WP go to EC BASH

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Just arrived back in PE from JHB, really enjoyed reading your report....awesome weekend and great to meet the WP group. :thumleft:
Finance :backup vehicle
3.bradley s
5.tok tokkie (1x )
6.mountain boy
9.go girl
Pse add or remove names so i can finalise
xxx said:
Finance :backup vehicle
3.bradley s
5.tok tokkie (1x )
6.mountain boy
9.go girl
Pse add or remove names so i can finalise
I should be 2x.  I expect that.
Hey everyone,

Just registered at photobucket and gave it a try.  I put all 149 pics on, so I hope that you are able to view them via the link below!!!  Everything from the Ultra City @ Worcester, Montague, gravel road, nature reserve, Kaallitsdorp, die pad, die kloof, die kamp, die terugkeer....


If you are blocked from photobucket, PM me, and I will make a plan to get some pics to you.
Hey guys

This is the only pic of Bus that I could find from the bash.


The other side of that ass he likes to show.


  • Bus.jpg
    30.9 KB
In the army one bombardier used to call us pielneus.

So THAT's what it looks like...

;D ;D ;D
Anyone for a nose job? Hahaha!!!!

Great pics, everyone!!!

Im back in CT, just got back to work.

It was an emotionally draining 2 days, but it had to be done.

Thank you to all who sent pm's and good wishes.

Gonna take me a while to wade through everyone's reports... Guess I will be "working late" tonight...
Looks like you guys had a great time - I was looking forward to some "grubby" pics. I will without doubt be there next year  ;D
xxx said:
Finance :backup vehicle
3.bradley s
5.tok tokkie (1x )
6.mountain boy
9.go girl
Pse add or remove names so i can finalise

XXX req that you only work out the luggage you carried back fm patensie to cpt for me tks otherwise i wud have gladly loaded it on the back of my Beast..... ???
Terwyl hy ge-"pose" het vir die pic, moes ek nog uitkyk vir die vyand...
Hey, it was brilliant.

I will try to post a ride report (short one) later tonight!
Rassie 800GS sent me his pics of Baviaans and some.
I`m uploading them now to photobucket. Of coursr Bus seems to feature quite a bit and I have the Video`s of the water crossings.

Here is a Teaser
