WC Bash 2013 Jamaka

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Carrots said:
Lyk na vet pret gewees........Oupa Heimie sit soos 'n regte bergie in die son en wyn suip!!  :peepwall: :pot:

Dis goeie Pinotage, jou low-life melk feetjie  :biggrin:
Well done to you Herman - you sure organised a superb bash!

Thanks so much for all your hard work.
My only gripe for the whole experience is the fact that I'm back at work today.

Some of my pics...

We arrived on the Wednesday, and stayed in the lap of luxury

Campsite before the masses arrived

We took the kids for a walk along the 'river trail', following the river downstream


Even rocks smile at Jamaka

Kids going for a ride with dad


Thursday night pudding  :drif:




Jethro on his PW50 - first time in about 6 months since an accident.
He has been very nervous to get back on the bike, but thanks to Troy (his new hero), he was soon enjoying the bike again.

Andy660 led some of us to Cederberg Oasis via Kromrivier for lunch.
Fuzzy Muzzy & Troy went off ahead, and Andy, Gavin and myself were left trailing behind.

Looking back down at Uitkyk pass

Refreshments at Kromrivier

Lunch at Oasis (Andy660, Mrs GroenMamba & GroenMamba)

When & where is the next one?  ;D  :ricky:
Baie dankie Riebeeker vir 'n baie lekker bash. Was lekker om weer ou gesigte te sien asook al die nuwe mense.

Ek en "Doef!" het so lekker gekuier dat ons nie eens een foto geneem het nie ;D

Ons is volgende jaar weer daar :thumleft:
Hier is my foto's

Jupiter, Freak, Motman en ek het saam opgery - Roete:
Durbanville Wellington, Bainskloofpas, Calabash (eet brekfis), Ceres, Theronsbergpas, Tankwa padstal (Braai en drink ietsie), Peerboomskloof / Skitterykloof pas, Katbakkiespas, regs Sederberge toe,  Blinkbergpas, Sederberge Oasis, (drink ietsie), Uitkyk pas, Jamaka (314Km totaal)

Freak by Calabash met sy splinternuwe ou GS. Welkom terug op die grondpad en terug vanaf die 'dark side'.


Ons wag vir 10:00 sodat die kombuismense opdaag,  maar kry darem intussen koffie en bier. Ek sluk om die beurt want albei is lekker...

Jupiter en Freak


Motman. Sy naam is Saterdag getrek vir 'n prys, maar hy is toe reeds huistoe.




Volgemaak op Ceres en skiet toe deur Tankwa Padstal toe

Die Stonehenge oorslapers sit toe klaar en wag vir ons daar. Rommel, Pistone Pete, Stoetie, ens, ens, ens.


Die padstal raak besiger soos mense opdaag. Party toer, ander gaan bash toe...

Mooi staan die AT's bymekaar


Die nommers lees CAR, maar dit is wel bikes


Enkyk wie daag op van Stilbaai af. Franarossi en sy hanteerder


Ons kry hout, maak vuur en begin rus. Netnou gaan ons braai.


Jacques (Motman)


Jupiter (sigaret) en die ander stoepsitters. Rommel sit agter en glimlag oor die klein plasie wat hy gekoop het. (Of was dit 3 plasies???  :peepwall: )

Die plek raak nog meer besig.


En skielik is ChrisL en Amanda ook daar

Aangekom by Jamaka het ek nie Vrydagaand foto's geneem nie. Die partytjie het goeie momentum gehad

Ek het wel in die oggend 'n paar foto's geneem

Die drom langs PistonPete, Jagsding en Rommel se tent (Ons het hom wel ook gebruik)...  :peepwall:


Nuwe dag. "Doef" en Sparky kom groet


MoederYster en Mevrou Hinksding se geheues kom terug. Hulle hou daarvan.

Stil lewe met babbelaas, motorfiets en oggendvuurtjie


Die dag vorder en dit raak tyd om oor te stap vir skaapkop ete.

Sparky en "DOEFdoef"




Mev Riebeeker se konings roosterkoeke


Roosterkoek en skaapkop met Jupiter wat wriemel van afwagtig.


Die altyd pragtige Mevrou Chrisl wat banier regmaak.

Agtermiddag vermaak


Kreefkoppe is blykbaar nie barbaars om te eet nie  ;) Seker net by 'n kaapse bash wat skaapkop, kreef, en spitbraai op dieselfde dag ge eet word.


Sondag na almal weg is

Ek het heeldag in die koelte le en chill en bietjie roes afslaap.



Dankie aan al die mense wat saam gekuier en die bash LEKKERR laat wees het.

Riebeeker - jy het 'n goeie jop gedoen  :thumleft:
Veilig by die huis. Thanks aan Riebeeker en Bottervet vir die moeite(en ek sal weet wat ek bedoel), en al die Honde wat dit weereens 'n lekker Bash gemaak het.
Ai dit was n lekker een die, dankie Herman en almal wat gehelp het. Die kos was net te veel en te lekker.
Die wors honne wat saamgery het, julle ou staatmakers pak solank vir die ECBash.
Sure looks like you guys all had a really Gr8 time out there. SWAMBO & I saw quite a few of you guys out on the various roads that we travelled on our way to the Oasis, where we camped the whole weekend along with "Vlam" & his SWAMBO.

Also saw a few of you guys @ the Oasis, on your pit-stop there. ;)

Hopefully next year round things will work out that we'll be able to join you all @ the next Bash.
Very nice weekend... Hope everyone got home safely and had a good time..Thanks to everyone who contributed to the organising of this event...
I am sorting pics and I will post them...
Rommel and I ambled into the Engen Winestop...no mad rush. We were kinda still deciding whether to hit Stonehenge or do Oasis....having heard of the recent rains and upgrades we decided to do Stonhenge...

pic1 Far side of the camp by the other huisie & pool.....it needs filling...
pic2 The real deal...which was filled with water and later...bodies..
pic3 My accommodation...front...with a view into the horizons..
pic4 From the back with my companion..



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Early evening and the bar was in full swing when we arrived....a dip in the pool by the entrance and all is well....
pic1 & 2 The Lapa...
pic3 Near my tent there is another huisie for smaller groups from which the staff can cater..
pic4 And another braai lapa...


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pic1 This lil' okie pulled in a few weeks ago & stayed....
pic2 They have alandline..
pic3 You can even play pool...
pic4 And get comprehensive directions..


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The following morning saw Rommel & I take a leisurely ride to Wally at the Padstal for breakfast....Lots of bikes turned up...
pic1 Rommel getting a chubby...
pic2 Rommel disappears...
pic3 Just a nice pic... ;D

We met up with Stoetie and trucked over Katbakkies for fuel at Oasis & then on to Jamaka.

Thanks once again :thumleft:


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Thanks for a really great weekend. The Cederberg has to be one of my favourite places on this planet. Taboo and I had a blast.


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A few more. Great spending time with the guys from Worcester. Thanks for a great lunch in Lamberts Bay


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What a bash!!
Riebeeker en kie julle het n goeie job gedoen.

Ons het net een foto geneem en hier is hy.

Die Woesterspan en Stoetie.

Great to see you guys also had a great Bash. I went to the KZN one. What a blast.

I cannot beleive my eyes.  :eek: Going through this tread and checking all the pics I see EKTOKNBIKE also attended the bash. THAT IS unlike him, but great to see him participating.

:thumleft: :thumleft: