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Stoetbul said:
jupiter said:
Stoetbul said:
Hando said:
Veldbrand said:
roxenz said:
I've really enjoyed reading this RR so far, Jupiter! Thanks for taking the time to put it together.

I've got Ted Simon's books as well, and although I feel him to be quite a different person to myself, the books are great to read. He has a sort of detached involvement which is quite zen...  Z & the Art of MC Maintenance I'm reading for the 3rd time, and have the same reaction as on the previous occasions: it seems as if I haven't read it at all yet! A bit of a chameleon book.

Then: I see Stoetie's papegaai must take after him, but his wife has managed to chain the papegaai at least!   :biggrin:
What you don't see outside/below the photo is that the chain is attached to a.......you guessed it, a toy trailer!
Can you imagine how much k@k that Grey has learnt to talk with a dad like that.
Jupe, did the Grey's T-shirt say: “I are Stoeties voël”

I got that photo !!!!!

here you go
1st Of: Jup, what does this mean:"Stoetie......Well he is Stoetie."  :peepwall: :peepwall:
2DE: Julle almal se MOERE behalwe Jup! :biggrin:

"...and Stoetie... well he is Stoetie. One can't help but enjoy his (enthusiastic) over the top company."  EDIT

Jy moes alles lees wat geskryf is. Ek wou nie te veel  meer se oor jou innemende, aangename, groothartige, sprankelende, sorgsame ens, persoonlikheid  nie, want dan het jou tjomme jou dalk eers gebyt  >:D  :3some:, maar nou moet jy vir jou kry.  :imaposer:
Ag dankie ou partner!!!!!! Voel ek nou sommer heel goed hier in die bloedige Bolandse hitte. :biggrin: :biggrin: ;)

Moet ook so bietjie gatkruip, want jy moet mos vir ons 'n paar Webers opsleep WC Bash toe vir die Koppies se gaarmaak.  :patch:  :ricky:
Baie lekker gelees, Jupiter!

Mooi fiets, mooi foto's en mooi storie!  Dankie!  :thumleft:
Baie lekker RR Jupiter. Jammer jy het so min tyd gehad hier by ons. Lekker om te ontmoet en laat weet as jy vir die onderwyseres kom kuier dan sal ons n braaitjie reel.  :thumleft: :thumleft:
Love a man who can wax lyrically in English and Afrikaans - a very rare talent. A great RR. :thumleft:

The Zen in the art of motorcycling messed with my head for a while (in a good way).  :biggrin:

I think that exposing 2SD's evil past shows that a man can make 4 mistakes and have it haunt him for life  :ricky:
Enjoyed your RR  :thumleft:  I could do with a bit of Zen and your ride is inspirational, it was great meeting you and hope to see you again when you are in the area  :ricky:
Oom Pad said:
Baie lekker RR Jupiter. Jammer jy het so min tyd gehad hier by ons. Lekker om te ontmoet en laat weet as jy vir die onderwyseres kom kuier dan sal ons n braaitjie reel.  :thumleft: :thumleft:

Ek het so hard geskimp vir slaapplek ek het skaam geraak vir myself, want dan kon ons mos nou lekker aankuier.  >:D

White Rhino said:
Love a man who can wax lyrically in English and Afrikaans - a very rare talent. A great RR. :thumleft:

The Zen in the art of motorcycling messed with my head for a while (in a good way).  :biggrin:

I think that exposing 2SD's evil past shows that a man can make 4 mistakes and have it haunt him for life  :ricky:

Now that's poetic. Might plagarise it as a title for a next RR  :thumleft: And the English ? ... luckily you get it from behind a keyboard. You don't wanna hear this Despatch boytjie speak it.You''ll cringe  :imaposer:

Dusty said:
Enjoyed your RR  :thumleft:  I could do with a bit of Zen and your ride is inspirational, it was great meeting you and hope to see you again when you are in the area  :ricky:

You guys have a promice to keep... to come visit and I take you on "The Poor man's game Drive'  :thumleft:
fokkit Jupiter hiersie is een kick ass report ek dink ook dis die eerste report van sy soort op die forum.  :thumleft: 

btw, en mense noem Dan Oom Dan?  :eek7:  :)
michnus said:
fokkit Jupiter hiersie is een kick ass report ek dink ook dis die eerste report van sy soort op die forum.  :thumleft: 

btw, en mense noem Dan Oom Dan?  :eek7:  :)

:thumleft: Hy't so 'n vaderlikheid waarmee hy hom oor ander ontferm en leiding gee  :3some: Bv dat jy nie deur popilariteit van so sekere brand mislei sal word en perongeluk twak koop nie  >:D
jupiter said:
michnus said:
fokkit Jupiter hiersie is een kick ass report ek dink ook dis die eerste report van sy soort op die forum.  :thumleft: 

btw, en mense noem Dan Oom Dan?  :eek7:  :)

:thumleft: Hy't so 'n vaderlikheid waarmee hy hom oor ander ontferm en leiding gee  :3some: Bv dat jy nie deur popilariteit van so sekere brand mislei sal word en perongeluk twak koop nie  >:D

Ek dink dit was ek wat begin het met die "Oom Danie"-ding, maar nou sien ek hy is nog 'n snuiter?  ;)
Nee kyk...dis min laat ons sulke Ride Reports lees waar mens nie net foto's loer en lag vir grap gat comments nie. Die was so glimpse op die mechanics in jou kop en die passie in die hart  :thumleft:

GENUINE nice geskrywe, veral vir n' Afrikaanse kerel :mwink:

Ek het nog nooit solo trip gedoen nie, maar die het my kop aan die dink oor n' solo trippie  :ricky:
Swart Baard said:
Ek het nog nooit solo trip gedoen nie, maar die het my kop aan die dink oor n' solo trippie  :ricky:

Gerard, Look what you have started now ! Soon there will be a load of WD riding around by themselves but meeting other WD, riding around by themselves, getting together for a ride around together and then coming home and trying to out do you by waxing lyrical about how they did a solo ride with a whole load of other solo riders    :imaposer:
You okes are too kind  :3some: But nice of you to say so  :biggrin:
Once the dust had settled on the ride and as reality returned into my life I kept getting the feeling that this ride was not complete yet.
What was missing was my sleepover at Chris's that got interrupted. This weekend I got to fix that  :biggrin:
Over the past month or so BigAl and I had put together this crazy deal to swap bikes... my GSA for his XT660Z Tenere. You can look here to get more of an idee https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=92789.0

The time finally came to change bikes and I had an idea. Al lives in Cape Town and I live in PE. Stilbaai is in between. ChrisL lives in Stilbaai and I needed to finish my visit with him. I had also in the meantime been shat on by a few other Overberg Dogs and here was another chance to see some of them. So the swap would happen in Riversdal and I put the word out  https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=92683.0

This all happened yesterday by which time I had already duly invited myself to sleepover at Chris and Amanda last night. Chris would meet me in Riversdal and we would get some dirt on the XT. Footpeg se Pa let know he'd see me there.

We're finally there.Warrefok am I doing ?

Done. I am now the owner of a Black 660 Tenere.

ChrisL and Gert(Footpeg se Pa ) had in the mean time arrived and we kuier a bit.

Then its time to say cheers and get the XT onto dirt and thereafter of course, the groot gesels.
We coolect our new bikes and set off our separate ways

I had asked Chris beforehand that we take the scenic route home and he expressed his concern that the XT would get dirty. The sooner the better. It had a slick front tyre and I was slightly nervous, missing the first sharp coner at a little driffie and ending up in the bushes. Me and the driffies... Ai !  :imaposer:

Ever the courteous host, Chris insisted I take regular smoke breaks, lest I getwithdrawal symptoms.

We take a nice twisty scenic route along the river towards Stilbaai

A view accross the valley with Chris's house on the left. Idyllic.

Mooi Jup.........nou kan ek verseker sê baie geluk. :thumleft:

Hoop jy het baie gelukkige kilo's op die Yami. :mwink:

Chris jy is seker al moeg vir Wimpy kos. :peepwall: