Baviaans over nighter

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Pack Dog
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Cape
KTM 990 Adventure
First RR , If their are any problems with posting they will be rectified before second post :thumleft:

Baviaans 1st trip
We decided to do a manly trip , you know the rugged weekend trip where you carry only the bare essentials ,sleep in a tent and eat your food out of tins ,but after feeling the Eastern Cape’s winter cold we swopped this for an over nighter sleeping in a bed and breakfast in the Baviaans. Think we will wait for summer before we prove ourselves to be real men.
Our meeting time was arranged for 8am at the start of the Elands river road just outside of Port Elizabeth. We didn’t want to get on the road to early and miss the views if you know what I mean.

We are ready to leave on a chilly Saturday morning in PE. Yes it is a BMW and KTM standing side by side

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The trip would consist of 5 friends  on five different bikes. The newest being  a 2010 KTM 990 R to the oldest being a 1993 African Twin 750. The experience also varied with two of the riders having only ridden the dirt roads once each but having sufficient off-road riding experience on the plastic bikes.We needn’t worry the temperature showed a great day with 2mm of rain hitting Mossel Bay late Saturday afternoon. It would be a dry ride, remember Eastern Cape is in a drought so there would be no rain.

KTM 990 R                                                                       

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BMW GS 1200

KLR 650

Transalp 650

African Twin 750

We met at Uncle Freddies( some people said uncle Charlies) anyway we met at Uncles for a healthy breakfast of pies and droe wors just to make sure we had the right nutrition for the long morning ahead. The mornings ride would consist of  a trip down the Elands river road to the tower ,then down the Groot rivier road  and on to Steyterville for lunch.

A welcome home sign for dogs

The road was very quite at this time on a Saturday morning, so we made good time with all the riders having done the road before.

African Twin, the old lady in action. ( The bike not the rider, although sitting down like that ?)

The sand river dam in the distance.

The temperature was pretty cold so the stopping was kept to a minimum, thats 3.5 degrees not 35.

You can see the frost on the ground wherever there is still shade.

The riding along this road is great with the road starting as a gravel highway double lane and slowly changing to a single track and getting
progressively worse closer to the Elands river tower.

The view from the top of the hill looking towards Gamtoos river.

The road to the tower and the compulsory thawing out stop although most were warm from the last few climbs where you have to concentrate
on the road as there ars some steep dropoffs.

This was the last guy that didnt concentrate.

Compusory photo

Let the games begin, the mountains that must be crossed before arriving in Steytlerville.

The road we had heard was very bad but I would guess that is dependant on your skill level.There are short sections that are washed away
but all sections are do able for a semi skilled rider.I think it would be interesting with a pillion on a big bike.

The road starts off fine and becomes 1st gear 2nd gear ,very seldom 3rd until you have crossed the river and climbed the other side. You also pass through the Cockcomb section of the Baviaans shortly after you enter the road.

Some of the rocky downhills which are mostly a 1st gear affair.

I wou'nt say this is big GS country but other than buying some land on the rocky steps other side the groot rivier it handled well.

I think we are spoilt for riding terrain so close to home.

The views are amazing and you dont relize how high you are .

Stopping for the view before dropping down to the groot rivier.

Nice RR!!  :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:

Some of the pics says to me it must have been F@@@@@kin cold.....

Lekke to see the TA650....flippin great bike.....Im busy with my 2nd one....the 700

Pasop vir die karre....
Thanks, will complete the report shortly.

I was surprised at how well the TA handled especially in the Baviaans.
Yeah...Ta is good....
We did the Baviaans in March/April....was a lekke ride, learnt a lot and bought a piece of land there... Did it along with 2 KTM's and a legend HP2.....RR is somewhere in the ride reports.

Real cool bike though..
Nice one ROCSTOMPA!!!!! Did the bm wobble u keep up with you guys? Ha Ha
Nice one!! We wait in anticipation  :thumleft:


Welcome RDsnails!!

Trust you'll enjoy the forum ...  ;D

Please tell us more about yourself here .....  :thumleft:
Nice RR Rocstompa.

Maybe when your mate with the Beemer goes back after the Worldcup, I'll be the beemer representative.
Nice RR!

African Twin, the old lady in action. ( The bike not the rider, although sitting down like that ?)

The AT is not a poser bike, you are allowed to sit :p
Baviaans over nighter cont.

You wouldnt want to go off the edge here.

Last photo of the bikes before heading down to the mighty groot rivier.

Crossing the not so mighty and not so Groot Rivier.

At least there was enough water to give the bikes a wash.

Compulsory rest stop before climbing the staircase out the river.

At least there was some water in the river during this drought we are having.

The long road to Steytlerville, not very exciting except for the water runoff 'ramps' that are fun at speed.

Leaving the Grootrivier on route to lunch at Steytlerville.

At least there had been some rain here too.

Joining up again at the Cockscomb road.

I was right after this picture that I dropped the camera while trying to do an in-ride shot of the riders with dust clouds surrounding them as they road down the last straight before town.Lunch of burgers and toasted sandwiches were had at the Royal hotel.I think to classify a town a proper town is to have a royal hotel in the main road.

After lunch a lazy procession moved off to Willowmore with very few photos being taken.

The route before reaching cold beers.

Nothing like the word beer to put a smile on your face after a dusty ride.

After refueling in Willowmore we entered the famous Nuwekloof Pass, many a photograph has been taken in this pass.


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