Kenhardt - Die Hel - Baviaans

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Dirt Junkie said:
Love this photo :thumleft:

Courtesy of Paparazzi Lilly ... CapeKLR's missuss... and you're right ... awesome pic
sheesh .. work has been hectic ... wish I was back on this ride
Next morning we were up at the crack of dawn , packed and back on the road. Big day out of Die Hel , through the balance of the Swartberg, out the back of Cango Caves to De Rust, along a "secret" route that we had heard about from David to Uniondale and then a good way into Baviaans for our overnight
(dunno if it was being down in the valley or the number or zamaleks we settled around the fire that resulted in "crack of dawn" being a bit later than it normally is  :)  ;) )

Valley just looked different in the slightly overcast early morning

Looking back , that was one helluva ride  :thumleft:
So then we had the last part of the Swartberg pass to finish ... honestly , whatever I could say just isn't able to describe it

We had to leave something behind

If you ever go past this sign , take a look just below the Karoo Biking sign ... Baksteen and I  .. we can like to be there :)

Bottom of  a pass like this , one would expect to find eateries and coffee shops by the hundreds .. and that's what we thought . We are not nervous campers when it comes to breakfast after an early morning ride and were looking forward to a "large-greasy"somewhere warm.... but there was nothing ... nada ... I schidt you not. Maybe we missed them  ???
Lucky for us some ballie who was waiting for a german tour group at his establishment took pity on us and got his staff to give us a lekker cup of coffee and a table to sit at while we plotted the route we would take from the bottom of the pass to DeRust

In all honesty ... we rode like hooligans till we got to De Rust ... and then again to Uniondale so not many photos. So with 6 days of riding together under our belts we klapped it . OK maybe not the kind of speeds one could expect to ride on one of the bigger DS bikes (I won't mention any names here in fear of derailing the fred ) but 120 on twisty dirt roads for a 100 kays at a time after 5 or six days out there is more than fast enough for me... and this side by side. I had only to look over my right shoulder or just ahead to the left and there was Baksteen ... Faarrrk that big man can gooi his KLR around  :thumleft:

... and before we knew it we were in DeRust for some refreshment, a moerse burger and a bit of map inspection to find that route TheNav had mentioned to us back in Carnarvon
... and what a route it was. Stopped for no photos along here ... not for lack of opportunities but just because we were loving the ride. Everyone should get to experience at least one rid like this in their lives. Everything just comes together , from the road to the weather , to the people you ride with , to the locals along the way ... everything
so we arrived in Uniondale for a feul top up , cup of coffee and an icecream with chocolate sauce

... before we headed out to Baviaans.

.... some locals just making a point that they still own these roads

... and we were in to the Kloof

.. all the way to our overnight stop in a cave in the middle of nowhere. but what a lekker spot, in spite of the brief nervousness after we got our "how to handle a leopard visiting your camp" speech and the 3rd black label delivered along with the humungous braai meal we had pre-booked

This is the life man

view from my sleeping bag

... and of course ... the braai

danki vir die deel mooi fotos moes een moerse lekker trippie gewees het
Really enjoyed the RR, it's very interesting. Thanks for sharing! :)
Wow, that's must have been a nice trip. Well done guys, that's life!
Baviaans is nou nie meer net op my bucket list nie, maar het sommer opgeskyf! :ricky:
I'll make a plan to finish the last 2 legs of the trip this evening (Baviaans to PE & and then PE back to Jozi)
Just had a lot of other nonsense to sort out after graft so haven't had the time
Please!! Don't let work and such crap interfere with the RR  :deal:
subie said:
Please!! Don't let work and such crap interfere with the RR   :deal:
I know ... it's horrible   .... one day when I'm big all I will do is ride, take photos' and post RR's in WD 
So early next morning we were up and into the reserve

If you have the time, then try and leave the whole day just for this part of Baviaans... organise a braai pack and maybe a couple of beers .... and stop plenty. .... and if you've got 3 days then take 3 days

Everything you could ever wish for on a ride. Some twisty-dirt-highway, plenty water crossings, some technical ups and downs inbetween and the most awesome scenery to accompany it all
