first at the crossing to take the shots……I was really disappointed, it was to be my highlight of the trip, to see everyone cross, and I missed it all….damn!

Nevertheless, when I got to Smitskraal, the only thing I saw was H2O’s Vara parked in the shallow middle section, with my mates sitting in the water.  Kat waved at me to come.  So, up on the pegs, firm grip on the handlebar, and off I went, keeping the momentum going, going, going, fark, this watercrossing doesn’t end!  I got to the Varadero, paused a moment, and carried on till the last deeper section….15-20 metres to go, throttle wide open and flew out the end….yeah, made it…..shit, that was nothing?  The rocks are all small, and fairly packed by the cages going through.  So, no hassle. 

Frik was behind me, and after I parked, just made it in time to see him cross.  Effortless, the man with his well equipped KTM came through, his vast experience as a solo tourer pays off….well, until he got to the parking lot……. Passing through the little planted poles that keeps cages from the picnic area (why, I have no freaking idea?) Frik proudly forgets about the CI Sprite caravan that he is towing, hits one little pole with his H&B pannier, and elegantly bliksems down on the grass!  If only I had my camera with me!  Pannier bracket sheared off, and the caravan was broken!

After putting my swimming trunks on, I strolled back to the river, only to find my friends pushing the heavy Varadero through the last part of the river….WTF?  What happened, I asked.  H2O had hit a rock, lost balance, and tumbled over in the river.  With no-one close by to help him pick up the odd 280kg laden bike, he was stuck.  Water had entered every conceivable non-waterproof item on the trusty Honda!

We pushed the bike into the shade for some repairs


Easy-peasy, take the plugs out, drain the carbs, swing the motor, and she would start again….right?  That’s how you clear an outboard that sucked in water.  Who has a plug spanner?  Of course, the KTM 950’s come with a plug spanner, from the CI Sprite of course!  Frik brings the spanner, with extension nogal!  Spoorbek was a racing mechanic in his early days, and without a moments hesitance, takes control of the situation.  Off comes the seat and tank.


Kat is really trying to contribute to the problem, and he is seen here in deep thought about what to do next…..


After some serious thoughts, promptly gives up!


In the mean time, Frik tries to repair his fallen caravan with some primitive tools and cable-ties.


Plug spanner?  Oh shit, the KTM takes the smaller plug, and the Honda takes the bigger one! (On second thought, maybe that is the reason why HayleysComet only takes GSes on his rides….Hehehe!)  What now?  Wait, its getting too hot….did I mention it was hot?  Forty farking degrees my china!  Back to the water, mechanic and all…..



Back to the workshop…..Kat sees our bikes parked in the shade with a new rider on his KTM…..a moerse big baboon sitting on his big KTM!  The bliksem is busy packing out his tankbag!  Kat screams at him, all he does, he checks out Kat running towards him, and just unpacks faster!  He took all Kat and Katoom’s sandwiches, threw Kat’s wallet on the ground (apparently his Visa Card expires next month, so no use to the baboon!) and scratched the labels off the tinned food!

Our esteemed mechanic suggests we turn the bike upside down for the water to drain….hahaha, a 235kg (dry) bike…..nee meneer!

Well, we had no other choice, so off came the airbox, then the mirrors and screen, naked Varadero ready for the Big Flip!


And over she goes…..








I bet none of you has seen anything like this before?


Spoorbek suggests we put the bike in 5th gear, and turn the wheel ever so slowly and gently.  Frik takes the first turn, and quickly his mind strays……hell, we’ve been away from home 2 days….!


With every turn of the wheel, water spurts out from everywhere!  I was very sceptical at first, but it looks like this might just work!  We leave the naked Varadero for an hour upside down, so more water can drain with gravity. Back to the cool water of the river! For an hour in the Varas life, it had USD forks!

After flipping the bike right side up again, we found more water trapped inside the exhaust.  What do we do?  Aha, we’ve learned from the past….put the bike on its tail!



Now for the proof of the pudding….swing-swing, a slight splurt, a cough and a sneeze, the trusty Honda starts!  It takes a while before she starts running smoothly, but after a quick test ride, she purrs like a pussy again!

Our fabulous mechanic gets a chance to ride the Vara, and quickly shows us how to wheelie a Varadero!


By now, 3,5 hours after the stricken Honda was pulled from the river, the skies had covered with thunder clouds, and it started to rain……lovely relief from the heat!


We packed up and left for Doringkloof, where we would camp for the night.  The best riding and the most beautiful scenery follows in the next part towards Barend and Chris Lambrechts’ farm, Doringkloof.  Let the pictures tell the story…..










We came across this fellow, the first of probably 40 that day, and we stopped for a break and a group photo.



In the group photo, we are FLTR, Uil (Canz), Frik (Frik), H2O (Philip), Spoorbek (Heinie), Kat (Danie) and Katoom (Francois).  I am in the best company you’ll find in the world.  They are the greatest!







There were lots of stops, as the countryside was just too beautiful not to appreciate.




Spoorbek passing us on the bridge




Frik tells us that Life was treating him well here!



Uil crossing yet another beautiful watercrossing




Frik at the same crossing, check his grin on the last photo!





Finally we got to the campsite.  What a lekka place they have, venue of the 2007 WD Bash.  Barend taking the kids for a ride on my bike.


We made camp, by this time Kat was fluent in the erection of his new tent!  We braaied, took a few drinks, chatted, gave H2O straf dops for letting us suffer in the heat at Smitskraal.  I, having had only 6.5 hours sleeps in the past three days, fell asleep at the table, much to the amusement of the others.

But the best part, we were having the time of our lives, with great company, in the most scenic part of the world, and, it was still Friday!  We still had another 2 days to go!

To be continued………

Last I had a bike upside down it was my mountain bike to get the wheel off.

Never thought I would see a vara being flipped around like that...

Awesome trip and report!

Lekker man, lekker..!
Goeie report, nice foto's.
Lyk na groot fun.
Mooi so Uiltjie en res van die pack!