WD Annual bash 2009

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SP...if thats my boney you win the photo of the trip :thumleft: :biggrin:
That must be the best photo I've ever seen on the forum...great stuff
Ok, so instead  of opening my own Ride report, and cluttering the forum with a horde of bash reports, im just going to give my input here.

First of all thanx to all the organisers of the bash for a absolute great weekend! It was a jol!

Here goes!


"our planned route"
although we might have changed it a bit from time to time.

We (Dr Dirt, Nurse Dirt and me)started of in George on Thursday morning  6h !   way too early for me!


"Dr Dirt and Nurse Dirt with the 990"


"Me and the Twin"

Note how shiny the bikes still was at this stage! This was soon to change.

First we headed to oudshoorn via the path less traveled, less traveled by ds bikers that is as we took the tarred Outiniqua pass and kept to the tar until we got to the Swartberg pass.

Here are some pics of the swartberg pass





Last time I came here I didnt make it down succesfully! But this time there was no worries!

We continued on to Prince Albert where we had a very good breakfast before heading on again.
From here onwards it was gravel traveling. Heading towards Fraserburg


"Me and Dr Dirt"


"Nurse Dirt doesnt like to travel on gravel so she took the oppertunity to catch a breather"

about 50km from Fraserburg I realized I had a small problem. My pannier bracket's one quicklock came loose. We were unable to get the quicklock  fastened again without unpacking everything from the back so we just strapped it with cable ties and on we went again.


"From quicklock to quick fix"


Nurse Dirt gatvol allready trying to catch a lift back home"



"some pics of me and Dr Dirt taken at the Theekloof pass just before Fraserburg"

At Fraserburg we met up with our Cape-town friends (Scrat & Eva ; Loki and  ms Loki)


"having a cold one at "die kliphuis" in Fraserburg"

On the road again on our way to Carnavon
with another quick stop and rest somewhere in between.


"Friendly locals chatting with us while were taking a break.


"leave nothing exept you're tracks behind!"

Ariving at Carnavon we saw we werent the only dogs there


As we were spending the night here the friendly people of the Carnavon Hotel didnt want us to leave the bikes in the road so they opened the one hall for us.


"the most luxurious garag my bike ever slept in"
Complete with 2 dico balls!


"One of the local laaities aslo wanted to park his bike here"

What happens when you put a lot of wild dogs together in the blikkies bar? A very late night for the barladies.



On Friday morning, feeling....  well not feeling to bad at all considdering the previous night,  we headed of to the bash through Van Wyks vlei and Marydale (or is it Marrydale?  Eva? Scrat?)

But before we got to Marydale Loki with his transalp ran out of petrol! Apparantly he had some trouble before we met at fraserburg and after that the old lady was more thirsty than his jeep!

Lucky for us though just as we stopped and just before we started to syphon some juice out of my Twin,  Kamanya (Andrew) came round the corner with his katoom (fitted with long range fuel tanks)
Andrew quickly helped us with a few litres of petrol and soon we were on our way again.
Thanx a million Andew!
(sorry I have no photos of this. Maybe some of the other guys can help?)

However!  We all misjudged the distance to go to Marydale and litterally about 1km before town Loki ran out of petrol again! Almost close enough to push the TA to the station but Scrat said he would go get some petrol for him.


"Loki and ms Loki 'moerrreloos' while waiting for petrol"

"just enough to get to town"


"Loki finally at a pump"

Marydale was the last town we passed before we reached the camp.


"A quick stop on the bridge over the Gariep"


"And then finally we set up camp"

The bash itself was a great time!

"Loki on a trials bike"

yup I know....   no ATGATT?!?!

But all good things comes to a end and Sunday we had to head back home.

We changed our route to  go through Groblershoop because Loki needed fuel again and would not make the way back to Marydale.

After Groblershoop we went to Kenhardt to get some breakfast, passing through Putsonderwater.


"from left to right
GRyPH , Ms Loki , Loki , Nurse Dirt , Dr Dirt , Eva , Scrat"


"die put.   Sonder water"

Had a breakfast at Kenhardt and wanted to head of to Verneukpan. However Dr Dirt had a flat on his 990.

Not to worry though, we were in town close to the garage and we sorted the problem out real quick.




"Vele hande maak ligte werk"


"the reason for the flat"

In the meantime I also had some trouble with my Twin that we had to sort out before we could continue our travels.


The frame holding the head unit of the twin broke comletely, however it was nothing that could not be fixed with a few cable ties (thanx Loki) some duct tape (thanx Snafu) and a cargo net (thanx Scrat)


Soon we were on our way again to verneukpan


"Me and Dr Dirt @ verneukpan"

From there  we changed route again and headed for brandvlei as Loki's TA would not make it directly to Williston.

We would be sleeping in Williston however we did not get there before MORE trouble.

About 60km before Williston Loki had some electrical issues with his bike.
Once again nothing that could not be sorted out but this took quite a while and it was getting dark fast.
We did the last 20km in the dark wich was a bit of an adventure for me seeing as my head unit was loose and the headlights not shining properly on the road as they should.
After narrowly dodging 3 "springbokkies" and 2 "springhase" we finally made it to Williston where everyone of us basicly passed out right after dinner.

The next morning we split up again.  Scrat& Eva , Loki and ms heading for Cape Town and  Me, Dr Dirt and nurse heading for George.




we opted for meiringspoort this time instead of  the swartbergpass. And when we got closer to George we took the montagu pass instead of Outiniqua this time.

We arrived at home monday night aroun 18:30.

What a great weekend!  Im allready looking forward to the next bash!
So come on to the Freestate bash - longweekend in March 2010!  :thumleft: :ricky:
Nice report GRyPH!

Ek moes lag toe ek sien Dr Dirt het alweer 'n pap wiel ;D En nog meer toe ek sien sy pelle het hom die keer actually gehelp! :imaposer:

Gudwan! :thumleft:
Sprocketbek said:
These nomadic tribes dispersed, some of them crossing Verneukpan.
Seeing Wilddogs on the pan is a sight to behold:

Brilliant shot, Sprocketbek! You MUST enter it into the photee competition.

Grootseun, thanks for posting, some nice photees. Great riding with you too.

I left Pretoria at 04h20 to get to the Grasmere one stop at 05h10. It promised to be a good day.

Here are the dogs who rode together in this group:


Grootseun (aka Underdog) - Who rides sandy roads like a pro on his slicks.

IceCreamMan - Man he is happy with this bike. He could not stop telling us how sexy it was!

Stu (What is your forum name?) I can think of one if you like  >:D

And finally our fearless leader Il Duce, who has the fastest KLaR Ive ever seen.

It was about 10 to beer when the boys broke the seal. Once the seal has been broken its all downhill from there. This was not good news. Would we make it to the bash?



Soon enough we were crossing the Vaal into Christiana.


When we got to Warrenton, we stopped for a beer and checked out some skeef locals   :rabbit:, including a girl who had been sent to "talk to the bikers". But we had no time for girls, we needed to get to the bash.  :evil6: So off we went. Soon enough we on this cool dirt highway.

Grootseun doing his thing. No fear with his slicks.  :eek:

ICM not looking at his bike for a change


Grootseun taking a breather.



Stu, also on slicks did very well. Respect, bro  :thumleft:

Il Duce leading the pack



We had a close shave with the cages on the road a couple of times, these locals have no idea how to slow down when bikers are on the road. Il Duce almost got taken out when a bakkie tried to pass him on the inside while we were all pulling away from a rest stop.

But he remained calm in good spirits and let our team from watering hole to watering hole through the day.

ICM, man  that bike looks Beeaauutiful!  :biggrin:

Il Duce

Grootseun was difficult to catch on camera, most of the time all I got was thin air in the shot.  :-\

We got to a junction and split into two groups to meet up about an hour later, Grootseun and I preferring to skip the Griekwastad beer and do some more riding instead.


Ouberg Pass is always spectacular. On the first pic Abel is on his way up.





Little did we know what was waiting on the other side!  Mud, mud, mud. Impossible to take pics there, we were in survival mode.

Leftless doing his thing at the one water crossing:


Who was this again? Louwtjie?







RustyB with the back-up bakkie:


AntonW at the bash:


OK so everybody took a pic of Ghostrider. Me too:


Luckystriker trying to sneak through the camp unnoticed:


Daan & some dogs:


Wino considering a swim:


And he decides to go for it:


Late afternoon at the bash:


Wino & LS having fun:

Grootseun & I rushed off with him in the lead. Speaking of too fast, He was too fast for me to get a decent pic of him!

The ride was great with only a couple of sand monsters and very very remote.

We got to the bash around 18h30 and setup camp. The festivites ran late into the night.

Here are some shots taken around 2 am;

HentieBM, Kilroy in a moment of quiet reflection, Ganjora handing out ganjora  :mwink:

Getting on touch with their femine side. ;D


Groenie & Sot enjoying some lekker kak praat.

Effects of 95% alcohol on Kamanya & Pistonpete, Brink on the right.


Then disaster struck: Ganjora lost his ganja  :eek:  ::) A search party set out

which ended up in ICM´s tent, who was fast asleep and thought he was being attacked in his house back in JHB  :laughing4:

Bus cuddling with a puppy.

This pic has the spirit of the bash IMO.

The rest will not be published to protect the innocent. What happens at the bash stays in the bash.

I´ll post more soon.
Thanx for Posting Bluebull, awesome pics there...

Was great riding with you... i'm trying to find ways to get to Peru...i may even be considering bank robbery.
Hey BB/ grootseun thanks for posting pics.

Awesome time , awesome memories
IceCreamMan said:
Hey BB/ grootseun thanks for posting pics.

Awesome time , awesome memories

yep, i'm sure my family and colleagues are tired of hearing stories abut the trip... :ricky:

i cant stop talking about it.
Hey Grootseun, I'm The Gentleman on the forum... Guess u know why now, ha ha! It was a pleasure to ride with u dude. Thanks for the great write up! I hope the lighty is in good shape!?

Wild Dogs bash was amazing, some of the best fun I have ever had! Can't wait for the next one!!!

P.S. I'm feeling a lot better on the 1200 now on the dirt, even loaded or with the pillion... ha ha! The boxer is the best thing ever! Still miss the Dakie a lil, though and always will! The boxer was even using less fuel thant the KLR & XT on the way back. 

Jeez okes - nice pics!!!

What a lekka time we had

Sprocketbek - what camera did you use?  Jeez your pics are nice?
