The Unforgiven Trail - and the legends that tamed it

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Day 11 at White Lady camp near Brandberg was a rest day again, however there was a route around the Brandberg if you liked.
I did but not the full route, I only wanted to ride the bit we did 2 years ago, the then last bit we rode in the last light of the day - so I did.
Leaving camp I found myself in the riverbed and followed that for a bit, but as I saw no game I got back to the track and rode that.
Close by this crossed a rather large, wide and well maintained road, dirt of course ..... and curiosity led me to follow it. It led to the Brandberg Reserve where one can park and hike into the berg, some 2 hours apparently.
I wasn't up for that so read the various notices - didn't know that there's dassies there, I wonder how they got there!

Anyway, back to the track - which was flowing and fast, great!
Somewhere there I stopped for a pic to notice something moved behind me, and turning around two dogs approaching stopped - so I chased them, and they led me to their master - a herder herding his flock of sheep.
Had a nice conversation with him, and by what he said I gather they get informed where the (collared!) lion are - his sheep and he himself were safe there, the cats were faarrr away!

I continued but turned around eventually, back to camp.
There we could make jaffels ourselves for lunch, and this news I spread around on the lawn next to the pool, meerkatte & bar where everybody had gathered - and although I genuinely like jaffels also me did not take up this offer but had a burger.
No milkshakes anymore that day, we cleaned them out of icecream the previous eve ;)

Late afternoon I rode along the cruiser with the staff in the riverbed in the hope to see some game, and although a rather scenic drive we saw no game. Then Greg had a go on my bike, he's an old 2stroke fan.... and came back with a wide smile :ROFLMAO:


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Day 10

The track to Brandberg was lekker but again a very long day. a good day for me, although I would not have apreciated another km of it.

The swim was great at Sesfontein lodge, although there were rumours of Anties very frustrated with us not showering before getting into the water, most of us decided to avoid confrontation when it came to the second swim of the day at Brandberg. Not bad if you have two hard and hot sessions in one day on the bike and end both with a cold drink and a swim.


The last bit of the day had some thick red dune like sand to ride. It was tough but I enjoyed it. I think it helped that I could not see how warm my bike was getting. My opinion on the heat management of a 990 was never good and have not changed. Anyhow, it worked extremely hard again and took all I threw at it.





When we got to Brandberg I was a little lost as to where the restaurant/swimming pool was. Only person around was a little lady camping there, they were on a Triumph 900, heavily packed for overlanding. She said she was pillion and I congrutaled them on making it through the thick sand with such a heavy setup.
Later at the swimming pool it turns out her partner is another lady! They left 7 months ago from black forest in Germany. Been on the road for 5 years. I really enjoyed the chat, very interesting stories by them. their social media is ADV Travelbug. They should be in South Africa soon but I see they also way behind on social media updates. Sorry, no pics
The swim was great at Sesfontein lodge, although there were rumours of Anties very frustrated with us not showering before getting into the water, most of us decided to avoid confrontation when it came to the second swim of the day at Brandberg. Not bad if you have two hard and hot sessions in one day on the bike and end both with a cold drink and a swim.
Amazing how easily people can get offended!:rolleyes:

I hope someone pee'd in the water to prove a point 😏
Haal my hoed af vir die 990..... baie bly julle kon die bike weer aan die gang kry! Conrad maak sommer weer gou goed soos nuut (y)

Maar daai T7 praat met my, as ek enige bike kon kies in die pics dink ek dit sou die ene vir my wees!

Sal nice wees al almal biki indrukke van hule eie en ander fietse op die trip ook kan gee...... ;)
Sal nice wees al almal biki indrukke van hule eie en ander fietse op die trip ook kan gee

Goeie idee.
Ek het n nuwe 500 - wat ek sou gebring het, het selfs baie uitgesien om die ding daar (vir my vir die 1e keer omrede die ding nuut is) te ry ..... maar, omdat ek hom by die KTM Rally gebruik het was daar eintlik nie genoeg tyd om hom daarna te clean, diens EN na Loxton toe te ry nie!

Sodoende het ek my 300 TPI (2nd Gen, 2020 model) gebruik, met natuurlik ook sy standaard gearing (13 voor, dink 50 agter), wat ongeveer 40 ure op gehad het.

Daai 40 ure was 1025km oppi Odo, dus gemiddelde spoed was ~25km/u - was duidelik wys ek het hom net vir tegniese ryery gebruik, soos Wakkersdtroom trips, Wolwefloof & WildWest ens naweke.
Sy odo wys nou 2600km, en sy ure 74.5hrs - wat gemiddeld 34.7km/h is, maar die werkelike prentjie vir hierdie trip is soiets van 1575km/34.5hrs > 45.7km/h gemiddeld.

Sy topspoed weet ek nie (is erens bokant 115km/h) maar dan skree die ding wragtig baie, en sodoende het ek oppi paaie so tusse 80 & 90 km/h gery - en dan is hy wel alreeds oppi pyp maar skree nie, hy sal op die manier London toe kan ry (NIE met my op nie, let wel asb, skiet my eerder!).
So nee, dis nie die ideale fiets vir die lang paaie nie ...... maar hy blink eenvoudig uit orals anderste!!!!
In sand is dit n ideale fiets, met net die throttle breek jy, verbasend beheerbaar, die agterwiel los en stuur met dit, fantasties!
En op die meer tegniese goed doen jy net wat nodig is, en dis amper makliker met n 2stroke omdat hy nie oppi enjin afrem nie!

Ek het n 12 Liter tenk opgesit vir die trip voor die tyd, en ek sal die ding op los nou. Dis die grootste tenk was mens kan kry en ek was geworry dat dit nie genoeg is nie ...... maar ek was rerig stomverbaas dat die skreeding tusse 17 & 18 km per liter gee!! 👌
Vrek min 2T-olie ook gebruik (1.3 liter vir die heel trip).
Dis rerig fantastiese syfers wat ek nie verwag het nie, en weer, die GROOT PLESIER wat my dit gegee het oorals waar dit nie paaie was nie >>> PERFEK!!!

Is die 300 beter as die 500?
Ek weet nie, elkeen het voor & nadele teen mekaar opgeweeg - en oppi lang paaie sal die 500 hom natuurlik laglag agterlaat.
Egter, Hardy het my ook al gevra: "Sal jy die 300 weer gebruik op die trip?"

n Klipharde JA maar met n klein verskil: ek sal n 15-tand voor opsit, en dalk n 14-tand saamvat as dit te groot blyk te wees vir die tegniese goed.
Redes is.....
- ek's n 2stroke fan, n groot een, en dit ry so maklik en docile op slegte goed dat dit eintlik n no-brainer is, en ja, dis amper cheating!
- met n hoer gearing sal hy laglag by 500's bly oppi oop paaie...
- ..... maar nie net dit nie, hy sal dan ook baie vinniger op die sand kan loop - en daar's BAIE van op hierdie trip!!!! 😋

In 2 minds of ek hom weer sal vat, ek sal daar so n klomp nagte oor moet slaap!
In kort, dit was n buitegewoon goeie keuse fiets vir hierdie trip 👌 .... maarrrrrr, net die 2nd Gen TPI, nie die 1e Gen of n Carb-300 nie!
Redes is, die 1rst Gen is 'soos die ouens se' nie so betroubaar nie, en hul oliepompie breek ook klaarblykelik, en dit beteken "einde trip!!!" dan!!! (Lees: einde enjin, groot kostes!)
En, n carb-300 suip eenvoudig skandelik baie, 1 op 10 is wat jy kan verwag - maar ook, dan moet jy self elke keer premix meng as jy volmaak??? NIE met n TPI nie, dis net volgooi en klaar, KIS!
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Haal my hoed af vir die 990..... baie bly julle kon die bike weer aan die gang kry! Conrad maak sommer weer gou goed soos nuut (y)

Maar daai T7 praat met my, as ek enige bike kon kies in die pics dink ek dit sou die ene vir my wees!

Sal nice wees al almal biki indrukke van hule eie en ander fietse op die trip ook kan gee...... ;)

Laat Andrew kom vertel oor die T7 vs 500 in Kaokoland.

Ek's aan die eenkant spyt ek het nie sy bike gery nie, maar om eerlik te wees, ek wou nooit afstand doen van die 500 nie. 🥰🥰

In my opinie:
Op hierdie trip is daar niks beter as die 500.
Die enigste bike beter, as mens sou unsupported gaan, is n 450RR
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