The Burning Bike on The Pan

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MrBig said:
buzZ said:
Its not about "hurting" me you ........  , its about hurting the environment, and disturbing an area where others would also like to visit.

I don't give a dam about some fool wanting to set a perfectly good bike on fire. Why doesn't he do it in his own yard. Where the only person having to look at the remains is HIM ( or her ) !

Don't even get me started about the FIRE-WORKS !!!
Did you A$$H@%$# ever think about the people that come to that pan to see the birds and the wild-life ???

No need to make it personal buzZ.
Get the facts before you jump on your horse.

I thought you only get this kind of moaning on the BMW Club Cape forum  :imaposer:

For vark-sake buzZ lighten up! It's an awesome report and stunning pictures! I didn't see them kill any birds or hurt any animals  ??? okay they did burn an iron horse  :p

Beside there is no birds on a DRY pan!
buzZ said:
Its not about "hurting" me you ........  , its about hurting the environment, and disturbing an area where others would also like to visit.

I don't give a dam about some fool wanting to set a perfectly good bike on fire. Why doesn't he do it in his own yard. Where the only person having to look at the remains is HIM ( or her ) !

Don't even get me started about the FIRE-WORKS !!!
Did you A$$H@%$# ever think about the people that come to that pan to see the birds and the wild-life ???
O get a life honestly! You never had the full story yet you felt you where in a position to critise. I bet you have never even been to the pan yet you are also in a position to comment on the bird life and people who might have been there to watch the said bird life. You must be some serious tree hugger. Might I suggest you sell your bike and take up hiking as you cannot possibly have this kind of enviromental stance and still ride a bike polluting the air with noise and fumes.
O get a life honestly! You never had the full story yet you felt you where in a position to critise. I bet you have never even been to the pan yet you are also in a position to comment on the bird life and people who might have been there to watch the said bird life. You must be some serious tree hugger. Might I suggest you sell your bike and take up hiking as you cannot possibly have this kind of enviromental stance and still ride a bike polluting the air with noise and fumes.

Ektoknbike said:
As jy nie iets goed te se het vir iemand nie, hou jou bek. Dis ons Suid-Afrikaners se probleem.
Kla in jou moer in oor alles.

Spaar my om so 'n kla-gat te ontmoed.

Johnnie Bok, befok, dankie. Iets anders 'n slag. Goeie foto's :thumleft:

:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Ek wil ook pis en mounâ?¦ Julle kon ten minste â??n bietjie verder as julle neuse gedink het.

Ek moet sê, ek is baie teleurgesteld.

Sou dit nou regtig te veel moeite gewees het om â??n traffic cop aan DIE BIKE vas te strapâ?¦?  >:D

Lekker Johnnie & co

Dit lyk na â??n moerse lekker affêre  :thumleft:
Bus said:
Ek wil ook pis en mounâ?¦ Julle kon ten minste â??n bietjie verder as julle neuse gedink het.

Ek moet sê, ek is baie teleurgesteld.

Sou dit nou regtig te veel moeite gewees het om â??n traffic cop aan DIE BIKE vas te strapâ?¦?  >:D

Lekker Johnnie & co

Dit lyk na â??n moerse lekker affêre  :thumleft:


Skerp ene daar Bus! 

Verbeel jou die koerantopskrifte: Spoedhoof saam fiets veras!

Bus het seker laasnag in die messegoedlaai geslaap, want hy's vanoggend so skerp soos 'n outydse Joseph Rodgers nie kan wees nie!

:imaposer: :imaposer:

Bedonderde idee!!!!!!

Ek stem saam met Bus, asb 2 bloody traffic cop's, eks vanoggend 7uur oppad werk toe deur een vasgetrek met 'n vet boete, moet hy nie 7uur nog in die bed by sy vrou wees nie!!!!!!!!!!

As daai een ou by die spit nie Henry Pine Pienaar is nie, dan is ek nie Frohan nie.................ou paragliding pal, hoe gaan dit?

Lekker trip ouens!!!!!!!!
I must say even though this thread made me wonder about the existance of man kind it certainly has great comments  :biggrin:
Bus, 'n mens soek altyd iets om op te verbeter. Jou idee is verseker great!
It is indeed interesting how the new generation of internet journalism allow for the faceless, mindless and senseless to voice their opinions – now we all have our place in the sun. Even if you are a complete twat with your grandma’s 1980 ZX Spectrum and a Polka account, you can also throw your 2c in the mix. I have been lurking around and must admit there are some pretty funny comments, but then there are also the idiotic, insignificant few who merely fill up the internet with dribble – if you catch my Buzz! As Churchill said: "Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt” The alternative is that you might come down with a serious bout of FOOT-IN-MOUTH disease as is the case with the nauseous Mr Luke Watson.

So, my real question is: What happened to the vocal critics of this mysterious, creative, bone chilling event? Feeling envious (I mean nauseous) are we?

Anyway, Johnnie Bok: I am trying to get more information on the event, but there are very little on the website. What are the future plans? Is it a closed group thing or open to the Joe Bloggs of the world?

PS: For the not so sensitive Dogs in the house: The offical Verneukpan website also features the event and I see there are a lot of activities that would infuriate aunties Fona and Flora. I am definitely paying a visit to Verneukpan when I am next in the country - just need a bike!
While I dont agree with the hardcore nay sayers in this thread, its ironic that in your very first post that you lament the ability for the nameless and faceless to have their say.

Thank Fona and Flora that communism doesnt rule here! (or does it...  :patch:). What would be super, is an introduction to your faceless self.

Enjoy the Wilddogs forum - sounds like you have something to say.  :thumleft:
Go to new member introductions, live in the RSA, buy a bike then come ride with us.  :thumleft: Dont be derogatry from behind your keyboard like you profess the unwashed do..
Ja wel nou fine ... Just as we all remember that one internet surfer's mindless post is a moment of wisdom to another.  Why,  some even regard lurkers as the worse kind of web parasites - constantly taking without contributing, even if only "idiotic dribble". 
Watty said:
Ja wel nou fine ... Just as we all remember that one internet surfer's mindless post is a moment of wisdom to another.  Why,  some even regard lurkers as the worse kind of web parasites - constantly taking without contributing, even if only "idiotic dribble".   

:thumleft: Vat hom Flaffie!
It seems as if I have started off on the wrong foot here. Apologies for not introducing myself – I have done so now.

My post was in no way intended to upset any members of this platform who so generously contribute to the forum in a positive manner nor did I imply that there is something intrinsically wrong with hiding behind an alias or your hand-me-down laptop. I was hoping that some would spot the irony that I am indeed doing the exact same thing.

My issue is the fact that “forummers” (if there is such a word) are invited to share their experiences (called ride reports I think). Then you get people to whom I referred to as the “idiotic, insignificant few” who make statements about the environment, the people and their intensions etc. without knowing the environment, people or intensions. In my mind with very personal statements like:

“....  , its about hurting the environment, and disturbing an area where others would also like to visit.”

“I don't give a dam about some fool wanting to set a perfectly good bike on fire.”

“Its STUPID shit like this that gets bikers banned all over the place !!”

“Swak smaak”

“Unfortunately,  I do not in any way get exited by acts of egotistic indulgence.”

I have made the time to read the rules of this forum and I see that “brand bashing” is strictly prohibited. But hey, feel free to bash people’s integrity as far as the environment, taste and egotistic indulgence is concerned – SWAK SMAAK!. At least with “brand bashing” you can back up your claims with some facts or personal experience instead of forming an opinion based on a couple of pictures.

Lito/PistolPete – I envy your bikes! Am I even allowed to say that or could it be seen at taking a roundabout stab at another brand....
>:D :thumleft:
Jonix said:
It seems as if I have started off on the wrong foot here. Apologies for not introducing myself â?? I have done so now.

My post was in no way intended to upset any members of this platform who so generously contribute to the forum in a positive manner nor did I imply that there is something intrinsically wrong with hiding behind an alias or your hand-me-down laptop. I was hoping that some would spot the irony that I am indeed doing the exact same thing.

My issue is the fact that â??forummersâ? (if there is such a word) are invited to share their experiences (called ride reports I think). Then you get people to whom I referred to as the â??idiotic, insignificant fewâ? who make statements about the environment, the people and their intensions etc. without knowing the environment, people or intensions. In my mind with very personal statements like:

â??....  , its about hurting the environment, and disturbing an area where others would also like to visit.â?

â??I don't give a dam about some fool wanting to set a perfectly good bike on fire.â?

â??Its STUPID shit like this that gets bikers banned all over the place !!â?

â??Swak smaakâ?

â??Unfortunately,  I do not in any way get exited by acts of egotistic indulgence.â?

I have made the time to read the rules of this forum and I see that â??brand bashingâ? is strictly prohibited. But hey, feel free to bash peopleâ??s integrity as far as the environment, taste and egotistic indulgence is concerned â?? SWAK SMAAK!. At least with â??brand bashingâ? you can back up your claims with some facts or personal experience instead of forming an opinion based on a couple of pictures.

Lito/PistolPete â?? I envy your bikes! Am I even allowed to say that or could it be seen at taking a roundabout stab at another brand....
>:D :thumleft:

Jonix, ek laaik jou staail. I too have remarked on the internet's ability to give a brave (albeit anonymous) and opinionated voice to those hiding their sticky keyboards - people who's only qualification to comment on some stuff is internet access.

I guess that's what postmodernism is all about then.