We did make it to Middelpos.

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Thanks guys for letting us two blokes from Somerset West join you guys for an evening and one day on the way through to Wupperthal! It was a jol, something I needed for a long time. I cannot begin to describe how I enjoyed the trip, the scenery and friendship. Hope to join you again one day!
Hey Eikeboom! Welcome on the Forum :thumleft: Was a pleasure to ride with you. We had some good laughs! ;D
eikeboom said:
Thanks guys for letting us two blokes from Somerset West join you guys for an evening and one day on the way through to Wupperthal! It was a jol, something I needed for a long time. I cannot begin to describe how I enjoyed the trip, the scenery and friendship. Hope to join you again one day!

Welkom.........bly om te sien julle het darem die website gekry. :thumleft:
Onthou om my te bel as julle berg toe gaan.  ;)
Was nice om Vrydagaand saam te kuier.

These were the photos taken by Niklaas when he was there:



TR and Co, Really enjoyable report.I love the Biedouw Valley.

I am really glad you never attempted that crossing.
Wayneh did it in December and he was the first to cross the Doring river acording to the farmers , at that time of the year.

This is what it looks like with the water lever way lower.


Today I had a very long way to go.

We had decided the previous evening that we'll leave earlier today and booked breakfast for 7:30.


By 9am everybody's bikes we loaded and refueled and we were off - direction Sutherland!


It was a clear and chilly day. They had some rain in the area recently and you could see it in the veld and smell it in the air. Riding through the wide open spaces of the Karoo you really get that feeling of freedom.


We passed quite a few bikes including a group of approximately 15 BMW's. Each and every one of them greeted or nodded. What a friendly group!



Another quick refuel and we were on the road again. Next on the itinerary - Ouberg Pass!


Since the first time I saw photos and read Ride Reports of Ouberg Pass I knew I had to go there.


45 Km from Sutherland we reached the top of the Roggeveld Mountains and suddenly found ourselves on top of the escarpment. The view is simply amazing.



A thousand metres below lies the Karoo valley with a pass winding slowly but surely down, down, down.


Pioneer farmers used this trek route for more than 80 years for their seasonal sheep trek. Ox wagons were the only transport for these people.


I've been wanting to ride this pass for a very long time, so I took my time, taking in and savouring the scenery and the experience. Believe me, riding down this pass takes your breath away. With the steep decent and the high views you almost feel like you are gliding down towards the Ceres Karoo below.


Honda gives you Wings!


Further down the pass you will find a very rare plant called Olifantsvoet ..... as well as the Sterboom which is only found in this area.

Elephant's Foot:

Dioscorea elephantipes (Elephant's foot or Hottentot bread), is a tuberous vining flowering plant, native to southwest South Africa.

It takes the name elephant's foot from the appearance of its large tuberous stem, which grows very slowly but often reaches a considerable size, often more than 3 m in circumference with a height of nearly 1 m above ground. It is rich in starch, whence the name Hottentot bread, and is covered on the outside with thick, hard, corky plates. It develops slender, leafy, climbing shoots which die down each season.



This unique endangered veld plant is called Star Cliffortia(Cliffortia Arborea) and confined to the mountains around Sutherland on a southern Peak high up in the mountains. It can grow between 3 to 5 metres high and in very sheltered areas, it can reach a hight of up to 10 meters!


We came from the top of those mountains:


What an amazing pass to experience and what an experience to share with friends. This, without a doubt, was the highlight of my trip.

Rooipoot and I posing with the pass in the background.
Rovrat took the photo:


Regrouping at the bottom.


Some more Karoo scenery on the last stretch I shared with the group:



And all to soon we had to say our goodbyes. I split off while the group continued to Katbakkies Pass. Thanks guys. I was great sharing the road again with good friends.


For the rest of my ride the average speed was somewhat higher. I wanted to get to George as early as possible as it was my dad's birthday. I did have time for some photos though.

Just over Rooinekke Pass:


...and the breathtaking Seweweeks Poort. No matter how little time you've got, you have to stop here to take in the magnificence.



And so the ride drew to a close. I've had my fix (and a good one at that!) and had withdrawal symptoms no more
I had to cover a lot of distance in a short period of time but it certainly was worth it. Ouberg Pass was great. One of the three I had on my "must ride" list. Now I have to make a plan for the other two - Sani Pass in Lesotho and Leba Pass in Angola.
After a very good night's sleep, we had a wonderful breakfast, including goat's milk butter, courtesy of the matron.

The road to Sutherland passed the Vis River, which later becomes the Sak River and then the Hartbees River, flowing in the Orange River at Alheit, close to Kakamas. I could not resist stopping and spend a few sentimental thoughts. 

Apart from that, it was kind of boring, taking into account our splendid passage of the day before. We had something in mind, however, Ouberg Pass. For few us it was a first. We had a lot of things to do for the res of the day, each his own reality, but this we agreed on, we are not going to miss this. No magician can compile words to describe in words what we felt going down that pass.   

So let's just open our eyes and take in.
















We had to say goodbye to TR and as if we lost our spirits, things started to go wrong. Rovrat started to show off his bike's speed and left us behind. He enjoyed the open so much that he could not resist. He gave that 800 free reign. Tok-tokkie and I were the unlikely puppies in hot pursuit. So much so that we lost our way, my wife and our group. Luckily Rooipoot "planned the ride and rode the plan" and I could unite with Merrycan at Op-die-berg.

We were supposed to go over Skittery and Katbakkies, but with Tok-tokkie and I going the wrong way, we missed that, till next time.

From Op-die-berg Merrycan and I drove as fast as we could, we still had a bag full of plans to pursue. I rode into Citrusdal on reserve, filled up and headed for Piekenierskloof. We stopped and reminisced our fateful day of a year our so ago, when we stopped at this very place and took the first step into our lives together. Even though time was short, we sat and watched the sun go down on a cloudy horison.

Thanks guys, it was really nice. This trip was loooong overdue. Next time we hope to get the other guys lined up too. Eisbein, Operator, Suzbox etc.
What a lovely pass! Had quite a smile ;D when Rovrat waved you through the middle of the water crossing…I got friends like that also, times like that keep the spirits high!

Looking forward to you next one.
Great RR again TR!  I followed your link to your other site -- excellent by the way -- , but next time warn me it's got sound!! I woke my wife up at 3am when the "tune" started to play!!!!
:hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

excellent RR

I am now truely homesick and need of a trip. Thanks  ;) ;D
great trip report and great photos thanks for sharing !

The BMW club had 2 rider groups going to Sutherland one (our) group went up Ouberg pass on Saturday , and down the Theron pass and gaga gaga ? pass on Sunday . It was stunnning and yes we did wave at some 6 guys sitting styling it up one of the easier, but prettier passes, so it was you guys :) Nice to read your trip report , Lazybones me must still write our trip report ,but group Two ( who did our trip in revers ) 's report is already on the BMW forum  ;)

Ps thanks for warning me about RovRat !!
Lekker report TR.  I just want to rush out and ride those roads and passes!  Great stuff!

Dioscorea were extensively harvested for chemical precursors to cortisone until cheaper synthetic methods were developed.  The population was severely depleted, but seems to be quite healthy these days.  They're grown quite easily from seed, but you do need to be patient.  I think they're amazing plants and am always chuffed to come across them in the field.


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Rynet said:
Ps thanks for warning me about RovRat !!

Ja, be careful. He has some bad moments. He is a very good sort, however. Just keep him at the back. :biggrin: