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Introductions are made with that easy Wilddog rapport. We park on the stoep where you sit in this view and I have the compulsory cup of coffee. Stunning place.

Its time to saddle up

Joe is fascinated by the wildlife , but battles to get this tortoise to pose. Wonder what he would have done had he seen a real mountain tortoise ?

Some way up Combrinks Pass we pose a bit

The Xt’s make it a breeze cruising up the pass. At the top of the pass we do so again. Joe and Brian's XT's have serious attitude when parked

Myself,  XT JOE and Brian

Cruising along Bergplaas. It’s a stunning piece of road and you just want to wind it, but you have to watch it for the buck.

Down Holgat I let go a bit. What a rush ! At the bottom we get our first water crossing.  :imaposer: There is very little water in the Kloof.

The upper reaches of the Kouga dam

Smits kraal. XT JOE …

… and Brian

Soos die dag aangaan het my oog bietjie beter geraak vir die kiekies. Ek gooi meer later, gaan net eers bietjie werk.  :ricky:
We decide to turn around at Smitskraal and when we arrive we find some Park Rangers in attendance. We learn they are moving some buffalo which are beginning to crowd the Kloof.

They dart them, move them by chopper and load them in container trucks. We were unfortunately not allowed to go to the clearing to watch the operation.

The ten they took out today will be auctioned for between R 500k and  R1m each

The Old girls take a rest…

…and we do what one does on a social tour… we socialise a bit

It’s time to get back and when we leave I get to throw a pose

XT JOE at the back of the Kouga dam again. When the dam is seriously full that plain is flooded.


Going down Rooikrans

And up the otherside at Doodsklip, XT JOE can’t resist a pose when he sees the camera

I’ve been Through Baviaans about six times the past few months, but always going somewhere when  it was overcast and rainy. Today is stunning and you get a sensory overload with the views.  We’re going nowhere slowly and I have time to appreciate it.

Some pics going up Holgat.

And a wider angle


And wide angle again

Across Bergplaas and to my favourite picture spot at the top of Combrink again. Sorry, I just can’t resist.

Great pics Jup!!

Ek wonder wat so dag se operasie moet kos om daai buffels te relocate?
Sien jy werk nie eers 2 ure nie, dan sit jy alweer op die forum.  O0

Going down Combrink’s I  meet up with Brian

Having stopped I REALLY notice this ravine for the first time, because when you ride you mos not look at it. Jeepers ! You miss these turns you’ll never be seen again.

A little further on is another spot with a view

Cruising through Poortjies.

We get back to the chalet and I still have an hour or so before having to head back home. The ladies make us some ring-sting sarmies which get washed down with a couple of cold Black Labels. It’s pleasant sitting there in the mountains spending time with new friends. As usual I stretch it to the limit but I have to go. It’s sad to let these visits come to an end.

The group Photy. XT JOE(Sean), Brian and their Families. Thanks guys for a great pleasant day.

The kids want to go to the river and I join the party a little longer. I’m just going to have to hoink it, as much as the old XT can hoink to make it home before dark. That’s the rule.

As always when I’m cruising these parts, the fotie to end the day… and I do manage to get home after dark

And just for fun I play around a bit.

Another successful day being a Wilddog comes to an end.
Watse kamera gebruik jy asb Jup?
Carrots said:
Watse kamera gebruik jy asb Jup?

Nog steeds daai mik-en-druk Soni Easy Share waarmee ons ge-crash het. Die ding se breins is steeds heel deurmekaar nou kan ek nie altyd die foties neem wat ek wil nie, bv zoom ens.  :imaposer:
jupiter said:
Carrots said:
Watse kamera gebruik jy asb Jup?

Nog steeds daai mik-en-druk Soni Easy Share waarmee ons ge-crash het. Die ding se breins is steeds heel deurmekaar nou kan ek nie altyd die foties neem wat ek wil nie, bv zoom ens.  :imaposer:

Carrots said:
jupiter said:
Carrots said:
Watse kamera gebruik jy asb Jup?

Nog steeds daai mik-en-druk KODAK Easy Share waarmee ons ge-crash het. Die ding se breins is steeds heel deurmekaar nou kan ek nie altyd die foties neem wat ek wil nie, bv zoom ens.  :imaposer:


Ek wou se....het dit gaan google nou.....kry net Kodak's.....he he!!
Carrots said:
Ek wou se....het dit gaan google nou.....kry net Kodak's.....he he!!

Lyk ek is net so deurmekaar soos die kamera  :imaposer:
Nice pics and story Jup.

Um , the family photo, let me get this right, its your camera, you set it up and yet you are the only one not looking at it  :imaposer:

Nice to see that despite the new bike, you still get to blow the cobwebs off the old one.
Dirty Boy said:
Nice pics and story Jup.

Um , the family photo, let me get this right, its your camera, you set it up and yet you are the only one not looking at it  :imaposer:

Nice to see that despite the new bike, you still get to blow the cobwebs off the old one.

Thanks. The old XT is for play and then this ride was meant for it with XT JOE and Brian. So each bike gets a turn  :biggrin:
you are very lucky to have bavejaans on your doorstep .... i have only made it once  and once half in for a party and home next day but dream about that place ..
have yu ever stayed in the cave ( i think magdas se gat) near the trading store on willowmore side...