Day 5 - Thursday - 12 Jan 2012
You may wonder that I've said nothing about my family back home. They're OK. Lyn understands I have to do these trips. As I go along I SMS her during the day and we speak a bit in the evenings. She interferes very little. She has asked when I'll be home though. The way I worked it out it looks like I'll get home Saturday morning, but we'll see.
I pack, have a cup of coffee with the Krauses and Vermeulen and set off.
For some reason I get a real Zing out of this...
...and this
This is the last day of my visits, final destination the George Dogs. Have not heard much from them, except Trail Rider early on in te planning and Jakkals while on the ride. Also stil need a place to sleep.
I stop for breakfast in Swellendam and when I want to leave, press the button and... no magic moment. Flatspot on the starter motor ? I don't ZEN though and push start the bike. Easy ! Not very bright ??? It has a kickstart :imaposer: but it does not trouble me again.
I take the turn-off to Stilbaai en pull over just past the 20km to go board to get directions from Chris. Now we all know the man is a walking roadmap that puts a GPS to shame.
"You drive 2km and you'll go up a hill with a slight downhill. 5.4 km later you go up another hill and on the down side to the left there are two shops. After 600m you climb a hill that swings left which then goes steep down hill. There's a board to warn you etc... when you get to the board that says 'x' after a further 2.3km you turn right on the gravel road. My gate is 3km down that road. Where you are now you are 21.95km from my gate "
I implicitly trust his directions and set my tripmeter.(after all, coming from the National Bash he gave me directions to exactly where I would drop my bike in a snotterige driffie past Middelpos :imaposer
I arrive as expected smack in front of the gate. Greetings are exchanged, I get my cup of coffee and we move to the back stoep. Amanda is in town and we'll see her later.
Chris is a good conversationist(lag julle nou. Hy praat 'n donkie se agterbeen af :eek7:, maar dis lekker gesels) and talk flows from one topic to the other. When you've been around like him there's a lot to tell. Time flies and I'm enjoying myself in this peaceful surroundings. Amanda arrives and introductions are made. Now I get a proper cup of coffee and she puts up a light lunch, which was much needed.
I first met Chris at the CABC last year, where we camped next to each other, and again at the Bash. We discussed a ride together. He wants to do the Kouga Loop near Joubertina.(I'm going to have a busy year) All too soon again I have to get going, but not before we capture the memory.
The George Dogs await. I've seen those okes kuier and I'm a bit apprehensive.