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Thanks julle. Gaan nou nie op elke reply antwoord nie, want dan kom ek nie by die skrywery uit nie.
keep going ..your engels can like to be verie goed .... much fond memories of riding through and stoppinh in kareedouw, joubertina (for some reason very special to me and high on my list of retirement spots...dunno why, oudtshoorn museum is awesome), ronnies i have camped at and partied hard at
ZEN... The title of the RR was carefully choosen. In his book "ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE" and the follow-up,  "LILA", Robert Persig seeks and tries to define the meaning of quality. Its difficult reading and I've struggled through both books a couple of times, but in the end(I understand) he concludes that you can't define quality... Its just there and you'll recognise it when you see it.

The central theme of ZEN was a trip he did on a CB77 Super Hawk with his son in 1968, together with a friend who rode a 1962 R60/2. While on this trip he ponders these questions that have haunted him for years, and landed him in a mental institution. That ride was at the back of my mind on this trip.

I'm not a Buddist, but I like the way they think. You won't find ZEN on the mountain... you must take it to the mountain, where you will find peace of mind.

I had ZEN on this trip and the trip had QUALITY.
jupiter said:
ZEN... The title of the RR was carefully choosen. In his book "ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE" and the follow-up,  "LILA", Robert Persig seeks and tries to define the meaning of quality. Its difficult reading and I've struggled through both books a couple of times, but in the end(I understand) he concludes that you can't define quality... Its just there and you'll recognise it when you see it.

The central theme of ZEN was a trip he did on a CB77 Super Hawk with his son in 1968, together with a friend who rode a 1962 R60/2. While on this trip he ponders these questions that have haunted him for years, and landed him in a mental institution. That ride was at the back of my mind on this trip.

I'm not a Buddist, but I like the way they think. You won't find ZEN on the mountain... you must take it to the mountain, where you will find peace of mind.

I had ZEN on this trip and the trip had QUALITY.

                                                          Day 2 - Monday - 9 Jan 2012

Lyn and I got back from our Lesotho trip with Carrots late last Friday afternoon. Saturday I unpacked, clean up and switched to my solo riding gear. Also had to figure the packing on the R90 and see to some chores on Sunday morning. It was a bit of a rush to get away and I had a slight anxiety in me on yesterday's ride. I was riding to get somewhere and that is wrong... the journey must be the destination.

Each ride has its own dynamic... you gotta find its groove. Switching from one type to another totally different ride is not easy.

I had a good nights rest and woke up with peace of mind. Today the trip starts. I have nothing else to do but ride, enjoy and meet the Dogs. I'm up at first light and do my usual skrop around breaking kamp. This is the way it goes. On a trip I use all the daylight. I take my time packing, ride without rushing, stop often to enjoy what's around me and find a spot for the night with just enough light left to pitch camp. Often I pitch in the dark. Carrots can tell you more about that.  :eek7:

Another pic of the camp site. Very nice place

I SMS Piet that I should get to Worcester around 0930, greet bevan and his family and get on the road. There's this thing on a trip I call the magic moment... that first press of the starter button in the morning, the enjin kicks over, fires and settles to a gentle purr. On an old Airhead Boxer, with the choke on, its a special sound.

As you leave town and swing through the poort towards Ashton you go through this hole in the mountain. Somehow it always facinates me

We Dogs are facinated by different things on our trips which will feature prominently in our RR's... trains, stations, ruins, bridges, etc. For me its churches, but when I passed through Ashton(?) I thought this a pretty picture

Coffee stop in Robertson and confirm meeting Piet for breakfast. He has lined up some other Dogs as well.

While having coffee I also phone my eldest, Kirsty, who starts her new life as a teacher at York in George today. Many would consider having wealth as a measure of success. I have figured it differently. The measure of a man's success is the wellbeing of his family, and if Kirsty was my only yardstick, I've done OK.  :biggrin:

I would learn later that Horsepower has his business close to my coffee spot. Pity I missed him.

And so its off for my first Wilddog meet of the trip.

Piet(Piet Coke) had been looking to buy an Africa Twin and I had offerred to have a look over at one in PE he was interested in. That's how we got acqainted and he insisted I swing by when he heard of the trip.

We met up and he took me to park the bike at V-Stroms place from where we went for a brekkie at De Kelder, Andries(V-Strom) Zettie(Hottie), me and Piet.

On this and every other occasion acqaintance was easy and conversation pleasant. We mostly spoke about things Dogs do, riding and bikes  :ricky: I listened to them taliking about their rides and trips and got the impression that if you should join them, don't forget to pack a spare liver in you topbox. Naughty okes these.  >:D

We retired to the stoep afterwards for coffee and a siggie and continued the relaxed conversation.

All too soon its time to get going. With all the Dogs I met I could have spent the whole day visiting. We say our goodbye's and I'm on my way with a promise of an EC visit and ride.

Later on the trip piet phone me all excited about an AT he had found which sounded good. Still waiting to hear if he got it.

My route to Stellenbosch is over Franshoek pass. First though, Villiersdorp

The church  :biggrin: I mos like churches

Approaching the pass

Its a nice smooth ride. I'm getting used to the way the bike rides and how far it can be pushed. With its sporty riding position it likes the twisties. Pushes nice and firmly into the corners and sits up as you come out and open the throttle.

Nice one G  :thumleft: Des and I did a similar route 2 years ago, this is our favourite ride, will do it again. Thanks for sharing, chat soon.
All too soon I'm at the top. Magnificent mountains

And over on the other side to this breath taking view I remember from 18 years ago

Here I met a young Australian couple, seemingly on honeymoon, :biggrin: touring the country. They were completely gagga about the scenery and views. Their enthusiasm for seeing all the sights was refreshing. We sometimes forget what an incredibly beautiful country we live in.

Down to Franchhoek where I stop at a roadside cafe for a coke. typical street scene.

I enjoy sitting and watching people. Interesting. I may be wrong, but first impressions count. It was all very pretty and plastic, totally geared for tourists. I gathered that the couple sitting next to me were also travelling and tried striking a coversation. No interest. A curt reply and they absorb themselves in themselves again. Pity, we could learn so much from and about each other if we just communicate. Now I must say this was the only place I had this experience. I said I liked talikng to people when I stop and everywhere else I was received with enthusiasm.

Off to Stellenbosch and my long anticipated kuier with Dan, but first swing by my old koshuis

What fond memories. I was a student here 34 years ago. Bliksem, but it sounds a long time if you say it load. I lose myself around town a bit while I go on a nostalgia trip. I would rather not recount some of the memories as I passed by some of my old favourite spots.

Some random foties of the square, where I also bought myself a truly South African cap to replace the one I left at Ronnies. Lekker tappit, but I am severely patriotic about our flag  :eek:

I find Stoetie at his wokplace and with the expected, enthusiastic greeting get offered a cup of coffee. I was going to drink coffee on this trip until I pissed pure caffiene. I catch up on the Forum with my Plan a Ride and at last hear from Wes. Stoetie and I sort out about meeting later to get to his place and he then directs me to find Dan who lives just up the road.

I got to Dan's place, shook hands, plucked out the camera and snapped a quick one of his his bike  :eek7:

Just kidding of course  :imaposer: That belongs to a student. The real stuff comes later.

When Dan visited me last year we immediately struck up an easy conversation. Unlike me that lets it hang out, he has a quiet, soft spoken enthusiasm for life and with me feeling very sorry for myself, it was like a tonic having him around that afternoon. Time passed too soon, with a promise to meet again.

I arrived at Dan's house and received the expected warm greeting. After meeting his charming wife, Sarah, and armed with another cup of coffee, we sat in the shade and continued where we left off last year as if it was yesterday. Those who have done National Service will know the feeling when you meet an old army buddy after many years.

The obligatory fotie and then at last I get to see the bikes. 800km's, he could have mailed them to me  >:D Nah ! We would not have had the trip. Regretably I somehow missed getting Sarah in a piccie  :(

Sarah dishes up a fritter thingy to fill a little hole in my stomach and time comes to say our goodbye's, but not before I get a shocker.

As I'm gearing up Dan disappears into the house and comes back with a model of a R90 like mine, but the blue one in its original livery. "Bought myself 4 of these models some time ago "  Its very pretty and would look neat in my workshop where I keep nice little things, but I don't have the heart to ask him to give it to me as a memento of the trip. Just could not see the man separated from his cherished BM.  >:D  :imaposer: Ja-nee so kom 'n man se skandes uit.  :3some:

Its time to leave and with a promise of a trip together one day, I'm off to find Stoetie in Paarl.

I meet Stoetie and another Dog, Poker Face, at one of Riaana's La Romantica restaurants for a quick beer and chat. Andre(Stoetie), Frihan(Poker Face) and me

Off to the house, unpack, shower, get a beer and admire the late afternoon view from the front stoep

We braai and I drink enough beer. I'm tired and today was another hot one. I would have dropped early on but supper was only served at twelve o'clock... at night. I was warned about that, but it gave us time to enjoy a most pleasureable evening together, with Riaana the gracious hostess and Stoetie... well he is Stoetie. One can't help but enjoy his over the top company.

The fotie, me again, Andre and Ruantjie  :3some:

And the rest of the family

And earlier I tried cathing the full moon rising

Heimer was meant to join us for the braai but could not make it due to being on some detox program  :imaposer: In the meantime Snafu had made contact and we'll meet for breakfast tomorrow, whereafter we'll pop around to Heimer.
                                                                          Day 3 - Tuesday - 10 Jan 2012

I'm a PE boytjie born and bred and could never live in a big city, but Cape Town is a great place to visit. On the roads I travelled I was amazed at the courtecy the cage drivers showed bikers. You don't get that in PE.

This evening I'll be heading for Dirty Harry in Bloubergstrand for a braai and sleepover, but first there's a few dogs to visit and one of my favourite drives... around the peninsula.

Like with so many other Dogs I met Snafu at the National Bash where we briefly talked Africa Twin. I'm a breakfast eating specialist and Wimpy is my first choice. We met at the Engen on the N1 where I had my usual Hash Brown Splash Down. The brekkie and the company went down well.

Heimer, still on detox, did not want to be tempted by breakfast, but suggested we come around for coffee, so off we went to his possie.

It was nice and cool in the shade and I was quite content to sit and listen to the drone of his and Ossie's conversation. In between we discussed the logistics of having skaapkop at the WC Bash. The solusion seems that we get some kind Dog(s) to get two or three Webers there for us and each bring his own Kop. We'll see.

Its time to leave and Snafu leads me out to the N1. Next stop was Crossed-up in Rosebank.

We became acqainted when Michnus ran his ATG bag compitition and then met at the N/Bash. We were'nt sure if he would be at home when I came around, but fortunately for me his holiday plans were delayed and we could meet. I was given sort of an idea where Rosebank was and decided to loose myself getting around there.

Getting lost has never bothered me and I often do. There's always a road going somewhere. As one of the Dog's signature says, " its just another way of having an adventure "

I dawdled around for a while and found my way to the Mowbray Library, phoned John, who fetched me, and off we went to his house where, you may have guessed, we had coffee and a comfortable half hour or so of one another's company.

This was the thing of my trip. No visit was rushed, but I always had another to get to. I could easily have spent half a day or more with any of my hosts.

John got me back on the M3 as I headed towards Ou Kaapse Weg. Great view from the top

Now off to Simonstown for fish and chips, and then one of the most anticipated visits and highlights of my trip...The Toy Museum  :ricky:
There's a little plaza above the harbour that I find a very pleasant place to be... or as I would more aptly call it, a SERENITY spot.

The food is good...

... and the view spectacular

I'm content to just sit in the shade, watch the people go by unhurriedly and reflect on the trip so far. Its been good. All and more I could have expected it to be. I was amazed by the response I've had so far. Some were a bit flabberghasted by the idea of the trip and what a good one it was, which made my reception all the warmer.This would definately be something to do again, but on an extended and slightly bigger scale, without sacrificing the close companionship of individual visits.

I love collections and especially toys. I don't have a single one left from my childhood, which I find to be a great pity. I took lots of foties for my friend Innis, but here are a few.

Some of these are seriously old

The owner of the shop was in attendance and I tried to get a bit of a story from him to add to the pics, but he was not very accommodating. Pity.

I moved on and headed over the mountain to Kommetjie.

Superfoxi is one of my longest Forum acqaintences due to me having owned an Africa Twin. He would have been one of my hosts for an evening but unfortunately picked up some bug on a trip and not feeling very sociable. I was however determined to at say hello and headed over to his place. He was out so I found some shade and waited. I had all afternoon. After a while he turned up, having paid a visit to the docter, and the man did not look good. We chatted for a short while and I left him that he could get in bed where he belonged. Hope you're better now Mike.

I'm sure I took a fotie, but don't know what happened to it.

I headed up Chappies. Another lekker windy-windy and a rewarding fotie

I called Firecoast to see if we could meet for coffee, but she was at this stage a bit out of my way. Anycase, I'll see her tonight at Harry's place and so I slowly started making my way in that direction.

Harry and I got acquainted when he did the RR on his solo Namib trip and shared some pleasant Forum chat thereafter. He had recently become an Airhead again and invited me for a braai and sleepover. We needed to talk dirt bike build. I've wanted to meet him and had no doubt I would accept the invitation, but first there was some logistics to sort.

Lorenzo(Chairman Meow), the ever enthusiastic organiser, was talking of getting a couple of Airheads together when I'm around. To economise on what was fast becoming a busy itinary, it would be a grand idea to combine the braai at Harry's place with the get together, but could I impose on my host like that? I phoned him from Hanover and tentatively broached the subject. No problem, of course. From here CM took over. You got to love being a Wilddog.

I got my directions to Harry's house and found my way there, to be received with a big grin. I was introduced to his lovely wife, Claudia, and Thomas, a fellow Dog(Rommel).

With little applomb the kuier got under way, when shortly CM and a couple more Airheads turned up. FC had phoned earlier to say she would be a bit delayed and will see us later.

Late afternoon view to the West from the braai patio

The Dogs, from the back ltr Louis(LouisST), Harry, Thomas, me, Lorenzo and in the front, Francois(French the Stench)

The kuier

FC turned up earlier than expected and left quite a bit later than intended. She would not allow a piccie. Something about having been to yoga and not looking girly enough etc, etc, Complete nonsence of course  :eek7: You can't hide that electric smile under a bucket, but I left her alone. As before, it was pleasant spending some time in her company again and i was glad she could make it.

Claudia laid out a spread to make you kick any diet and with the braai it went down well.

She just kept adding more and more, with a potato salad like I've not had before.  :drif:

We had a good time and much biking was spoken. When it was polite to do so, some of the guests left, leaving Harry, myself and Lorenzo to carry on chatting. I was a bit tired and started tipping over, which brought an end to the proceedings. We said our goodnights and I crashed.

Next morning, bright and breezy, a fotie with my hosts

I would now be leaving the Fair Cape and slowly start working my way home.
Jup dis 'n baie lekker lees RR die van jou. Ek sou so graag meer tyd saam met jou wou spandeer het. Bly jy is veilig terug by die huis. Hopenlik ontmoed ons sommer gou weer iewers op die pad.
Great report Jupiter.  I am so glad we could connect.  This was an awesome idea for a trip, and I hope your body has recovered from the caffeine overdose!
All the best!