Bot fence ride

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Something that might be of interrest to some.
I have done the sikaflex conversion last year on my bike. At the moment I am running tubes front and back,
sealed at the valves with the sika conversion. I haven't picked up a real puncture yet but easily pinched my front tube 10 times already with the T63 front tire. Great handling tyre but  it seems too "soft" a tyre for my needs. I just pump my wheel everyday with the pinched tube and fix it at home again. I am a lazy bastard changing tubes next to the road in the hot sun and this works great for me.
Tempted to try the E0-9 front next maybe. Will definately stick with the EO-9 rear tyre.
Patched the last two tubes I messed up over the weekend.


Did you go back via Rankin's Pass? If si what was the roads like?

Thanks once again to all involved who made the trip possible.
Abre said:
Patched the last two tubes I messed up over the weekend.


Did you go back via Rankin's Pass? If si what was the roads like?

Thanks once again to all involved who made the trip possible.

Yes very nice scenery. Just an ordinary dirt road which I would class as newbie friendly. Nicobe had to point out to me we already went through the pass. Not much of a pass but a nice relaxing ride  :thumleft:
Abre said:
Which route did you take from there?

In post 28 I included the tracks we rode as downloaded from my gps Abre.
Here is a pic


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On the way back in Hartebeespoort area encountered a heavy thunderstorm.
My rear smooth knobbly was just sliding all over. I could hardly touch the rear brakes.
Never felt anything so slippery on my bike. Me and Nicobe said our goodbuys at Brits.
Haven't heard from him yet  ???
Eks jaloers manne!! Ou Subie, ons het eenkeer so vinnig in Geluksburg ontmoet, sal ge-eerd voel as ek eendag op jou knoppie kan druk om ons te lei op hierdie roete. Ek hou van jou styl.
Slakkie said:
Eks jaloers manne!! Ou Subie, ons het eenkeer so vinnig in Geluksburg ontmoet, sal ge-eerd voel as ek eendag op jou knoppie kan druk om ons te lei op hierdie roete. Ek hou van jou styl.


Draadtang of Boss Freddy is die regte manne vir die trip. Ek wil nie sommer  aspris die klipkoppe weer oorgaan nie.  :lol8:
sounds like everybody had fun. im so sorry i couldnt make it.. good news is my wife gave me the OK to next year go and ride up through Africa for 4 weeks. yippee. sorry not trying to hijack the thread!!

think before then id love to meet all you guys and do some rides together.

Sounds like you all had your hands full in the rocky section.

If there are no photos of the klipkoppe, then it means it did not happen.
Eintlik is ek maar net erg jaloers en sorry dat ek nie deel van die trip was nie.
Kom ouens, gooi nou nog peechas.
Titanic said:
If there are no photos of the klipkoppe, then it means it did not happen.
Eintlik is ek maar net erg jaloers en sorry dat ek nie deel van die trip was nie.
Kom ouens, gooi nou nog peechas.

The klipkoppe is not such a big deal for the "more in shape" riders. For me it was a bit out of my comfort zone.
Hope the other guys come gooi their pics here.

RobbieH said:
sounds like everybody had fun. im so sorry i couldnt make it.. good news is my wife gave me the OK to next year go and ride up through Africa for 4 weeks. yippee. sorry not trying to hijack the thread!!

think before then id love to meet all you guys and do some rides together.

Sounds like you all had your hands full in the rocky section.


High5 on the 990 made short work of the klipkoppe though.
Is dit Malema wat daar staan en saam julle bier drink  ;D


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subie said:
On the way back in Hartebeespoort area encountered a heavy thunderstorm.
My rear smooth knobbly was just sliding all over. I could hardly touch the rear brakes.
Never felt anything so slippery on my bike. Me and Nicobe said our goodbuys at Brits.
Haven't heard from him yet  ???

Sorry manne, ek was twee dae weg van my rekenaar.
Ek het ook 'n paar fotos en ook van die klipkoppe.
Sodra ek die imageshack kan uitsort post ek my deel van fotos.
Hier is my beskeie bydrae tot ons uiters lekker/spanningsvolle/nagtelike/trip deur Subie voorgestel.

Dankie vir die lekker saamry, jammer dat die BMW's so bietjie uitgesak het maar tog kon meedoen.

Hier is Frontier se gs op die sleepwa met hartprobleme - Jammer Frontier dat jy moes agterbly.

Hierdie oom Johan het sy eie paradys, benewens die mampoer ook sy eie wildsplasie.

En hier is die pad van Zeerust na Miga - almal nog vars en baie lus vir die avontuur.

Nou eers tee drink om die pad langs die grens op te laai. (Dit het nie afgeval nie - nie daai soort oplaai nie)
Moet bietjie guts opbou vir die episode.

Ons ontmoetingsplek met Draadtang en Freddy
Eers verby gery na die grenspos en na 'n gebellery omgedraai en die "skelm" paadjie gekry.

en dan die paadjie soos hy ontvou van 'n lekker 2 spoor na sand na klipkoppies

Begin van die klip koppies om jou eers mak te maak vir wat voorlê.
Ek het ook maar die groot klippe gespaar om af te neem sodat ons nie toekomstige planne bederf nie.

Was wel redelik warm en dan is klip ry nie so maklik nie.

Verskeie stoppe in die bos.
Moet net nie vir Draadtang en Boss Freddy rigting vra nie - Hulle weet wel waar om te ry maar Noord is in verskillende rigtings.

En dan die rus by die shabeen, met Abri se papwiele, Subie se seer ribbes, Draadtang wat die draad opsoek en Subie en Boss Freddy in rus posisie.

Hierdie was 'n welverdiende rus en optop kans (optop met die liquids)
Amper ons tyd oorspeel hier want toe mos ons skouer aan die wiel sit om voor donker by ons slaapplek aan te kom.

Jammer dat High5 ons hier moes loslaat en hyself agterlaat.
Hoop jy het darem reggekom, mense, ons honne het maar net 'n oop hart as dit by probleme kom met 'n fellow dog.
Ek kan net dink hoe bly jy moes wees dat daar manne soos Draadtang en Boss Freddy is om by te staan.
