The Burning Bike on The Pan

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Sidepod said:
Bittersweet ??? :thumleft:

What was the purpose - would be interesting to get the thoughts of all the people who attended.

Changed to SSSWWEEEETTT :thumleft: :mwink: :thumleft:

After reading the thoughts, planning and explanations of the various participants with the conclusion by Fueltank I think that it was a befokte event - (please just use the same bike next time ;))
buzZ said:
Its not about "hurting" me you ........  , its about hurting the environment, and disturbing an area where others would also like to visit.

I don't give a dam about some fool wanting to set a perfectly good bike on fire. Why doesn't he do it in his own yard. Where the only person having to look at the remains is HIM ( or her ) !

Don't even get me started about the FIRE-WORKS !!!
Did you A$$H@%$# ever think about the people that come to that pan to see the birds and the wild-life ???

No need to make it personal buzZ.
Get the facts before you jump on your horse.

FuelTank said:
It is quite interesting and surprising, to say the least, to read some of the above I will enlighten/inform those who are a bit dazed and confused.....

I happen to know some of the guys and girls that went on this trip and I, for one, think this was the most original/awesome/mindboggling idea EVER!!

Alot of planning and preperation went into this trip and everything came together +- 2years later. Obviously, one of their concerns was, the burning of The Bike in such a beautiful, remote and unspoilt location. Therefore, they contacted the farmer/owner of that specific part of the pan and explained to him what they are planning to do.
He(the farmer) was very excited about this idea and gave the go-ahead. Once again I'll be stating the obvious, but the major concern was the "waste" factor. Throughout the duration of the event, the farmer was kept in the loop and even joined the Main Event. When everything was packed up and they were ready to leave, the farmer came and inspected the "war zone" and was so pleased by the way these bunch of bike/nature lovers behaved, cleaned up and respected the location, that he extended an invitation to host them again next year....!

I guess what I am trying to explain to people like Bospadda and Buzz is the following:
When judging other people and their actions, one usually do it only to your own frame of referance and do not know the "other" side of the story....what you would've done, is not neccessarily what other people will do......

Well done to Johnnie Bok and your fellow riders. You are an inspiritation to many that embrace the way of alternative thinking and I would be honoured to ever have the opportunity to ride with you okes...! Saluut!!

This makes all the difference to my understanding of this event.  That they acted respectfully to the envirinment and owners makes all the difference to me.  There was no way of knowing that they were not a group of inconsiderate people who came and enjoyed themselves leaving behind a messed up and damaged place.

As a sidenote.  A jet & rocket powered car is being developed in the UK right now aiming for 1000 MPH (1600 kph).  They have checked the usual site in the USA & feel it is not suitable.  They are coming to SA to check a site here (I assume it is Verneukpan but it does not say where) and also a site in Australia.  So Verneukpan may be difficult to visit in the future
Ja sien julle nou, nou't julle vir Johnny Bok befok.

Hy't gebokoff. Moeg vir die gesanik.
FuelTank, thanks for giving us the other side of the story. That shows the exercise in a different light, and clears up the issues about pollution, etc.  :thumleft:  Now please go and introduce yourself here before others tell you to do so ;D

It is easy to shoot someone down without knowing the facts, therefor it is sometimes better to either keep quiet or find out the facts before critisizing to avoid the foot-in-mouth effect.

P.S. I would still have liked the bike though :mwink:

Lyk my die oes daar in Caledon is beter as wat ek gehoor het as die manne bikes kan brand  >:D of is hulle nie boere nie?
Jimi Hendrix burned his guitar not because he hated it, but because he loved it.
He sacrificed the thing he loved the most.

Burning a bike is fine with me.
As long as you play the appropriate music. :biggrin:

Songs to burn bikes by:

1) Fire - The Jimi Hendrix Experience

Kaboef said:
Songs to burn bikes by:

1) Fire - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
2) Baby won't you light my Fire - Doors
3) Burning down the House - Talking Heads
4) Beds are burning - Midnight Oil
Mark Hardy said:
Kaboef said:
Songs to burn bikes by:

1) Fire - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
2) Baby won't you light my Fire - Doors
3) Burning down the House - Talking Heads
4) Beds are burning - Midnight Oil

5) I'm on Fire - Bruce Springsteen
Mooi manne! Iets anders met 'n twist... :thumleft: Ek laaik :thumleft:

Disclaimer - ek is nie 'n arsonist nie... :mwink: ek kan dit nie eers spel nie ::)
Me, Dusty and Ejouba were fortunate enough to be in the pan at the same time this happened. Why all this f$%^&*nk gesanik, I do not understand. People moaning about pollution, what pollution. Oh shit maybe some tire smoke. It was a very entertaining evening and everyone that stayed over that night will remember the event for a long time to come. To the organizers, if you planning a reunion next year with another burning bike let us know we'll be there again. To all those kla-gatte, dont be sour because you were'nt there to enjoy. And someone on the forum gave me a bottle of Cabernet Franc which we had on the occasion, thank you it was brilliant.
Eisbein said:
Mark Hardy said:
Kaboef said:
Songs to burn bikes by:

1) Fire - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
2) Baby won't you light my Fire - Doors
3) Burning down the House - Talking Heads
4) Beds are burning - Midnight Oil

5) I'm on Fire - Bruce Springsteen

6-  The Flames of the End  -  At the Gates  (from the album Slaughter of the Soul)
7- Light my Fire - The Doors
8- Hot for Teacher - Van Halen
9-  Who By Fire - Leonard Cohen -
I must say - weird (and such a waste) as it seems to me - if people want to have fun and do something different while considering them around them (and the place where the fun is being had) then it is responsible fun and totally harmless.

And besides - just because I think it is weird it doesn't make it wrong or harmfull at all!

Good on you guys in the way you've done this.

;D ;D ;D
In reaksie op 'n paar van die aan/opmerkings:

Bospadda: jammer om te hoor van jou bekommernis ...............

Fueltank: jou ou doring!

MrBig: dankie

BuzZ: jy was duidelik nog nie op Die Pan nie: daar is nie 'n enkele voël of "wild-life" op die Pan. Gaan kyk gerus!

Ektoknbike: dankie

Sidepod: dankie

Jacko: Ons Caledonners word nie so maklik afgesit nie!

buzzlightyear: Jy's reg oor die Boer. Ons behoort teen die naweek te begin oes. Oor die kwaliteitof opbrengs is ons nog onseker op hierdie stadium!

Pad: dankie
buzzlightyear said:
FuelTank...    ...Now please go and introduce yourself here before others tell you to do so ;D

Shame if it was any other post this oke would have been burned bigtime about the intro thing.


Ok i just trying to take the attention away from the main topic as i have nothing to contribute  :imaposer: :imaposer:

Johnny, julle ouens het styl - ek het die fotos baie geniet - selfs my vrou gaan roep om te kpm kyk en lees.
Mal oor die tux'e en strikdassies!
Ektoknbike said:
Dis nou die tipe shit wat ek op WD verwag. Hier deel 'n mede WD of biker of vriend sy naweek weg saam met julle. Hy doen moeite om foto's vir julle te wys. After all, dis sy Ride Report en die moun-gatte kom faark dit op.

As jy nie iets goed te se het vir iemand nie, hou jou bek. Dis ons Suid-Afrikaners se probleem.
Kla in jou moer in oor alles.

Spaar my om so 'n kla-gat te ontmoed.

Johnnie Bok, befok, dankie. Iets anders 'n slag. Goeie foto's :thumleft:

Ek stem 100% saam..... :thumleft: