The Karoo is not flat, hot or dry!

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Greenshields said:
Great RR,what makes it special is that not many riders would go two-up on a 200.That takes skill and patience.Not having the power available to get out of trouble on gravel would worry the hell out of me.You guys, going nowhere slowly,have had an epic trip.

Thank you Sir.

Skill I do not have in abundance - in adventure terms I'm still a whippersnapper. Normally I have do not have patience, as a rule, but, this trip taught me that absolute power and speed can only be used some of the time.

chicco said:
Nice report and pics, thanks for sharing. dont you have a map of your route to share?

Thank you.

I do not have fancy gadgets and tools, but hopefully, this will give you some idea?



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Jislaaik, awesome! I noticed the wide soft luggage strap across the pillion seat, was that not too uncomfortable for wifey?
I'm glad that you're home safe. Thanks again for the effort and sharing your adventure with us.  :thumleft:

This just show you that you don't need to have a fancy big bike to have a awesome adventure.
Very nice and well done!  I love the "it's not about the bike" thinking.  Like the dude riding around the world on a postie.

Lem said:
Uitstekende verslag!

Gooi tog nog  :thumleft:

Vertel ons ook bietjie meer oor die bike, julle bagasie, kostes en petrolverbruik op hierdie trip.

Julle het baie baie mooi plekke gebly. Toe ek laas op Sutherland was was daardie V8 lodge noggie eers in beplanning nie, die ou karre was darem al daar. Nice wat hulle daar gedoen het  :thumleft:

Baie dankie!

Vir meer oor die bike kan jy hier gaan loer:

Die eerste klomp fotos wys ons bagasie - ons moes maar so lig as moontlk pak. Dit is nie so maklik nie. Ek en my vrou het seker gemaak dat as daar enige iets langs die pad gebeur dat ons dit sal kan handle.

Vir die bike het ons olie, spark plug en fuses ingepak. Vir die tires was extra tubes, patches, leak sealant, kompressor, hand pump, bead buddy, tire spoons etc. Tool-In-A-Can, cable ties, gorilla duct tape, pratley steel en and bits en bobs (kan nie alles onthou nie...)
Ons het ook wet wipes, lappe en "wit goud" gehad.
Ons toolbag het net alles gehad wat nodig was - spanners vir die wiele, sockets, tang, leathermann, skoewedraaiers, electrical tester etc.
Ons first-aid kit sou darm skrapies ens. kon reghelp, maar af bene en arms sou maar gelol het.

Die rugsakke het ons gepak dat hulle minder as 5kg elk weeg. Die kleiner sakke wat aand die crashbars vasgemaak is was baie lig. Die top box het die tool bag ingehad, vanity cases, first aid kit, sunscreen, picking rugsak met sweets en koekies, water bottels end die grondseil. Was maar swaar. Die bike cover was daar vir drie redes, 1. hou vir Thomas veilig, 2. shade/cover vir ons langs die pad as die paw-paw aangeklop het en 3. om die goed in die top box weg te hou van die son af.

My vrou is die Opperste Minister van Finansies -  dit is seker vulgar om oor pitte te praat, maar die oorslaap en kos en en en was seker so by die R8k, petrol was net oor die 1k. Nie te bad nie, dink ek.

Average consumption was 38.4km/l  :biggrin:

2StrokeDan said:
2StrokeDan said:
This made me sit up and take notice.......

2-Up on a 200, and far to go too!!

Despite the buff and pink knife, you two have my respect.

What was you average speed, say on tar, and on dirt?  What was your consumption, fuelwise?

OK, I also use a buff, to compensate for my worn-out old Airoh S4, and my shrinking 62-year old head. :biggrin:

Average speed and consumption?

Please see reply #134  :thumleft:
OomD said:
Jislaaik, awesome! I noticed the wide soft luggage strap across the pillion seat, was that not too uncomfortable for wifey?


She couldn't complain too much - she designed and manufactured it  :biggrin:

She added a cushion, so it is double layered with the bike's own seat. She did however mention that the cycle tights gave her some discomfort.
Lekker RR

As ek al hierdie "klein-bike" avonture lees, begin 'n man jeuk vir iets ligter.

Eks bly jy het Prieska geniet! Ek bly net onder die koppie! Jammer ekt julle nie gesien nie- sou graag wou hallo se. My besigheid se naam is Prieska Meubels. As jyulle weer hier deurry- kom se hallo!
Thank you for the time to write this up.

Ive been on the forum now for a couple of years and most of the discussions were usually about the big adventure bike. 

In the last year or so I saw an increasing amount of small bikes popping up (maybe I was blind and just did not notice; or I only see them now that I also own one.)

Either way I love it. Keep them coming.

Nice RR
Loving this RR. Small Bikes are some times beter { itchy boots } she is riding solo from the bottom of south America to Canada on a CRF 300.
Tx vir die lekker RR met mooi fotos en inligting oor die trip. wel gedaan!

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