WD Annual bash 2009

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Race Dog
Jun 17, 2008
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Wow..what a bash!
Thanks to everyone involved in the organising of the annual bash this year. Amazing spot, nice weather, enough trees, not too cold....lekker food, although there was some unhappy faces and sounds going around on Saturday but .....whats done, is done!
Some of the GP WD's came down to Hoopstad on Thursday afternoon to sleep over in our garden. There was some concern about the neighbours complaining etc. but they behaved!  :thumleft: We didn't have to chase them into a cage and keep them locked up until Friday morning. :angel10:
We all had a proper meal at the Stables restaurant in the main road ( they are famous for hamburgers the size and height of a big dinner plate.) All was in great spirits in anticipation for the ride on Friday. :ricky:
Went to bed early enough....got up at 5h30 and all started packing up. Left our house at 8h00 to fill up petrol. This morning I get calls from all over town of people trying to find out what went on in town ???..........just a Wilddog invasion! Don't worry!!  :thumleft:
Haba, Oetie, Major Tom, Cave Girl, Tweetie, Tonteldoos, Tank Girl, DarthVtwin, Miles, Wild Hearted Son, GSDawid - all left my house and rode past the school to fill up  - the kids were amazed at this sight!
I could not take a lot of pics due to being right at the back - carrying everyone's kit so they can enjoy the trip! So come on guys...fill us in please! Post those pics!! :useless:

Hertzogville and then the gravelroad to Boshoff....... Not too bad....some guys enjoyed it and others lost some luggage  :peepwall: along the way due to the vibrations!!
Had a wonderfull cashbar waiting at the hotel with Willem, Hans, Reinier, biela, HentieBM, DeonDJ and Wooly Bugger waiting with something cold in hand.
After some bikes with the miniture tanks filled up, the group split with some taking gravel towards Douglas and other hitting the tar towards Kimberley.
About 10 km's outside boshoff I see these 2 bikers standing next to the road. I slowed down, wanting to stop and enquire about the problem ..just to get a quick  :thumleft: and I can go on riding.......
Maybe 20km before Kimberley my phone rings......" Melktjoklits, kom help asb! ek het 'n papwiel."  :dontknow: Had to chase in the front bikers to let them know I have to turn around.
Made my U-turn and went back - 35km before I see the same 2 bikers next to the road - a certain 800GS already ynloaded. Turned in, took everything of the back of the bakkie...... Between Wooly Bugger, DeonDJ and me, we had to pick that lewensgevaarlike beast up onto the back and repack everything again. BMW - on - call did not respond quick enough. Took the beast to BMW to have a tube replaced due to a screw.... :-\
Left Kimberley at 13h30 to the bash.......an hour later I meet up with some Wd's taking a break under a nice shady tree just outside Smidtsdrif.
Left them after greeting just to get another call from a lewensgevaarlike owner" Ek dink nie ek het genoeg petrol  om Griquastad te maak nie. Gaan so bietjie wag tot die  garage oopmaak en dis eers 2h30" Siesta time in the Karoo!  :sleepy1: Getting there I pass the graveltravelers and some stop at the same place in Cambell.....and guess what....No petrol...Oops, now what??? :'( Put the "lewensgevaarlik" back on the bakkie????  >:D No.....CG had a jerrycan filled with petrol on the bakkie, so we borrowed some and head on to Griquastad.
Filled up the insides of the bikes as well as bodies at the only petrolstation in town and then took the last 100km's to the bash.
........... and then..............any one else can add his/ her story.........and pics...........
"...... had to take the gravelroad slower than the bikes...every bump taken, something might jump off the bakkie.....
Got to the site and unpacked. Started the coffee and the friends came streaming in"
I told you I don't have pics.........back-up bakkie......no camera......Woolly Bugger will be home later so he can post pics of a "lewensgevaarlik" on a "Indian Cruiser" etc. DeonDJ and some others took pics, but Monday mornings blues caught up with them? They might post later............ :3some:
Haba and me enjoyed every single one of you that came for coffee, a chat or just a joke!!
Had a great braai on Friday evening with lekker salads. The party at the bar went on until the farmer lady closed the bar at 2am. Shame - she got such a fright with all these Wilddogs walking around loose, she even slept on the floor outside the patiodoor just to make sure nobody swipes the drinks.  :eek: Sies honne!!
Saturday a guy packed up his KTM bling and headed out before most dogs woke up. What did you WC WD's do to the poor Katoomer? Was he a WD?
I spent most of the day at camp just relaxing in the cold shade because that sun was too dangerous. The WD's at camp wasn't fierce enough to keep the monkies away from the food and drinks at the tents. You turn your back to the tent and they swipe the bread and rusks......are you all bark and no bite WD's??  >:D

Ganjora, Groenie  - did you leave the blue lilo on the banks of the Orange river for a likkewaan to take for a swim? Very brave guys.....took to the river while we just stood and watched them.....that water looked inviting but the wind was so cold! Later the afternoon  I thought I saw a plane, no...was it a bird....NO...what was it? Was it a monkey? NO!!! :mwink: 

No 3 Wd's climbing the koppie to sit at the top and check us all out? Wonder what they did up there, because they disappeared after a while......  ???
Yep still got Monday Blues, will submit pics after 4, yes again thanks to Caroline and Wooly Bugger for assisting with the yellow rockets (lewensgevaarlik) puncture, was feeling very lonely next to the road, we huffed and puffed to get it up but on it went. After a nice bill  :'( for the repairs I was back on the road again, while on afterburner a white cobwebbed KTM 990 fully laden appeared over the horizon >:D, going back to where I came from but doing only 90 k's an hour, saw the rider gesturing something but I was on Mach2 and thought hey the bash is thatta way boet :imaposer:!
I enjoyed myself so immensly that I ran out of fuel at Campbell, also only to hear the plaaswinkel opens at 14h30 and that there was no fuel, sheeeet what now, eeee Caroline where are you, have you got fuel, yes, well get over here!
...we were lucky enough to find the site first of, unlike some GPS's that took the scenic route towards the Bash spot.

Waited a while for the Magh-in-drha to make it's appearance but was all understanding to why it pitched up all so "early".

And to find out Ice cold beer was being served........
had a good bash.
went down with Zonk, Groenie, KiLRoy, Brink and 'the dominee'.  Took it nice and beery on the 2 day journey.  riding a bike is hot thirsty business...
stopped to do a doo in khatu.  nothing to do in khatu,  but a doo...  met a very lekker dude,  who came through to the bash on the saturday - me zonk and groenie arrived just past sunset on friday.
brilliant to put names to faces,  and meet those i've only read about.
saturday started with beer very early.
sometime later me Groenie and DB9 climbed the koppie behind camp to have a DB9 geological Q&A session.
then i wandered down and swam across the damn,  and met some strange fishermen on the other side.  had 4 double brannes an cokes,  then got a lift back across.  just as well,  the swim tired me out quite a bit - actually some current going on in the middle - had to swim at 45' to make it straight across.
went mad back at camp on my arrival - it was the strange fishermen's brandy.....
woke up fealing like undiluted hell,  and managed (hallelujah!!!) to organise a lift back with shark.  was only able to digest milk and coke till very recently.  thanks for the lift shark_za,  the ride would have killed me...
a briilliant bash,  and very glad to have met lots of dogs.
thanks to all for organising.
thanks to all that tolerated (in good humour) the lunatic behaviour.

Aaiirree Rasta!!!
You were such fun Ganjie! Actually enjoyed the antics around camp!! :mwink:

pssstttttt.....guys, I heard a rumour about Ganjora  :3some:......be careful, be very, very careful. Don't wear skirts around him! :pot:
Milkybar said:
You were such fun Ganjie! Actually enjoyed the antics around camp!! :mwink:

pssstttttt.....guys, I heard a rumour about Ganjora  :3some:......be careful, be very, very careful. Don't wear skirts around him! :pot:

h ah aha ha
ha ha ha
ha a hah ah ah ah a

remember the old adage: why let the truth stand in the way of a good story.

hell,  the people were regaled with a brilliant tale.  some of the peeps i know really well were still wondering in the morning!!!
Nou is my moeilikheid--------- alle blondes lyk na (n) Milky Bar...........
What an absolute JOL!

Myself and AdventureMX took the softie's option and loaded our bikes on the bakkie and did the tar to Kimberly in comfort  8)
We left Randburg at around 4am and arrived in Kimberly at 10:30am We unloaded the bikes fueled up and took some interesting dirt roads to the bash.

Ready to go

The Bakkie was left at the Ultra City with the promise of financial reward should it be there when we get back!

Lose gravel towards Douglas


Lunch was at Die Geel Huis in Douglas, Great food!



After lunch we took a slight detour to go at see the convergence point of the Orange and Vaal rivers

And as luck would have it AdvMX had a puncture about 35km's out of Douglas
a quick repair turned into a struggle as the spanner we had was stripping the wheel nut  :-\
After a failed attempt at fixing the tube on the bike I set of in search of a farm house and a 21mm Socket.
All I found was F-ALL BUT there was loads of it!  ;)

After 30mins of nothing I returned to find AdvMX in the company of a very nice couple from a nearby farm, With their help he made short work of the repair and we were back on the road, As we were running out of time we skipped the rest of the dirt and made haste via tar for the camp site!




We arrived at Boegoeberg at around 6:30pm to a cold beer and lots of cheer!

I took my trusty hammock along and managed to combine my tent and hammock into a Super TentMock or Hamment

I got some very funny looks and a lot of "You never going to be comfortable it that" type comments but I was amazed at how well I slept, First camping trip for me with no stiff back the next morning!



After we were set up we made our way to the bar and the party got started!







The Shark that got the cheese!   :D

The Bar,

Deon"I KarentChangeaTire"DJ

Leon Dude, What the F are you eating!

lots of Kuiring!




It was a long night, A few of us ended up sitting around the fire at Kilroys tent Talking Kak, Laughing lots and desperately trying not to look at Hein's naked ass, Next time Ill take a staple gun along and help him solve his clothing issues  ;D

Next Morning we were up bright and early because as we all know "You cant drink all day if you don't start first thing!"

Some Pictures around Camp






Learning the intricacy of the Macerena

Gotta love the shirt

The Phantom Biker also made an appearance



The pesky monkeys that kept Milkybar busy!

More festivities


Kak in n bottle!

Just one of the very tired dogs!

My Donner dis n BrinkEnBraai!

Lets go surfing now everybodys learning how come on safari with me!


The BlueMan

Hard Core

Oom Groenie


Ganjora gets his Swim On!


DB9 joins in!


There might or might not have been some river pissing and I might or might not have a picture of it!

If this event actually occurred this is the reaction you might expect

When Brink want love Brink get love!


Bets seat in the house! Hmmmmm

MJ shows of his shirt!

Grab his Bum!

Siesta Time!

Saturday Prize giving and party!

Hentie opening his mouth only long enough to change feet!
Hentie ek dink jy was moer snaaks, Hulle Holle as hulle nie n joke kan vat nie!



Bakkies making a Tit out of himself!

All the Boobs are in the back row! :biggrin:

Gargling with Chilly Mampoer!

Miles wins the BMW watch!

My New Ride!

The Gman looking good     :biggrin:

I was the lucky winner of the Ipod Jet Remote Control from Bikegear so Yay Me!
Thanks to Bikegear the prize is awesome!!!!!!

After a lot more sports and drinks we went to bed only for some savages to start a bike revving competition!

Was classic to hear a bike on the limiter followed by someone shouting "RALLLLLIEEEE!"

Kilroy came stomping over and put a stop to the lunacy.

The next morning we were all up early and got packed up and all made our ways home!

We did dirt all the way to Kimberly where we loaded up the bakkie and drove home!
With stops etc were were home at 8pm

Some pictures of the ride home!





On the way back AdvMX starts to run low on fuel, I look up the closet Fuel stop on the Garmin and we ride to Niekershoop and Find This!

As we start to panic a friendly policeman stops by and tels us the Tannie that runs the KoOp is in the church and we set of to fetch her, She arranges for the policeman to fetch one of the workers that operates the pumps from his home and they unlock the KoOp and sell us fuel, Amazing people in these small towns


Shortly after loading the bikes on the bakkie we find AdvMX has a puncture! Very lucky that we make it all the way to Kimberly before it went flat!


Thanks to AdventureMX for the awesome ride down and back as well as the great company!

And to all my WildDog Family members You are Awesome!!!!

Till the next time!!!!!

Now no one can blame you for not posting enough pics!
Jules said:
After lunch we took a slight detour to go at see the convergence point of the Orange and Vaal rivers

Dr Evil and mini-me.... :biggrin:

Great pics Jules - very nice.

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