Met up with the booitjies in Malmesbury pub- Sprocketbek, Fidel, Wannabee and Frohan
Roads were wet and i rode so slow Fidel pulled a cobweb off my jacket at the next stop(genuine).
Frohan got told to stop from Fidel
Next stop Piketberg
Piketberg Hotel
Frohan, ons sal nie uitpraat oor wat tussen jou en die ou op die foto bespreek is nie

Die wat daar was sal weet waarvan ek praat
Sign against the wall in pub - Sprocketbek, we were all glad you were with us, at least someone who would new where to go and switch it back on again ;D
At Eendekuil.....who new Pullaway was Nardus`s brother(Angola ride report)?
Fidel decided to 'steal' the 690 and hide it behind our tent...amazing how well beer goggles can make stuff appear hidden :imaposer:
No more pics of rest of a result of me on the coutch(very tired

) as you can see from Bus`s post. ;D
Next morning, first pitstop
After this pitstop the main group split between suicide riders and flower power. I ended with the wrong crowd and lost them...rottie and i decided to venture off...... :imaposer:
We`re toight
Road from Clanwilliam along the river back to Citrusdal
On the way back...Piketberg, Newguy informed me of a blood red KLR for sale...just for me. Had to take it for a performance check....
On route to Gouda...everything is green and stunning.
Pitstop at Riebeeck
Newguy and Go Girl
....ran into this huge Harley crowd. Spot the pozer ;D (felt like i was bombing their bikes)
Now from the other side...
When they started up we had to hold Newguy back from starting his DRZ to let them hear what a real bike sounds like ;D
Wannabe, Go Girl, MH and Newguy on Riebeek stoep.
Thats all i took...weekend was so lekka i did not bother much with pics.
Thanks to the organiser(s) and hosts, great weekend.
Wannabe, as dit nie vir jou was nie het ons groepie honger gaan slaap elke aand, duisend dankies my maat.