the ruffian said:
Love your acerbic tone...
And the loaded between-the-lines observations...
MMMmmmm I dont sugar coat or indirectly state anything. So lets clear things up for those that might not know me or FC. I was BEFUCK :dousing: by the time I could get hold of her I could have ripped her head off. And that was before I was told "All is ok!" at that moment I felt like a cat being baptized.
1. You have no idea where you are.
2. If the things went south before the other guys found you we would have never found you.
3. Hearing is not listening :dousing:
4. Hearing / listening and not doing will hurt.
5. Two hours next to a tar road without contact is not cool.
6. Local telling us she hopes you have not gone where you did does not help.
7. These situations make me a antisocial rider that prefers riding alone.
The reason I ride bikes and not horses is that on a bike there is only one brain on the mode of transport.
This trip I liken to dropping a glass bottle of cockroaches and not being there to see them dart for cover.
On a plus
1. I/we got to ride
2. Company was good
3. Accommodation was good
4. Food was good.
5. Banter was funny. To a point! after that it ........ lets just leave it at to a point.
6. Riding the SE again reminded me why I love it so. Having your hands shake like you drank to much the night before, stuttering when you talk and catching yourself screaming with excitement in your helmet is why I love my mistress so. Riding her is like having cowboy ***. I have to remind myself all the time that she is in charge and not me. RESPECT her!
In FC's defense I should have said no you stay with the group, but she is independent and its one of the things I respect the most about her so how could I curtail that.. So its my fault! It wont happen again!
In closing thank you FC for making this weekend possible and for the effort you put in to getting us on the bikes. It is and was appreciated.