Sixpack goes Touring.....

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Day 3

Camping at Doringkloof has been a ball, nice hot showers, fine weather, friendly landlords.  We pack up and between us decide where to ride to.  We reach a decision to go to Uniondale from where we will take the Prince Albert (Alfred?) pass towards Knysna.

By this time, no-one doubts the word of our mechanic, and H2O obliges by draining the petrol tank of the Vara.  Off to the shop, they drain the remaining fuel from his tank, and refills with fresh fuel.

Packing up




Spoorbek decides to take a quick morning swim before we take on the heat of the day, and displays his skills as a “bomber”



Going out of the Kloof, we stop some more for pics



We stop in Uniondale for refuelling, first refuel since Patensie.  Interestingly, because of all the slow riding through the Kloof, my bike’s consumption was 14,6 km/l, which is very good for the KTM.  Also time to check in on messages from home, as we are all business owners and this was our first cell coverage.

We had a wonderful breakfast at a restaurant in the main rd, and off we went to Avontuur and De Vlugt. 



Going into the mountains, it became apparent that we will be faced with clouds and rain, but never thought it would turn out quite spooky, being Uniondale and all!





We ride this beautiful pass in the clouds, not being able to see any drop-offs or views.  Coming down towards De Vlugt, I desperately wanted to take pictures of the bikes crossing the beautiful little bridges with their white waterfalls beneath them. But the leaders kept going and I missed the shots, guess we’ll have to go back some time!



We stopped at De Vlugt for some refreshments and milktart at the Tea Room.


Spoorbek had to take a dump, and the boys pranked him by locking the “long-drop” door from the outside.  A relieved Spoorbek…..


To be continued……
Ja Uil nice BAIE nice - siende dat Patensie 20minute van my plek af is, is ek diep teleurgesteld - of was dit n ride vir 'n selected few?  ;) ;D
GS-holic said:
Ja Uil nice BAIE nice - siende dat Patensie 20minute van my plek af is, is ek diep teleurgesteld - of was dit n ride vir 'n selected few?  ;) ;D

Dink jy ek is HayleysComet? Hehehe!

Nee, ek het nie gereel nie, was genooi.....
:laughing4:  :laughing4:  :laughing4:  :laughing4:
This is the funniest shite I've seen in a long time

Stunning scenery and good shots!
Blerrie nice!

Laat net weet as jy weer de vlught wil doen - ek dink ook 'n mens kannie genoeg stop vir fotos daar nie.
Sal 'n baie gewillige touring companion wees.

Day 3 continued

Enjoying the break at De Vlugt Tea Room





A view of De Vlugt from the top



Katoom leaving De Vlugt in a hurry…..


Leaving De Vlugt, we took on the road through the Knysna forest, with switchbacks all round, GPS not receiving due to the forest canopy.  We see a sign that reads “Big Tree” and stop.  This would be the first of about 4 signs taking you to some Big Tree.  I always thought there was only one!  A little sign says 100m to the Big Tree, but after climbing up a slippery path for about 300m, we still haven’t found the BT…..

Coming down, Frik loses his grip and goes down like a sack of potatoes!




Going through the forest, Katoom and Kat takes a little turn-off to a lookout point.  Its really rutted and slippery.  The last time they went up there, it was dry, and now have found themselves in a postion to bring the big bikes down the slippery slope.  The pics don’t really show the incline, but it’s pretty steep!





Happy to be down safely!



Going through the forest




We reach Knysna, and take the Phantom Pass via 7 passes to George.  We decide to take a B&B for the night, as it was raining, good decision in the end. 

But first we had to have a “winkeldop”


Day 4

Packing up for the last time


And having breakfast


From George, it was Mossel Bay, Herbertsdale then to Barrydale and Montaque, keeping it on the dirt back home



Having pudding






Then it was time for that lekka high speed section towards the Garcia Pass.  I don’t think even Marc Coma would have caught any of us……




A word of great thanks to all there, the group dynamics were the best you can ever imagine!  Also thank you to Frik, the gentleman that you are, for sweeping the whole trip and always helping your fellow riders, and of course taking pics of me riding – those are rare, as I normally take all the shots!

Thanx to Katoom for the invite!  It was great riding with you all!

That, ladies and gentlemen, concludes this presentation.  I thank you for your time!

Long live the Adventures of Sixpack!


Bedonnerd ..absoluut bedonnerd ....great stuff Uil !!!
Lekker,well done to all in the infamous 6pack... Great photies! ;D
Its been a while since a ride report made me wish so much that I was there...

Great report.  Great photos.  Lots of laughs all day every day.

Lucky it was not a BMW with the crappy archaic wet battery that got drowned as you would have had to take the battery out also before turning the bike upside down.
The one thing that keeps coming through is the tremendous spirit and camaraderie, hard to find that nowadays in our high performance world. I salute that spirit and hope to see more. Thanks for a lekker ride, even if its from behind my computer.

I was in knysna on Sat when a bunch of KTM's came roaring down the main road. The guys looked good, proud and happy. It crossed my mind that these were guys from the forum. Was it you guys?

I also thought when i saw the parade of bikes that the riders looked handsome (can a guy think that?) but having seen the pics of you lot in the river, half naked i am gonna drop the handsome bit ;D

NIce bikes, pics, trip ... lekker
Grunt said:
I was in knysna on Sat when a bunch of KTM's came roaring down the main road. The guys looked good, proud and happy. It crossed my mind that these were guys from the forum. Was it you guys?

I also thought when i saw the parade of bikes that the riders looked handsome (can a guy think that?) but having seen the pics of you lot in the river, half naked i am gonna drop the handsome bit ;D

NIce bikes, pics, trip ... lekker

Yes, that was us, 4 sets of Akras and a set of Bossons does make it sound like the circus has come to town!  One KTM popped a wheelie in Courtney street, rider not knowing there was a police van coming from the front!  It was hilarious to see the face of the policeman, as he was hanging out the window!

Sorry about the pics, they have subsequently all been removed. :eek:
Uiltjie, dit was nou sommer bakgat. Well done boys. En vir H2O, hy was mos n voorry op sy dae, hoekom skrum hy nie die Vara uit die water uit nie?

Oom Kokkies