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Nice report and well documented. I can feel the ZEN  :mwink:
It was very nice meeting you and the other dogs.
I can't believe how many people you met in these few days, well done.
                                                        Day 4 - Wednesday - 11 Jan 2012

Yesterday evening I phoned Wes and we arranged to meet for breakfast this morning at Willowbridge shopping centre. Lorenzo and Marissa then proceeded to explain how to get there from Harry's place. All I could gather was that it was nowhere near the Great Pyramid of Giza  :imaposer:

I have a lazy rise, coffee and a goodbye chat with Harry and Claudia. Harry pulls out a map book of the WC and explains :" We are  here, this is the R27, there's the N7 and the N1. Get on the N1 and take the Old Oak turn-off to Durbanville. Willowbridge is at the bottom of the hill "

That was all I needed to know. I ride straight there.

But first The Mountain

As I pull in at the Willowbridge centre, Wes also arrives. Our connection is firstly his RBR Blog and then of course his enthusiasm for his W650. And Airheads.

The only way to describe it, is that he arrives with a flash, Steve Mcqueen ISDT jacket and all. We meet and greet, light bike talk, and make our way to Pulp for the brekkie, where he is clearly a regular. As is by now with every one I met up with, we spend a comfortable hour or so getting to know each other. He suggests I come around to his house as he wants to show me his Old Man's RT. He has ideas of chopping it, but his Dad won't let him touch it.

There's a Harley shop in the Centre and I take a pic to remind me that I still want one of those one day

We are ready to leave and I wish I had a video camera to show you Wes on his bike. Describing how he rides it won't do justice, but I'll try.

Its all one smooth movement, flowing like syrup. Ignition on, mount it like a horse from the left footpeg, sit down as he kicks the starter and pull away. Well, roar away, pop it over a bump and then swinging through the traffic. Cornering is stylishly done, dirt track style, dropping it hard, foot skidding out. Poetry in motion. There's nothing windgat about it. Its plain that he just enjoys the bike for what it is. I love watching someone with passion.

At home we take some foties. He wants to show his dad my R90's naked look, and maybe convince him to mod the RT like that.

How cool can you be, and that Brackenfell Soutie is as cool as it comes  :biggrin:

Another, most enjoyable, kuier comes to an end and I'm off to WOA in Somerset West to meet the gang and see what the shop has on offer.

Lekker report Jupiter! Het Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance so 4 keer al gelees en sukkel nogsteeds om dele van dit te verstaan. Ok nie veel beter gegaan met Lila nie   :)
Dwerg said:
Lekker report Jupiter! Het Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance so 4 keer al gelees en sukkel nogsteeds om dele van dit te verstaan. Ok nie veel beter gegaan met Lila nie   :)

Ek ken die gevoel. En die boeke bly jou terugtrek om weer te lees. Het ZEN saam my op die trip gehad en so snippets gelees. Mors ook net meer met 'n ou se kop as wat dit help.
Hey Gerard - thanks for the kind words, it was a pleasure meeting you and hanging out, still bummed that my day was too busy to "escort" you to Hermanus, maybe next time  :thumleft:
jupiter said:
Dwerg said:
Lekker report Jupiter! Het Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance so 4 keer al gelees en sukkel nogsteeds om dele van dit te verstaan. Ok nie veel beter gegaan met Lila nie  :)

Ek ken die gevoel. En die boeke bly jou terugtrek om weer te lees. Het ZEN saam my op die trip gehad en so snippets gelees. Mors ook net meer met 'n ou se kop as wat dit help.

Daai boek is deel van mens se opvoeding en moet in jou twintigerjare gelees word.  :pot:
I met Hando while he was an East Caper and did his first out ride after getting his F650. That was also the trip I met my dik ry-gabba, Bie, and you'll remember the sosatie braai in the middel of the road  :ricky: I got acquainted with Hentie when, for some or other reason I will never be able to explain, I decided to sell my AT and get a GSA and he gave some guidance. It was right up there on my list to go and say hello to them.

I got lost 'in my moer in'. Three explanations later, Hando had to come and fetch me to take me to the shop, and I have an almost photographic memory for taking directions and finding my way. They really need to put some boards up.  :eek7:

It was a busy working day and not much time for chatter. This was unfortunately my only rushed visit and I remembered afterward a couple of things I still wanted to chat about. (I did have COFFEE). One of the reasons for Hando's move to the WC was to get closer to his son and I felt quite guilty for not asking how things are going. He deserves good things to happen to him and I trust all is well.

The Fotie. My camera was playing tricks again and would not work on the timer, so Hentie's wife had to do the snap.

I leave them to get on with the business and head for Hermanus to find R-O-V Rat.

The rush around in the heat to find WOA had put me on edge, but I would soon smooth it out. Years ago I used to skin-dive around False bay (fok, daar's groot en baie haaie  :eek7:) and we often drove that twisty road, Gordons Bay around in the direction of Hermanus. Two years ago Lyn and I toured the Overberg and were meant to ride it, but time ran out on that day. I was looking forward to it to day.

It was all I remembered... a smooth, easy bob and weave through the twisties, with magnificent scenery. The bike just purred happily along. Zen, Serenity, gooi tyres, mielies and what ever else makes you understand it. I had my groove back, peace in my mind and having fun, so much I forgot to stop and take foties. I'll go back again for sure.

Heimer said:
jupiter said:
Dwerg said:
Lekker report Jupiter! Het Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance so 4 keer al gelees en sukkel nogsteeds om dele van dit te verstaan. Ok nie veel beter gegaan met Lila nie   :)

Ek ken die gevoel. En die boeke bly jou terugtrek om weer te lees. Het ZEN saam my op die trip gehad en so snippets gelees. Mors ook net meer met 'n ou se kop as wat dit help.

Daai boek is deel van mens se opvoeding en moet in jou twintigerjare gelees word.  :pot:

Wens ek het, maar dink ek sou nog minder begryp het. My seun het probeer en moed opgegee. Dink 'n ou het so bietjie savvy nodig voor jy hom pak.
Behalwe vir Hentie se lelike gevreet.......is dit 'n moerse nice RR Jup!! Het niks minders verwag nie.  :thumleft:

En ja........tent oplsaan innie donker!!  :mwink:
We chat on the Forum, read one anothers posts and Dogs talk about Dogs. Over time you make a point of some Dogs you would like to meet. So it was with Riaan and I met him at last years CABC. It was a busy weekend and not much time for chat. When he pinged me to pop around I gladly accepted and what a rewarding decision that was.

I'm a family man and we've always had a busy, noisy house(now that my big baby has left it is suddenly quiet  :() Only three kids, but our house was the gathering place and often full with friends and cousins. We enjoyed it.

You may by now have gathered that each of my visits had a prelude and each was special. It would be unfair to single out any one, but this one was going to be real special.

Riaan met me outside with one of his sons, we greeted and re-introduced and the boy just started talking to me spontaniously: " Does this bike jump?" "No, its a road bike" "o" and I can see on his face... its obviosly not a real bike then  ;D. We move inside and there's more kids. I meet Shirley, his wife, with the little 14 month old on the hip. His grand daughter is also there. I'm asked if I would like to drink something. Uuuum ? I think I'll have a cup of coffee thanks. No shit ! I CAN drink the stuff.

We move outside to the patio and talk about ourselves and our families, Riaan in this quiet, un-urgent manner. The kids buzz all around us. This is a beautiful family. The children play around and they're up and down, all around us looking out for each other. Every now and again one pops up to asked Riaan something or talk to me. Thery're all totally spontanious. But here's the thing, they're never in your face. Just pleasantly present. I could have sat there all day... this was SERENITY.

I'm due in Stilbaai this evening, and its a long way to go. An unexpected engagement pops up for Riaan, which cues me to take my leave. Just as well, otherwise I would not have got away.

I want a fotie of the whole family. Now in my house it would have been chaos to do that. The kids are all over the place and someone says, " Come we going to take a photo, and there they are. I just love it. Harmony.

I leave with a good feeling and head for Stilbaai, not exactly sure along which route yet. As I go through Hermanus I realise again, with regret, that I had not heard from Dual, unaware that he had PM-ed me on my Plan a Ride. Next time  :thumleft:
Carrots said:
Behalwe vir Hentie se lelike gevreet.......is dit 'n moerse nice RR Jup!! Het niks minders verwag nie.  :thumleft:

En ja........tent oplsaan innie donker!!  :mwink:

Waar's ons RR Jongman. Jy moet gaan skryf  :patch:

Still enjoying this RR.

Pity we did not have a lot of time to chat.

I am doing ok and it is good to be closer to my son. I get to see him much more often now.

Now just to find a bit of female companionship and all will be great.   ;)

Heimer said:
jupiter said:
Dwerg said:
Lekker report Jupiter! Het Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance so 4 keer al gelees en sukkel nogsteeds om dele van dit te verstaan. Ok nie veel beter gegaan met Lila nie   :)

Ek ken die gevoel. En die boeke bly jou terugtrek om weer te lees. Het ZEN saam my op die trip gehad en so snippets gelees. Mors ook net meer met 'n ou se kop as wat dit help.

Daai boek is deel van mens se opvoeding en moet in jou twintigerjare gelees word.  :pot:

Ek was so 24-25 toe ek hom die eerste keer gelees het. Het nooit voor dit gelees nie en kon na die boek nie ophou nie so het verseker 'n baie sterk indruk op my lewe gemaak  :thumleft:
jupiter said:
Carrots said:
Behalwe vir Hentie se lelike gevreet.......is dit 'n moerse nice RR Jup!! Het niks minders verwag nie.  :thumleft:

En ja........tent oplsaan innie donker!!  :mwink:

Waar's ons RR Jongman. Jy moet gaan skryf  :patch:

Ek is besig met dit Oubaas!!  :mwink:
Dwerg said:
Heimer said:
jupiter said:
Dwerg said:
Lekker report Jupiter! Het Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance so 4 keer al gelees en sukkel nogsteeds om dele van dit te verstaan. Ok nie veel beter gegaan met Lila nie   :)

Ek ken die gevoel. En die boeke bly jou terugtrek om weer te lees. Het ZEN saam my op die trip gehad en so snippets gelees. Mors ook net meer met 'n ou se kop as wat dit help.

Daai boek is deel van mens se opvoeding en moet in jou twintigerjare gelees word.  :pot:

Ek was so 24-25 toe ek hom die eerste keer gelees het. Het nooit voor dit gelees nie en kon na die boek nie ophou nie so het verseker 'n baie sterk indruk op my lewe gemaak  :thumleft:

So is dit met my ook die geval. In my en Carrots se RR  https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=87930.0 sal jy o.a. lees om nie te sweet as jy iets doen nie. Dit kom uit ZEN uit. Die ander groot invloed op my rylewe is Ted Simon. Ons kom aanstons daarby uit.
Enjoyed this and that XT500 of 2SDs brings back great memorys and takes a bit of mystique away from 2SD :thumleft:
I'm looking forward to seeing ChrisL again and it is still a long way to go. I take a direct route over Stanford to the N1 from where I will hoink it. There's an edgy feeling in me and its spoiling my ride. I'm cruising through the beautiful Overberg countryside, which I had looked forward to, and not allowing myself to enjoy it. Don't sweat... sit back and let it figure itself out !

As I approach Napier I realise what it is. I've done a lot of visiting over the past couple of days and socialising is not something that comes naturally to me. I'm getting closterphobic and need time by myself. I'm in a quandry though. I'm looking forward to seeing Chris and meet Amanda and will be staying over tonight. It would be unkind to cancell. On the other hand, I push it there, I'm not good company and it spoils the visit. That won't do either. Maybe if I just carry on riding the feeling will go away.

Always time though for my favourite pics. Napier.

L'agulhas. It would be nice to camp on my own, stoksielalleen at that spot by the see. Subconscioiusly I turn towards Bredasdorp instead of direct to the N1. Give me more time to sort it.

'jupiter'... my forum name was choosen for a reason. I'm facinated by and an ardent Ted Simon follower. He had much to do with shaping my adventure riding life.

I was a Roadie for many years until my self-enforced sleeper period to raise our family. In that time I cut biking totally out my life. It just hurt too much to talk about it, or even look at a magazine. Five years ago we got back into it with the AT. I started reading adventure travel books and the first one was 'Dreaming of Jupiter' , then followed 'Jupiter's Travels' I was hooked and totally facinated by this man who, at the age of 42, just upped, got on a bike and rode around the world. I needed to know why ? I started reading everything I could find about TS and finally got the answers in 'The Gypsy in Me"

The part that really stuck in my head was where he talks about solo riding(not being a loner though) and I quote from the book :

"Solitary travel has a peculiar power for those of us who are suited to it. Along with the discovery of one's own true nature and the opportunities to express it comes a corresponding freedom to think thoughts that may be considered odd, threatening, even reprehensible and lunatic, by ones familiar acqaintances. It is perfectly natural that prophets should come out the wildernis bearing revelations, but all prophets are not created equal. Some are giants, some are mediocre, some are of piddling stature, and some are nuts. The difficulty is that neither they nor those that receive there proclamations can really tell untill much later.

Mine is not pure asceticism of a single-handed yachtsman or a Saint-Exupery.There is no lack of people in my journeys, and they are my principal interest. Nor am I a dispassionate voyeur peering into other peoples lives. Strong connections are formed rapidly, and they nourish me. What distinguishes them from my relationships with friends and family at home is the absence of those expectations which I find burdensome and restrctive, demanding that I behave in certain predictable ways. These emotionable transactions trade too heavily on guilt and obligation for my taste. When I travel alone, I experience a sence of freedom that occasionally comes close to ecstacy.

The physical freedom is an important element - the abilty to stay or go as one pleases, to follow whatever the inner voice suggests, is a rare luxury in most lives, and there must be many who have never allowed themselves to experience that inner-directedness -- the compass in the heart. More valuable to me even than that is the freedom to be whoever and whatever you feel youself to be rather than having to conform to the patterns that others are accustomed to expect. "

Its good to be around people when you've had a long day on your own, but sometimes its nice to be alone.

In Bredasdorp I had a cup of coffee, made up my mind and phoned Chris. It was still 250km to go, I was tired and won't make it before dark without putting myself at risk. I told him how I felt and that I needed to be on my own a bit. He's a gentleman and an experienced biker. He understands : " Take a bit of time out and go and enjoy it by the see. We talk tomorrow. " Thanks Chris.  :thumleft:

On our Overberg trip two years ago Lyn and I camped by that spot by the see and I wanted to go there again. Serenity.

I have to tell the story first though. We arrive late, the wind is howling and pull into the campsite. A well-to-do Coloured gentle man approaches and I ask him if this is the only camping spot and how it works.

"Meneer moet daar by die kantoor in die dorp gaan boek. Daar's ook 'n plek om te kamp."

He gives us a long look, not with disdain, but calculating interest.

"Meneer gaan dit nie daar laaik nie"

Off we go. While I'm talking to the tannie Lyn goes and has a look at the site, which is now in town. There's one little dingy spot and the place is packed wall to wall with caravans. She comes back and does not have to say a word... her face says it all - no chance are we camping among all these Dutchmen. We pay and head back to the other spot. That gentleman is waiting for us:

"Ek het meneer mos gese ! Slaan sommer die tentjie hier agter my karavaan op dan is dit darem bietjie beskerm teen die wind."

We had a great evening in their company.

I get to Agulhas and that spot is closed off with a chain and lock. Agge-nee ! I go to the office and phone. I beg, promice and plead. I don't need anything, just unlock the chain for me. No, the place is closed, season over, you have to camp here in town. Severe and utter disappointment. It would really have rounded off a good day. Its late, I don't have too many choices and pull into the campsite.

What a shitty, impersonal place

But, I'm here and I'll make the best of it. There's one other family still camping and I go to introduce myself. The Tannie immediatly concerns herself over me and wants to know if I have everything I need.

"Nee wat Tannie, moenie worry nie, ek is OK"

They nevertheless  bring me their braai, a chair, plate and some utensils. Do I need anything alse ? Nee wat. The tannie won't believe I can have it all packed on the bike, until I start unpacking and her eyes just get bigger and bigger.

"Jitte Boetie, maar jy's omtrent ge-organise ne" Ja-nee.

I pitch, make the fire, get another cold one, sit down and reflect. Its not so bad and good to be on my own.

The braai goes down well, my inner piece returns and I sleep like a baby.

Jy lyk nogal asof jy in honnestront getrap het of iets op daai laaste fotie!  :pot:
Carrots said:
Jy lyk nogal asof jy in honnestront getrap het of iets op daai laaste fotie!  :pot:

Jou P. Boedie  :imaposer:
Nee Nee Speel nou mooi seuns.  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: