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Jupiter, I am afraid I lost count how many different bikes you are riding to keep the ZEN up.
Time for you to get your G/S on steroids soon. You know your final destination  >:D
DirtyHarry said:
Jupiter, I am afraid I lost count how many different bikes you are riding to keep the ZEN up.
Time for you to get your G/S on steroids soon. You know your final destination  >:D

My bikes is what makes me be alive. This rest is just passing time until I can get on a bike again  :ricky:
I felt slighted that I wasn't aware of your visit, seeing that Dirty Harry almost lives up the road from me... but then I realised I wasn't even in the country when you were in CT.  :biggrin:

Great RR. I always enjoy your accounts of striving for Zen and your descriptions of the inner workings of the psyche on a trip.


Jacko said:
I felt slighted that I wasn't aware of your visit, seeing that Dirty Harry almost lives up the road from me... but then I realised I wasn't even in the country when you were in CT.  :biggrin:

Great RR. I always enjoy your accounts of striving for Zen and your descriptions of the inner workings of the psyche on a trip.



Thanks. A week or so after I finished the trip I saw you lived close by and did think of giving you a uitkak for not pinging me, as it would have been nice to get together again, but then I thought you must have had something important to do.  >:D Next time.
Lekker Jup!!!

Baie geluk met die nuwe scooter....mag jy en die Baas baie gelukkige myle geniet.  :thumleft:
We get to stilbaai and Chris says we must get cooldrinks, he feels like going to sit by the see. We do that.

First he checks if Liefie is stil OK

Sometimes I comes here to sits and thinks... sometimes I just sits.

The view accross the bay is beautifull. This is a good serenity spot and we jus sit and enjoy it. (Dis nou die stilte voor die storm  :imaposer:)

But I can't sit still for too long just now. I want to gatskuur on the XT. We cruise around a bit more and then make our way home. Its now a good hour or more since I've had coffee.
Wil iemand nie asb tog net vir Jup 'n nuwe pet skenk nie!!!  :peepwall: :pot:
We get home and tinker a bit on the XT to make a few adjustments. Once settled, and after a hint or two, I get my coffee and we move to the front stoep.

Now don’t get this wrong. It’s not as if we have not been conversing all the time, but now the serious talk, which was previously interrupted and for which this visit was planned, starts.

Since Chris started his Oldies thread I’ve wanted to see his albums, but I’ll wait and we’ll savour it for later. It’s about four in the afternoon and we talk.  It starts to get dark. I get some more coffee and beer and we talk. Later we move through the dining room to eat and we talk. After pudding its out onto the backstoep, coffee, and we talk.

Those who have met Chris, and shared his experiences,  will understand this part. The man has stories and will never bore you. Those who have read the Oldies thread may get the idea. https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=87250.0  He needs to write a book.

About a week or so ago we also discovered that when Chris was a Troep in E-Comp in 1984 at Infanterie School, I was there as well as a one pip Loot. We could not remember each other, but now had a lot of common interests to share.

The evening wears on and eventually Amanda came to check on us at about half past eleven. Almost eight hours strait kuier. I did not even get to the albums. Good excuse to invite myself again. Amanda also makes good coffee.

Next morning is up early. I’m not sure which way I’m riding home, but I want to ride. Looks like its gonna be a wet one and it was.

We say our goodbyes and I’m off for a brekkie with Berm_Rooster in Mossel Bay.

Thanks you two for a most pleasant visit. Now at last I can have the feeling that the ZEN Tour is complete.

Velly, velly nice.  :biggrin:

Geluk met die nuwe wiele en baie gelukkige kilo's word jou toegewens.  :thumleft:
Now I get to open the XT up a bit on the N2 to Mosselbay. When I got the 600 last year I fell in love with that thumping feeling. When I had decided to get rid of the GSA, the 660 was going to be the bike, no question.

The XT effortlessly sits at 130km/h. Its comfortable and I enjoy the feeling. Its not the ZEN bike, but rather gives me a lekker ZING to ride it. Lots of people have commented about thumpers and open road touring. I eventually got home after three in the afternoon. I can sit on this bike all day. We'll have to wait and see how it tours two-up.

I meet Berm and we sit for a lekker brekkie. He's been quiet lately and we have a lot to catch up on. He did his first enduro ride a week or so ago and is as excited as a kid about it. Lots of other stuff happening too, which I'm not aloud to talk about  >:D

Its off to George to say hello to Kirsty and then meander home. Its pissing with rain and I shoot over the mountain to go the R62 and Langkloof home. I still get wet, but in the euphoria of riding the XT, I don't really care.

When I get home I'm pleasantly tired and satisfied that it was a good trip.
The RR got a bit confuddled with me finishing off where the visit to Chris got previously interrupted and the conclusion being mixed with getting my new bike. Twee vlieë met een klap.

This ZEN tour is now done. It was a great experience and writng it let me relive it. Others will follow. Thanks to those who made the effort to come and say hello this time around and nice meeting new Dogs, Gert, Big AL and  Max.

Thanks also to those for the well wishes on the new bike. I have a good feeling about it and only time can tell if it was a good choice.

See you next time.  :thumleft:
Veldbrand said:
Und Zen unfortunately it vaas finish ja.
Good one Jupiter, you're a "star"......

Jy moet nou gat roer en jou plek klaarmaak in Ladysmith dat ons 'n monster dak natmaak kan gooi.
The Social Tour has brought about quite a turn around in my Wilddog social life. I now have a lot of contact with Dogs and when they're around I get a Ping and we get together, whether its for a kuier or a ride. Some are short and some are longer. I can't do a separate RR for each kuier so I thought it would be fitting just to continue the Social Ride. Most will not be on the ZEN bike, but what the heck... its about the ride and the kuier, not so ?

Some time ago I assisted Goose with the XT550 he bought here in PE. Shortly after that, and a few weeks ago, him and Jenni went on a ride around and ended up at my place for a kuier and sleep over. After a very pleasant evening, with supper at a place along the beach, we got home and kuiered a bit.

Jenni and Peter. I wanted to say what a lovely, charming lady Jenni is, but I'll rather not, lest Goose takes offence at me being so forward.  :ricky:

And this is how Wilddogs kuier. We are not well.  :imaposer:

Thanks you two for a great evening.

XT JOE and I started chatting over our love for our old XT's. He's on a trip for the next week or so and in Biaviaans from tonight. Tomorrow I ride out to meet him for a bit of a ride around  :ricky: Watch here for the RR.
eikeboom said:
Looking forward to your trip with XT Joe

You must have heard the ringing in your ears when we skindered about you.  :biggrin: Just got home a while back... had a great ride on a perfect day. Still editing picks and will start posting just now.

XT JOE and I became acquainted over the Forum last year through our 600 Tenere’s. Unfortunately, as with a few others, I missed him on the Tour. We spoke often of getting together for a ride on the XT’s  and earlier in the year he let me know that he is planning a holiday trip past my valley with his family.

As his plans became finalised he would be in Baviaans end of March, staying a few days at Bruintjieskraal. It all came together nicely and I rode out this morning to meet up with them. Tripping with them was his friend Brian and his family.

The weather had been a bit shitty the past few days, but I rose to a perfect day for riding. I set out early to take a slow cruise and have a brekkie first.

At the turn-off to the Gamtoos Valley. You can see the Hanekam in the distance. It was, and would stay, a beautiful crisp day.

As I ride up the valley the views are stunning. Towards Jeffreys Bay.

And this nice padstal behind me

I get to Padlangs and its closed, but I do get a nice pic of this old truck

Hoink back to Patensie for breakfast at Tolbos. I meet another couple on a tour and on their way to Baviaans. We spend a pleasant hour together.

Its time to ride and before long I hit the gravel. As soon as you enter Baviaans the mountains envelope you.

I may be on a different bike, but the trip has ZEN quality. Remember, you won’t find Zen on the mountain… you have to take it to the mountain.

A quick stop at the Grootrivier bridge just to take in the quiet. In early February when I did the EC Bash recce the water was a foot deep over this bridge.

They’re staying at one of the chalets, I arrive, park and the old girls get acquainted. Ai'nt that just pretty. You better like it, 'cause you gonna se a lot of it for the rest of the day. The day belonged to the bikes  :ricky:
