The good, the bad and the ugly

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The sun is shining and life I good.

There is a rest stop/lookout point halfway up the pass. Before I got there 3 guys on GSA's came flying past me. I thought that it pretty impressive riding and their side cases were mm from scraping the pavement.


As I get to the lookout there are close to 50 bikes parked there. All of them cruisers and HD's, me with my S10, and the three Beemers that is circling the parked bikes like cowboys herding a herd of cattle. Now please note, I do not judge people according to the bike they ride, but I am noticing certain behaviour trends with guys riding particular brands of bikes  :peepwall:.

I park and take off my helmet. The guy next to me starts chatting with me. The usual stuff - where are you from, where are you going... Eventually he he ask the general crowd if "the triplets are going to park their german tanks or keep circling the wagons". The "triplets" find a parking spot far away from us plebs. Just then a CanAm Spyder pull in, and also do not want to associate with us plebs, and goes to park next to the Beemers. He turns around, and backs straight in to the one Beemer knocking it over. The roar of the crowd was deafening. The triplets saddle up and leave....

On top of the pass my temp guage shows 4C

View at the back of the pass

The clouds are covering the sky again. That there looks like snow...

yes, some snowflakes, but at least not rain


Next stop is Cook City-Silver Gate

I have an Elk burger for lunch - tastes just like beef. Entering Yellowstone National Park it starts raining again, but only for 30min.

The small black specs in the pic are all bison

Typical Yellowstone scenery

With LOTS of tourist traffic

I pulled in at Old Faithful geyser. The place is packed. It looks like Wallmart on the day before xmas. There is a huge crowd wanting to see the geyser. For those that do not know, Old Faithful is not that faithful. It does not erupt every hour - it can take anywhere from 40 min to 2 hours. It is almost 5 pm and i contemplate if i should hang around for possibly 2 hours or move on...

Ian in Great Brak River said:
Poor triplets ... I like that !

Ment to ask you about the deflectors you have on the front forks - where did you get them ?

got them from a vendor called TABASCO on the forum. they are worldcrosser copies, but works really well and a lot cheaper
Nice, very nice pictures. You mentioned YOUR FARM.
Don't you need a farmhand? I will bring my own S10  :ricky:
woody1 said:
Nice, very nice pictures. You mentioned YOUR FARM.
Don't you need a farmhand? I will bring my own S10   :ricky:
I cant afford to pay you the minimum hourly wage of $11, but you can come visit any time!!
immigrant said:
the 6 blocks in the top left corner is my farm. everything south of me is crown land. tough to see on this screen shot but there are 1000 kms of forestry roads to explore :ricky:

Thanks. I take it you're in the timber business then?

Wow $11/hr - In terms of Ronts, that's a pretty good salary - Amazing how the exchange rate affects things.

I lived there I would consider putting down a hole for oil.  :deal:

Awesome RR! Thanks for sharing!!

So clean, so beautiful, NO potholes.

One question. In the first part of the RR before the 1600 km home there is a pic of a left bend with fields to the right. just in from the verge of the road an just before the yellow line there was what seemed purposely cut out rectangles running around the entire corner on the edge of the yellow line???

Are these cut inyo the road surface to act as cats eyes like we have in SA or are they there to act as a warning that your car wheels are nearing the verge?????????
spoedvark said:
Awesome RR! Thanks for sharing!!

So clean, so beautiful, NO potholes.

One question. In the first part of the RR before the 1600 km home there is a pic of a left bend with fields to the right. just in from the verge of the road an just before the yellow line there was what seemed purposely cut out rectangles running around the entire corner on the edge of the yellow line???

Are these cut inyo the road surface to act as cats eyes like we have in SA or are they there to act as a warning that your car wheels are nearing the verge?????????

Yes, it is grooves cut in to both sides of the road, and like you I assume its sole purpose is to wake the driver up if he steers of the road, cause it make one hell of a noise when you drive over it
I decide to leave Old Faithful because a) its raining again, b) i cannot stand all the people and c) there is going to be one hell of a traffic jam when everybody leaves.

I come around a corner and there is a huge traffic jam. I wait for 10 minutes and do not move an inch. It became clear to me when entering Yellowstone that general traffic rules do not apply. People would stop on the highway to take pictures, leave their doors open after leaving their stopped car on the highway or pull their big campers across the highway to take a better picture. So i decide to slowly pass the line of vehicles on the right shoulder. Most cars when they see me in their rearview mirror pull out of the way when they see me coming to give me more room and send me on my way with a smile. This goes on for about 2 miles and there is no end in sight to this traffic jam.I also do not see any vehicles coming from the front. I keep going on the right shoulder and about 100 feet in front of me a guy pulls over to the right, blocking my "escape route". OK, whatever, I will wait till we move ahead, maybe he did not see me.

We move ahead and he keeps blocking me, looking at me in his mirrors. The guy in the pickup next to me signals that next time we move ahead he will back off a bit so i can go around the guy blocking me. Cool - nice guy. The line crawls forward, pickup guy gives me some space and I proceed to pass asshole in front of me. Just when I was next to his drivers door, he swerves the the left, and opens his door. I shit my pants and for some odd reason brush his door with my kneepad. I must of tried to balance myself when I tried to avoid hitting his door and stuck my knee out to counterbalance.SHIT!!!! I pull back on to the right shoulder. As I dismount and take my helmet off, pickup guy is standing next to asshole and it looks like he is going to shove his fist in assholes mouth. I walk up to assholes car, not knowing what to do next. Do we call the cops, do we fill out a report..... The guy in the pickup is huge. He has no neck. His waist, shoulders and head are all the same width - 4 feet.He looks like a sumo wrestler. I am happy that pickup guy is on my side. I am also very happy I am not the asshole. Pickup guy instructs asshole to apologize for "assaulting" me. The situation is getting out of control. Assholes wife is trying to use her phone (maybe to call the cops) and the two kids in the back of assholes car is crying uncontrollably. I am not sure what the hell is going to happen next. Sumo wrestler gives me his business card and tells me to keep going, he will be a witness to assholes assault but he says he is sure asshole will not take the matter further.

I get the hell out of there. The cause of the traffic jam was a bison sleeping next to the road and obviously presented perfect closeup photo opportunities to city folk.....

I exit the park and get something to eat in West Yellowstone

immigrant said:
spoedvark said:
Awesome RR! Thanks for sharing!!

So clean, so beautiful, NO potholes.

One question. In the first part of the RR before the 1600 km home there is a pic of a left bend with fields to the right. just in from the verge of the road an just before the yellow line there was what seemed purposely cut out rectangles running around the entire corner on the edge of the yellow line???

Are these cut inyo the road surface to act as cats eyes like we have in SA or are they there to act as a warning that your car wheels are nearing the verge?????????

Yes, it is grooves cut in to both sides of the road, and like you I assume its sole purpose is to wake the driver up if he steers of the road, cause it make one hell of a noise when you drive over it

Thanks! Interesting idea. Saves on barriers as well it seems!!!!
As I leave West Yellowstone the skies clear up and the sun comes out again. I take the Gallatin Rd. to Bozeman. It turns out be be a nice road. You ride through the Gallatin National Forest and all along the Gallatin River. There are lots of guys fishing all along the river. Very peaceful....

When I reach Bozeman there is this giant american flag. It stands proud against the (almost) clear blue sky.

I spend the night in Bozeman. It seems to be a nice town. Nice views of the mountains wherever you look

Tomorrow i head home via Lewistown, Malta and Swift Current.
Great RR, loving it! Good luck with the return leg!
It is a beautiful Sunday morning. No wind and clear skies. It is a 1200km ride home, so I leave at 07h00.

Did i say it was a beautiful day? it is one of those days that you can ride forever. Nothing else is on your mind. Just you and the bike and the road.

I see a lot of these postboxes next to the road. they seem to have seen quite a few years of service. I always wonder what stories they would be able to tell if they could talk. How may letters of good news, bad news, condolences, congratulations, letters of acceptance, rejections........

These things are HUGE!!!

I stop in Lewistown

for a breakfast of champions

Between Lewistown and Malta

I cross the border with no problems. I am anxious to cross the South Saskatchewan river that will be bursting its banks, if their predictions are correct, at any time. They anticipated all the flood waters from Calgary will be coming down that river. It looks like any other day when I cross it. They were out with their predictions by a couple of days

Almost home

Home. Time to play ball
