Bot fence ride

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subie said:
Abre said:

You make it look as if the only thing I did was fixing punctures all day long.

Sorry, you are right, I was fixing punctures until sunset.

Very tough day for me, physically and mentally. Thanks to the support of you and Bensien it worked out  well in the end. Draadtanf and Fast Freddy certainly saved the day for us. Without them we might have ended up in Botswana without even knowing it. Or be lost for weeks.

Thank you for the idea. It was my first WD trip and will certainly not be my last, although I said so Saturday evening.


I am staying in bed today . "Sawwe  lyf " :lol8:
It certainly was an adventure to remember. I cannot understand why their is not more rides out that way. That is real adventure riding country.  My advice about this trip is go and do it, it will be a memorable ride. If  Draadtang and Fast Freddy ever offer to guide this ride then  jump at the opportunity. These boys are tough and fast but very willing to help us lesser mortals through :ricky:  Really enjoyed meeting them  :thumleft:

Abre you are a good and fast rider just Saturday was not your day with regards to punctures. Sure you will remember your first WD ride  :lol8:
Subie solank julle dit geniet het is ek bly,jammer vir die stuk pad met die klipies :imaposer:en so min sand  :lol8:As julle dit weer wil doen praat net,maar ons reel dat julle saterdag aand nader slaap en nie die laaste end in die donker ry nie. >:D
subie said:
Really looked forward to this trip and Friday the 8th Nov it finally happened.
Met Frontier and High5 at the Shell garage in Rooihuiskraal rd. SloMo could not make it
so we left via Erasmia and the little Schurweberg rd onto Hekpoort where we met up with Nicobie.
Just a few km after Hekpoort all the electrics on Frontier's bike just died. Nicobe came to the rescue
and asked his wife to come pick up Frontier and his bike with the trailer. It was very hot and all off us thirsty.
The lovely lady stopped with the words "I should have brought some cold beer with "   :eek7:
The mood was a bit somber for me saying goodbuy to Frontier.
1st Pic  Frontier and Nicobe
2nd Pic  High5  Such a friendly very capable rider who also had to leave the ride later with some 

Very nice RR and some good pics  :ricky:
Cool report, do you maybe have a gps track of the route done?
Draadtang said:
subie said:
Abre said:

You make it look as if the only thing I did was fixing punctures all day long.

Sorry, you are right, I was fixing punctures until sunset.

Very tough day for me, physically and mentally. Thanks to the support of you and Bensien it worked out  well in the end. Draadtanf and Fast Freddy certainly saved the day for us. Without them we might have ended up in Botswana without even knowing it. Or be lost for weeks.

Thank you for the idea. It was my first WD trip and will certainly not be my last, although I said so Saturday evening.


I am staying in bed today . "Sawwe  lyf " :lol8:
It certainly was an adventure to remember. I cannot understand why their is not more rides out that way. That is real adventure riding country.  My advice about this trip is go and do it, it will be a memorable ride. If  Draadtang and Fast Freddy ever offer to guide this ride then  jump at the opportunity. These boys are tough and fast but very willing to help us lesser mortals through :ricky:  Really enjoyed meeting them  :thumleft:

Abre you are a good and fast rider just Saturday was not your day with regards to punctures. Sure you will remember your first WD ride  :lol8:
Subie solank julle dit geniet het is ek bly,jammer vir die stuk pad met die klipies  :imaposer: en so min sand   :lol8: As julle dit weer wil doen praat net,maar ons reel dat julle saterdag aand nader slaap en nie die laaste end in die donker ry nie. >:D

Fokkers!!  Ek was goed opgefok  :lol8:
Ons was almal opgefire vir sand ry en nie vir bergklim oor die rotse nie  :eek7:
Julle moet regtig  weer so n ride aanbied vir die ouens hier op WD (as daar belangstelling is.) :angel4:
Ekself ry nie weer daai klip koppies nie maar sal graag die meer "gentleman's ride" Tapama lodge toe wil doen,selfs deur Vorstershoop toe  :lol8:

Die klippe was erg gewees maar dit wys waartoe die fietse instaat is. Mens kan selfs die eerste deel vir 'n dag trip gebruik vir die wat iets meer tegnies soek. En die natuurskoon was iets besonders gewees. Het niemand van ons foto's van die rotse geneem nie? Miskien sodat ons nie kan onthou hoe erg dit was nie. Dit is verbasend hoe goed die fietse die terrein hanteer het. Daar was hier en daar 'n skraap maar as die roete in ag geneem word was die skade minimaal gewees.

Die paaie verder noord van Rooibokkraal is ook 'n gebied wat verken kan word.

Advies vir die wat huiwer: kies 'n gebied en gaan ry. Daar is duisende kilometers pad om te verken; dan kan jy vir ons 'n RR skryf en vertel waar jy was. Dit kan wees dat daar paaie baie naby jou is wat verken kan word.

Subie het 'n idee gehad en Draadtang en Freddy het vir ons gaan wys waar hulle ry. A dit nie vir hulle was nie sou ek nooit gedink het daar is 'n pad om te ry nie.

En ek dink dat die ondervinding wat jy op die grond opdoen gaan van jou 'n beter ryer maak.

Sal vanaand 'n paar foto's post.

Hier is die tracks soos van my Gps afgelaai. Vrydag se roete is nie daar nie. Weet nie hoekom.


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Some more pics. Sorry no pics from the  rocky section. I was to busy crying in my helmet to worry about pics  :spitcoffee:


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subie said:
Draadtang said:
subie said:
Abre said:

You make it look as if the only thing I did was fixing punctures all day long.

Sorry, you are right, I was fixing punctures until sunset.

Very tough day for me, physically and mentally. Thanks to the support of you and Bensien it worked out  well in the end. Draadtanf and Fast Freddy certainly saved the day for us. Without them we might have ended up in Botswana without even knowing it. Or be lost for weeks.

Thank you for the idea. It was my first WD trip and will certainly not be my last, although I said so Saturday evening.


I am staying in bed today . "Sawwe  lyf " :lol8:
It certainly was an adventure to remember. I cannot understand why their is not more rides out that way. That is real adventure riding country.  My advice about this trip is go and do it, it will be a memorable ride. If  Draadtang and Fast Freddy ever offer to guide this ride then  jump at the opportunity. These boys are tough and fast but very willing to help us lesser mortals through :ricky:  Really enjoyed meeting them  :thumleft:

Abre you are a good and fast rider just Saturday was not your day with regards to punctures. Sure you will remember your first WD ride  :lol8:
Subie solank julle dit geniet het is ek bly,jammer vir die stuk pad met die klipies  :imaposer: en so min sand   :lol8: As julle dit weer wil doen praat net,maar ons reel dat julle saterdag aand nader slaap en nie die laaste end in die donker ry nie. >:D

Fokkers!!  Ek was goed opgefok  :lol8:
Ons was almal opgefire vir sand ry en nie vir bergklim oor die rotse nie  :eek7:
Julle moet regtig  weer so n ride aanbied vir die ouens hier op WD (as daar belangstelling is.) :angel4:
Ekself ry nie weer daai klip koppies nie maar sal graag die meer "gentleman's ride" Tapama lodge toe wil doen,selfs deur Vorstershoop toe  :lol8:


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So niemand is "gesubie" op die trip nie? :peepwall: >:D

Lyk na gawe wêreld om in rond te ry. :thumleft:
chrisL said:
So niemand is "gesubie" op die trip nie? :peepwall: >:D

Lyk na gawe wêreld om in rond te ry. :thumleft:

Ou ruggie jou k#k comments raak nou afgesaag op my threads. Kies bietjie iemand anders om gesig te koop mee man  :xxbah:
subie said:
chrisL said:
So niemand is "gesubie" op die trip nie? :peepwall: >:D

Lyk na gawe wêreld om in rond te ry. :thumleft:

Ou ruggie jou k#k comments raak nou afgesaag op my threads. Kies bietjie iemand anders om gesig te koop mee man  :xxbah:
Duidelik is jou ribbes baie seer as mens nie eens jou been kan trek nie Subie. :thumleft:
chrisL said:
subie said:
chrisL said:
So niemand is "gesubie" op die trip nie? :peepwall: >:D

Lyk na gawe wêreld om in rond te ry. :thumleft:

Ou ruggie jou k#k comments raak nou afgesaag op my threads. Kies bietjie iemand anders om gesig te koop mee man  :xxbah:
Duidelik is jou ribbes baie seer as mens nie eens jou been kan trek nie Subie. :thumleft:

Nee man jy het nou n punt gemaak om op elke trip wat ek beplan het of gedoen het hierdie te kom pos omtrent. Die snotneus bende het my woorde verdraai op n thread lank terug wat ek geplaas het vir eie vermaak en my onnodig in swak lig te stel. Waarvoor weet ek nie.
subie said:
chrisL said:
subie said:
chrisL said:
So niemand is "gesubie" op die trip nie? :peepwall: >:D

Lyk na gawe wêreld om in rond te ry. :thumleft:

Ou ruggie jou k#k comments raak nou afgesaag op my threads. Kies bietjie iemand anders om gesig te koop mee man  :xxbah:
Duidelik is jou ribbes baie seer as mens nie eens jou been kan trek nie Subie. :thumleft:

Nee man jy het nou n punt gemaak om op elke trip wat ek beplan het of gedoen het hierdie te kom pos omtrent. Die snotneus bende het my woorde verdraai op n thread lank terug wat ek geplaas het vir eie vermaak en my onnodig in swak lig te stel. Waarvoor weet ek nie.
Subie as ek jou beledig of verkleineer het of iets dergliks vra ek om verskoning.
Nie my bedoeling. Jammer. :thumleft:
chrisL said:
subie said:
chrisL said:
subie said:
chrisL said:
So niemand is "gesubie" op die trip nie? :peepwall: >:D

Lyk na gawe wêreld om in rond te ry. :thumleft:

Ou ruggie jou k#k comments raak nou afgesaag op my threads. Kies bietjie iemand anders om gesig te koop mee man  :xxbah:
Duidelik is jou ribbes baie seer as mens nie eens jou been kan trek nie Subie. :thumleft:

Nee man jy het nou n punt gemaak om op elke trip wat ek beplan het of gedoen het hierdie te kom pos omtrent. Die snotneus bende het my woorde verdraai op n thread lank terug wat ek geplaas het vir eie vermaak en my onnodig in swak lig te stel. Waarvoor weet ek nie.
Subie as ek jou beledig of verkleineer het of iets dergliks vra ek om verskoning.
Nie my bedoeling. Jammer. :thumleft:

Jammer van my kant ook  :thumleft:
Back to the topic:

1. As I turned off the tar towards Rasmincol to meet Subie and the rest at Marunthwane
2. First grouping after turning off the tar towards Miga, just outside Zeerust
3. Example of a stretch of about 20km through the bush
4. Sunday towards Thabazimbi, close to Makoppa
5. Also towards Thabazimbi.
6. Outside Skeerpoort on the way home


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Well done guys  :thumleft:  looks awsome