Africa tour to the equator and back in 40 days

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Low tied, we had to wait for high tied before our boat arrived.


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Day 34        7/01/2011          Mocimboa do Praia---Pemba        356KM
The next morning after breakfast we left and went to a nearby garage to sort out the electrical problem on Juan's bike. We thought it could be either the alternator or the battery. We unloaded his bike and checked the battery with a small multi meter that we brought along. It showed 8 volts so the battery had it. Down the road was a Chinese bike spare shop so I took the old battery along as a sample. Juan's bike had a dry cell battery and the Chinese shop only had wet cell batteries. I found one that was not quite the same size but at least it fitted under the seat and bingo the bike started first shot. Juan's rear brake pads were shot and from here he rode the bike only on the front brakes. We left for Pemba and on the way I had one of those near death experiences again where car came on my side of the road and at least this time there were a run off area next to the road. We reached Pemba after sun set and booked into a lodge owned by a South African lady. She told us that Kingsly Holgate often come and stay there and Riaan Manser also stayed there during his around Africa bicycle trip. This was really a nice lodge/camp site see photo's.             
I greatly admire you okes traveling in Africa. I am not a "people" person and just cannot stand the "cultures" of Africa.
The thieving and corruption. I will maar travel alone here in SA but really like to read al the reports about touring in Africa.


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