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... die seisoen het gedraai ... stof is nou erg as die windjie nie waai nie ... gister middag hierdie "grafsteen" onder die witstinkhoutboom agter die fietse gekry ... in die Gatsrant noord van Potch ... dalk is hier n Wolmarans op die forum wat meer weet ...
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Joined a Bush Boys recce for their Solstice ride next month. Met some lekker new peeps and had an awesome ride. Eventful day with lots of flats, falls and other issues in the group but a lot of fun was had by all.
Unfortunately the day ended with Joe’s bike on a trailer. Landed his 990 front wheel first in a big hole while we were chasing each other like hooligans….😈
Immediately developed a coolant leak which ended up being the radiator that tore because of that nasty landing
