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    The three men my wife admires the most. 7 Gravel passes around Lesotho

    Geez now thats the sort of ride I'd like to do some time. Man I love that pass riding and exploring thing. Thanks for a great rr
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    Agga No, Those two mad Dinosaurs and junior go to Nam The ride begins

    Hey cous what an epic journey. As you say 22 days is a looong time in the saddle in mostly sand and I dont care how fit you are, mentally it could become a strain. But ja well done and look forward to the next one.
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    XT 600 Tenere Restoration of the Duchess

    Man that looks good TJ. I will never part with mine no matter what. Just done a little 4 day trip and she just chugged along all day averaging about 21km/l and keeping a permanent smile on my face. 
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    The Goat Ride ... or should that be The Goats' Ride ...?

    Great report Ian. See my cousin is still battling to get his side of the story down.
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    The Goat Ride ... or should that be The Goats' Ride ...?

    good stuff Ian. Keep it coming
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    My Rebel ride - shortest RR ever

    Hi Subie. Most important thing is you're ok. Heres a quote from you to me on an earlier thread when I was writing about slowing down and stop taking so many chances. "WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF SCENIC RIDES WHERE ALL OLD BIKERS END UP" Time to follow you're advise
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    Agga No, Those two mad Dinosaurs and junior go to Nam The ride begins

    That little pass you rode through looks flippin lekker. I like that sort of thing. Looks like such a jaul so far. Gooi nog
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    A little " clear the head " ride

    Thanks Dorsland. It was a day I wont forget in a hurry.
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    Agga No, Those two mad Dinosaurs and junior go to Nam The ride begins

    Lekker cous. Waiting for more
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    A little " clear the head " ride

    Thanks for reading guys. Was a total jaul. And thanks cousin Allen I for showing me how to post all these pictures and things.
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    Agga No, Those two mad Dinosaurs and junior go to Nam The ride begins

    kom cous. Mine's done already.
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    A little " clear the head " ride

    Day 3.  Whiteriver  to Groblersdal. So woke up feeling very chewy. Did a slow ride along the tar to Hazyview. Well I say that but I found out that old faithfull could actually do 120 + through the bends, such is the feeling of freedom you get going through this beautiful countryside. Went...
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    A little " clear the head " ride

    Hi dawgs. Sorry but my pictures keep on disappearing. Hope I have sorted the problem out now. Read through again as I have put in a few more pics. Will post day 3 today. What an epic this was.
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    A little " clear the head " ride

    Day 2. Lydenberg to Whiteriver. Left about 8.00 for Whiteriver. This was only going to be a short trip and I had arranged to meet my mate Nealle sometime early afternoon at a hockey tournament at a local school where he was playing, so I had plenty of time to kill and enjoy. Now I have heard all...
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    A little " clear the head " ride

    Thanks for coments guys.  Dit was so lekker om net die wereld te kyk en met die bike as ek 'n grond pad of ,n paaidtjie sien, dan vat ek hom.This is my first serious rr so its taking a bit of time to do. Will do day 2 tomorrow and day3 was an epic.
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    A little " clear the head " ride

    So works kak, moods kak, bodies tired and the wife is checking me out skeef because I’m grumpy. What to do. Then I remember the wise words of all good dawg’s. Do a little solo ride somewhere to re-spark your life. Requirements. Some sort of direction. Head east and explore Eastern Transvaal...
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    Agga No, Those two mad Dinosaurs and junior go to Nam The ride begins

    Gooi cous. This should be good
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    Kenhardt - Die Hel - Baviaans

    Very lekker rr. Maak n man lus om die pad te vat
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    83 Honda 600R XL for sale

    Hi Dawgs Bike still available for any reasonable offer. Owner desperate to sell. Contact Graham on 0733349505 or 011 8826472