Africa tour to the equator and back in 40 days

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Look at the car wheel on this wheel barrow. It is quite common around here.


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Day 27                31/12/2010    Arusha------Swiss Farm

The next morning we left Arusha to go towards Kilimanjaro. Arriving at Kilimanjaro National Park Juan and I first went to see the little town before returning to the reception. Juan was waiting at the bikes while I went to enquire whether they would allow us to ride to the top of Kilimanjaro with the bikes and like at the Serengeti it was a definite no. Well at least I have tried, we did not have 5 days for climbing and not even one day for rest. I suppose we will have to make one separate trip to climb Kilimanjaro, see the Ngoro Ngoro Crater, see the migration of the Blue Wildebeest in the Serengeti and come and see “The Lion” our Masai Mara guide in the Masai Mara Game reserve. From there we took a ride on the dirt road going around Kilimanjaro and although the mountain was covered in cloud we could at least see it from different angles. From there we took the road towards Dar es Salaam although we would have to sleep over somewhere. We had lunch and a Kilimanjaro beer at quite a nice place next to the road. It was extremely hot and it felt like about 48 degrees. We later stopped for petrol at a place with just one petrol pump, a young attractive Muslim girl of about 18 years old came to fill our bikes. While filling my bike we chatted and she wanted to know where we are from. Johannesburg in South Africa I said. She said I must marry her and take her to this far of place called South Africa. I said to her that I am already married but will she mind to be my wife no 2. Yes she said that is OK. I said just one more question? She is Muslim and myself of the Christian faith will she adopt my faith? I could see the disappointment in her dark eyes while shaking her head and the possibility of moving to this far off fairy tale land disappearing. Little did I know that another Muslim girl would propose to me in 3 Day's time again. From here we hid the road again, it was a beautiful road with a mountain range on the left hand side with level ground on the right side of the road. This mountain range carried on for hundreds of kilometres. I think the scenery along this road was the most beautiful in Tanzania. As it was getting late again we started to look for accommodation on the GPS. It was the 31/12/2010 and as I said to Juan before, I don't mind to sleep in a tent for the whole trip but Christmas and New Year I want to sleep in a proper bed. So the GPS indicated that there is Swiss farm nearby. As I have been to Switzerland before I imagined that this place is against the mountain with beautiful green grass going up the hill just like in the Heidi movie. The GPS took us off the main road and we turned towards the mountain range. We soon were on a beautiful mountain pass with waterfalls and stone bridges where the road cross the water streams. I could see that these bridges were still build during the Colonial times as stone workmanship was perfect. The GPS said it was 30 KM from the main Dar es Salaam road but the track 4 Africa map works different as that is where you have to turn off and we probably had another 20 KM to go. It was all mountain passes and we passed through a village called Lushotoland and I could see that this was the place where the rich had visited during their holidays in the Colonial days with a couple of hotels still remaining. We went through informal settlements and then bush again and ended up at another informal settlement where the GPS indicated that the Swiss farm should be. There were people in the street and I indicated Swiss farm? Swiss farm?  They pointed at a gate nearby. The situation was very much the same as at Lake Malawi. We open the gate and rode in and to our surprise it was like I have imagine but even better with the green grass going up the mountain and 2 beautiful cottages. A real Swiss guy by the name of Sepp came out to greet us. The cottage had everything in including a bar fridge fully stocked, a fireplace, lots of woodwork a shower that really worked like a Swiss cloak and the finishes as good as you would find in Switzerland. We really found a jewel here for our special evening and the rate was also really reasonable. Sepp soon had the fire going and as he was the chef he went to prepare our New Year's Eve dinner while we relaxed in front of the fire by candle light with a drink in the hand. We had the most beautiful dinner and by 10 PM I was already fast asleep. When Sepp fired off his 375 at 12 O’ clock to welcome the new year I did not even wake up and I think it was the first time in my life that I slept through new year but the heat of the day and continues travel day by day took its toll.    
Everybody on their way home for New Year with their green bananas. Their staple food is made of this.


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The road going toward Dar es Salaam with the Mountain range on the left for hundreds of kilometres.


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The road going toward Dar es Salaam with the Mountain range on the left for hundreds of kilometres.


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These mountains look almost like the mountains in the Cape but are many thousands of Kilometres away.


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Here we turned off the main Dar es Salaam road and are busy going up the mountain passes to the Swiss Farm.


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