A chance Wilddog encounter in the Swartberg Pass

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And then there was Raoul de Villiers, a maths teacher from the WC who also has a passion for adventure biking. But, according to RdV, he cannot, at the moment, afford the type of bikes normally ridden with all the necessary kit and gear. That, however, is not going to stop him from doing what we do.

He has his tent and all the other necessary kit strapped on his Gomoto and he is going camping in the Tankwa for a few days with the blessing of his wife and kids. His gloves are handmade leather and look like oven gloves and the rest, well, the pictures speak for themselves. But, what a guy.

Maybe he is what we need to see from time to time, when we forget how privileged and blessed we are to do what we do and then tend to take for granted what we have.

Raoul, I am proud to have met you. Happy trails, mate.

Only at Tankwa Padstal........................



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The problem with the Tankwa Padstal is that you can get stuck there. And there is a huge open veld at the back to quickly put up a tent and remain stuck.

But it is time for us to move on. Oasis is still a while away. The vegetation changes again as we start climbing and the road is good with a lot of lekker draaie.

I stop to take a photo and I am immediately attacked by a fly on steroids and decide to find another place for a photo.



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A jump followed by a rut and then a loose rocky area brought some caution back into the ride for me.


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Then it is onto tar and into the Peerboomskloof Pass with some spectacular views.


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These were taken somewhere between Tankwa Padstal and Oasis.


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And these..............................


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Even this cannot do justice to the beauty of the place..................


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Or this.................


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Peerboomskloof Pass.


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Fancy footwork in Peerboomskloof Pass.


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Down Peerboomskloof Pass.


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Great pics. Any contact details for Raoul. I've got some starter gear he can have
Despite the obvious indications that it has rained in the area previously, the predominant feeling is still that it is an arid dusty part of our country and the heat contributes to this sense of moisture deprivation. Water therefore, when encountered in large volume in this area, seems to draw you it and it has a nearly comforting effect. Hence these photos.



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XRBradman said:
Great pics. Any contact details for Raoul. I've got some starter gear he can have

I do have these details somewhere.

Your offer is, in my mind, what I would perceive as the Wilddog spirit. Great stuff. Can you let me know what you have? I will also go through my kit and add onto your list.

Anyone else that is willing to donate?

Jup, how about we invite him to our EC Bash?

That was not his first trip when we met him. If he has been traveling in this manner for a while, he must have some stories to tell.

I've got a jacket at least. Will look around. All used I'm going back to plastics.

Are you sure about the name of that tar pass ??

I could have sworn it was called Katbakkies pass.

The other one when you come up from Tankwa Padstal is called Peerboomskloof (Skittery kloof) pass.
Hando said:

Are you sure about the name of that tar pass ??

I could have sworn it was called Katbakkies pass.

The other one when you come up from Tankwa Padstal is called Peerboomskloof (Skittery kloof) pass.

You could be right. I lost some direction with the photos of mine that were corrupted as they showed the timeline better. It is the tar section that may have confused me, because according to Mapsource, the only tar section is in Peerboomskloof Pass. I can't seem to locate Katbakkies on Mapsource. Also, the guys we spoke to at Tankwa Padstal said that Katbakkies was not on our intended route, but that we should do it at some time. I am open to any input as it would also sort my confusion.

Thanks Hando.
On the way to Oasis.


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We do the last section to Oasis and set up camp once there. It is still early, around 5, lots of sunlight left in the day, so we decide to do some exploring. There was an interesting road leading off the road we came in on and we head up there.

Ever the adventurous spirits.                :ricky:


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Just beyond the gate, there was literally a trail leading off to the left. "Should we try that?"

Why not?

The first section was OK, then it was like a mountain bike trail, but there was no turning back and, at that stage no way of turning on my Gopro. It was grab a handfull, stand and go, no hesitation, no looking down. Just go, and I did.

To be honest, I think both of us were very surprised that I got that GSA up over those steps and into the clear without going down. But, it was still early in our off the beaten track little jaunt as was to be proven a short distance when my bike decided to take a nap on a very awkward place covered with loose rock. Dead quiet.

"Are you OK? OK? OK?"

Marc had to park his bike (a huge endeavour at the best of times) and walk down to help me get the bike upright.

Unfortunately, once again, the visual proof is corrupted (I hope Marc has some of that specific fall) and I only have a picture of him walking back up to his bike after assisting me to get going.

This was the best of the trail we were embarking on. The objective...............to reach the top of the hill where the mast is. That is mos enough reason to take on anything. (How I miss my IT465)





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