The Piglets BIG adventure!!!!!!.

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Race Dog
Nov 8, 2008
Reaction score
Honda XR650R
After a lot of careful, planning over a very long time. “Well ok from 9:30am to 10:30am” The Piglet and I set off to explore some uncharted territory.  We had everything needed for a long excursion into the wild. “1 bottle of self inflating tire weld!!”

We had to cross this vast mountain range to get to the next vast mountain range!!!


It was a Dam fine day for riding.


On the way I saw this local and decided to go say hi. I told him all about my riding adventures. He didn’t seem very interested in that. He said he got too many problems no have time for riding. Something to do with having 52 wife’s and about 365 offspring. We parted ways.


The Piglet insisted on this Picture! She loves the pink flowers.


We didn’t travel too far for the first of many water crossings.


As you can see this one was in flood and a very dangerous crossing!! We did it ;D


We just got over crossing the river in flood when we came across this gigantic tree that must have been pushed over by a wild animal. But this will not stop us. Over we go!!!  ::)


More pics by The Piglet. She's into nature and all, you know!!



The road was full of challenges but we endured and conquered. This must have been washed away with the previous hurricane we had in this area.



More river crossings. This river was not in flood.  ;D


We made a quick stop and I took a pic looking back at what we had conquered so far.


But time doesn't wait for anyone - we have to move forward. Looking on!!  :)


Another tree!! This one was pushed over by elephants. It was a big horde of them!! I have proof - see next pic.  :mwink:


See look - lots of elephant footprints.  :thumbsup:


Going down the mountain was very slow. Water everywhere!!!  :crybaby2:


Reaching the bottom of the valley. Back in civilization I came across this sight!


Like all good dogs. The piglet and I went to have a closer look. No one around so we made ourselves right at home like good dogs on the porch.


Boots up and just hanging!!!


I don't think anyone besides me has been here for a long time.  :-\


Lovely valley.


Moving on we had to negotiate some gates.


This was one of the biggest water crossing we conquered so far!! As you can see it is very deep. The Piglet almost drowned. But being such a great bike she made it through.  ;)


The next gate was great I had some audience. I did some wheelies to entertain them and got a good Mo-ooh from them.


Little Mary insisted on saying good bye the old fashioned way by kissing the hero's hand.


We past through some thick overgrown forests.


Another of The Piglet’s pics.


After that we rode for a very long time(10 min)and came across this hunter’s hut and decided to get some local foods.


I brewed some Iron for The Piglet to put back some iron in her bones. :wink: I had some wild snails and raw meat.  :wildlife:


It didn't take the wild animals long to smell my raw meat and make their way to us. We had to get out very fast. They were vicious!!


Local time was 1:00pm.
Total distance travel 45 km. Off road 35 km
Total time traveling 2 and half ours.

But wait there is more. We had another mountain to cross.

Part two to be continued>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Nog iemand wat van Iron Brew hou!! Laat kom die res seblief.
very nice report, seems like you had a nice time. I just have one question which you may ignore...
Is the front tyre put right way round?

Cant wait for the 2nd part
I shivered with fear at the dangerous nature of this pioneering ride into the vastness of this terrifying  terrain..!  :eek:

Never will I be scared again. You are an inspiration.  :thumleft:
Beltzer said:
very nice report, seems like you had a nice time. I just have one question which you may ignore...
Is the front tyre put right way round?

Cant wait for the 2nd part

As long as the wheel can turn forward it doesn't really mater to me!!!  :thumleft:
Part 2

After what felt like eternity we finally out ran the wild animals from the Hunters hut. We where going very fast possibly averaging 60 maybe even 70km/h.

In front, lies our next mountain to cross!! In the right corner or is that on the left are the dangerous animals lurking!!


On the way to the mountain we came across this fascinating sign. We decided to go left.


The entrance to the mountain. This was not going to be an easy assent!!  :book1:


The Piglet’s first mistake for the day. She lead us down a dead end. We will just turn around and find another way.


We headed back about 100m, we found a left turn. It turned out to be a very steep and long uphill. The piglet only skipped one beat but we made it…all the way up, only to find the track runs out!!  ???



We seemed to have lost the trail completely now. But The Piglet wanted to go on.  :thumleft:


We knew that there was a track on the other side of this ridge. So we pushed on. Up up and over we go.


Almost at the ridge top. I can do it, I think I can, I think I can, I know I can, I know I can, Brummm Brummmm.   :imaposer:


That was not easy but The Piglet just pushed on. Never looking back. Forward we go!!!  :ricky:


We still had to find a way through that forest. We came across this lovely opening in the middle of the jungle.


The Piglet was very tired by now so I let her rest for just a few minutes. :rolleyes:


We eventually found the path. Well, what looks like a path.



We did the right thing and bowed to worship and thank KilRoy's God's!!!(L-S and S-ZA). Thanks for keeping us safe and showing the way.  :angel12: :notworthy:


After the praying we needed to make some good time and distance so the Piglet decided to shed some weight in the form of unnecessary tags. Spot the missing link!!


Our fast travels soon came to a halt. We came across this almost impenetrable fence. I think it was placed here by Jan van Riebeeck just before the BIG BANG. It hasn't changed since then. See, Etienne - no Evolution!!!

The Piglet and I have been around the block. (Twice) We devised a brilliant plan.  In no time we made it over the fence :bueller:


We travelled for what felt like days and nights and more days!! Finally we got to the edge of the mountain.


Looking down. We decide to stick to the mountain side for as long as the trail goes. I think The Piglet was scared of the savage locals down in the valley.


The trail was challenging. This part had been washed away by the last Harley-cane nick-named Milady. It came through here a week ago on a trailer.



The trail soon ended!!  :-[


We enjoyed the views for a little and then headed down the mountain.



Didn't take to long to reach the flatter easy roads. Good spot for a  :pottytrain3:


It was a long hard road but with The Piglet’s strength and my guidance we did it!!!   :thumleft:


We conquered the mountain. It now seems like a small hill in the distance.


Total time spent riding = 6 and half hours.
Total distance traveled = 115 km 85 off road.
Total cost = R76.
Amount of fun = can't compute!!

The Only Limitation in life Is Your Imagination!