Verneukpan 2012. 200km/h-report

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Dankie manne en manninne.Dit was n great naweek.!!!!!Ons moet gou weer so maak :thumleft:Gooi die fotos!!!
My bike het darem self vir die laaste 3km voor Brandvlei gesê daar's fokkol in die tenk oor, moes later 120 sit en ry. Was ook maar goed, anders het ek die padbikes verder aanstoot gegee!

Dankie almal (met ekstra-spesiale vermelding vir die hings en die bok), dit was bitter lekker. Ek dink definitief ons moet gewoonte maak van die een.

This was a great weekend. Hinksding has outdone himself to organize this event, well done Stoffel, and a big thank you for everyone who helped along the way. Hinksding, your escorting skills are also top notch. Gliding along next to you through the Bushmansland was a lot of fun.

There has been a constant flow of kak praat throughout the weekend with plenty of laughter. As usual, I missed out on the best jokes  :'(

On my way home I got airborne a little and my pig shook off his beak and a few other body parts. Who said pigs can't fly?

:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: - we will be back  :mwink:
2StrokeDan said:
Buff, die skande!! Het jy toggie lat ou Weskus vir n Yamaha wegry op n blerrie meelgevreet nie??!! :peepwall:,
Maar moet self se, daai meel gevreet is giftig. Self wil ek hom nie aanvat nie, en daai klong weeg ook mos fokol.
Legadema said:
2StrokeDan said:
Buff, die skande!! Het jy toggie lat ou Weskus vir n Yamaha wegry op n blerrie meelgevreet nie??!! :peepwall:,
Maar moet self se, daai meel gevreet is giftig. Self wil ek hom nie aanvat nie, en daai klong weeg ook mos fokol.

Dankie Stoffel :thumleft:

Ek was nogal lus om die meelgesig aan te vat,  maar my exhaust het morsaf gebreek op die eerste pan toe ek bietjie vir Fenderbender jaag.
Looks like you guys had alot of fun  :thumleft: sub
It pains my heart to post this pic but to class yourself as a good sportsman you need to accept defeat graciously... maar dit bly maar 'n moerse bitter pil op te sluk as 'n GS jou verby kom op 190km/h. Daai GS van hingsding is maar giftig  :eek:

In the pic:
David on his ST on the left and Stoffel on his GS on the right.

The ST has the legs up till 4th but then that "highly modified" GS  ;) hits it's stride.

And just to put things into perspective, Weskus cleaned up Hinksding  :eek:

I can't remember having this much fun on my bike, my teeth were getting cold from laughing in my helmet  :biggrin:


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Nice gloves you wearing Buff?!!
Cool pic :thumleft:
Buff ................. as jy daai neuskrap vinger van die voorbriek afgehaal het sou jy nie die bike op die regterkant in die foto gehad het nie ...............  :lol8:

Mooi piccie daai .....................  :thumleft:
chrisL said:
Nice gloves you wearing Buff?!!
Cool pic :thumleft:

LOL... This is what happens when a photo shoot turns into an impromptu drag race  ::)
I consoled myself in the fact that if I moered off at that speed my hands would be the last thing I would have to worry about  ;)

I've got plenty more pics and vids but this was such a lekka weekend that I'm afraid no RR is going to do it justice  :-\
Buff said:
chrisL said:
Nice gloves you wearing Buff?!!
Cool pic :thumleft:

LOL... This is what happens when a photo shoot turns into an impromptu drag race  ::)
I consoled myself in the fact that if I moered off at that speed my hands would be the last thing I would have to worry about  ;)

I've got plenty more pics and vids but this was such a lekka weekend that I'm afraid no RR is going to do it justice  :-\
Don't be afraid...................................were not!!
Gooi!! :thumleft:
So paar jaar terug het ek en my neef met my Toyota 2.7 VVTi bakkie daar op die pan gaan jae, ek het self hin 180km/h geclock op die GPS.  Nou, om dit lekker skouspelagtig te maak het my neef met die kamera gesit en my afgeneem terwyl ek teen 180km/h verby hom jae.  Die probleem kom in as jy so paar BlackLabels sterk is en jy het niks om voor te mik behalwe hin ou wat sit(wat ook hin paar BlackLabels sterk is) nie... ek het hom net-net gemis!
darthvader said:
So paar jaar terug het ek en my neef met my Toyota 2.7 VVTi bakkie daar op die pan gaan jae, ek het self hin 180km/h geclock op die GPS.  Nou, om dit lekker skouspelagtig te maak het my neef met die kamera gesit en my afgeneem terwyl ek teen 180km/h verby hom jae.  Die probleem kom in as jy so paar BlackLabels sterk is en jy het niks om voor te mik behalwe hin ou wat sit(wat ook hin paar BlackLabels sterk is) nie... ek het hom net-net gemis!