Uitgehaak by Winkelhaak OR the bunny lays eggs?

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Race Dog
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Toon - TransAlp XL650V 2004
Honda NC750X
Here are just some pics of todayâ??s ride. I had bought the Garmin Nuvi 710 GPS yesterday and wanted to see how it reacted. Last night in my car the woman who talks on the thing, sounding very like a mother, was probably on the verge of telling me to go to hell because every time she said turn left I either ignored her or did the opposite. At any moment I was expecting her to give me a good scolding and send me to bed without dinner!

Today I shut her up and kept the unit in my pocket, only consulting it once in a while, at strategic places.

I started off by doing the Eenzaamheid road, stopping as always, to open the gate, which I marked on the GPS. A little further and what should I find? Who said the Eenzaamheid road was boring?


I then took the gravel sypadjie along the AgterPerel road, just to confuse matters and then over the Lady Loch bridge to Wellington. I note that the swimming pool has been removed! Then along the gravel to Hermon, stopping at the old bridge, which I marked on the GPS.


Over the Nuwekloof pass and along the Staatskerk road past the perskepit part and then back to Tulbagh-weg with a short left to Wolesley. Here I again stopped for a bit of a detour in the forest, returning to BadA (ss).



Along the way I crept up to some sheep laying in the road. Nope they were not laying eggs like Easter bunnies â?? sheepses are ovi-vi-viparous, or is that just wiperous â?? whatever! Anyway â?? they must be deaf because I was right beside them, wrestling to get my camera out before the one next to me looked up and spotted me, and began running. That woke the one sleeping sheep which was now a surprised standing sheep looking quite sheepless.


Over the Michells pass and up Gydo pass turning toward Touwsriver â?? the same way as the day before yesterday with KiethK but now I took the left to Odessa but going to Winkelhaak past Loch Lynne.


And found this ruinously ruined ruin which must have been quite a nice place in its pre-ruinous days.



And of course the body of water at Loch Lynne.



Contiuing on to Winkelhaak O/G (Onder Geskiktepad).


Wonder what the hell this means?


This is why I ride, I like to explore, and look around and kick the stones, crush some leaves and smell themâ?¦..


And follow the road to see where it goesâ?¦.






And listen to the birds and waterfowlâ?¦


And check out the vygiesâ?¦.


And read to road signs, speaking of which â?? first time ever I saw this oneâ?¦.


And if you ever wondered where the butternuts come fromâ?¦..


And I just love bodies of waterâ?¦..


And by now I was well and truly LOST! AGAIN!  Just one of my many foibles. Oh well, consult the GPS. At first I got the message that the battery was low, and lower and very low, then the pointer did a dance like a bee does when communicating itâ??s dayâ??s flying to the rest of the hive and then <*phut*> dark screen. How low can you go on your batteries ou? I must obviously invest in a power point on the bike!

So Mrs Knowitall of the â??make a U turnâ? and â??Turn left, and then turn rightâ? had left me in the lurch, just when I needed her most. And where the hell was Biggles? The Gps was now as thick as the proverbial.

Ah well, next best thing is to ask a tractor load of passing laborers.


They almost made me understand that I should follow the road and â??in four hundred fifty meters turn leftâ? which would take me to the â??teerpadâ?. I thanked them profusely and did as they suggested and before you could say â??that will be four and a half thousand rand pleaseâ? I was on the R303 headed for Ceres and the calm waters of a roadside dam.


I stopped at the top of the Gydo pass again, for the fun of it and took some pictures of a very shy TA.



And an even shyer old path, which, I tried to remember the name of the KTMer that posted a ride report about it.

On the way down the pass I began getting peculiar feelings but realized that it was just wind. Wind all the way home.

I am now whaiting for the Nuviâ??s battery to load so I can see the results of the dayâ??s ride, as far as it went and my head hurts â?? well actually my neck.
droffarc, I always enjoy your writing - and the riding you do! Nice stuff...
Really nice.... a power point is a must. Did you mount the GPS on the bike? A power point is a must.
Lekker Droff, better pics this time... ;D

I had a client in that area and used my bike to visit the farms. When it is dry there its VERY dry. Seem that they had good rains.

Thanks for the report
Thanks.  I am always interested in where you go.  My 1:250 000 & Slingsby get a bit lost.  However Mapsource & the topo maps seem to show where you went.  That Winkelhaak area interests me a lot.
Did this section late last year.
The contrast between the rugged rocky terain and the smooth blue waters is awesome.
I was surprised how much water there actually was in the area.
Can you believe the cultivation there? I can smell those onions in the air again.
Thanks mate!

Seems like you enjoy the 'Grontpad' - get some knobbies, Dude.