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WD Vendor
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
Southern Cape
It was a crisp but sunny day and I only pulled away at 11.45.
As we live on a dirtroad I just connect with another with very little tar inbetween and thus
it was the whole trip.

Out of the rivervalley up on the hill one can see the town of Stillbay.


A small piece of tar and I head for Albertinia. This road is in good shape and I promised
myself not to speed today. I kept in 5th gear.


I turn off right before Albertinia to take a smaller road between the farms that also takes me to Albertinia.


I fill up and buy some vetkoek and head out of town on the dirtroad heading in the direction of Herbertsdale.
Ten kilos out of town I turn right to Valsriviermond. Going down towards the Gouritzriver.



The Gouritzriver.


Love these twisty little roads. The Aloe's are starting to bloom.



A little side river that feed's into the Gouritz.


I have to open some gates before I join the N2 a kilo before the Gouritzriver bridge.
Could this vetkoek be enough!!!!!!!?


Methinks someone wanted to have a "groepsiewoepsie" here and no one pitched. So he just left 600 condoms
right there!!!!WTF?!!


Took this pic for Esbee. He used to work here long time ago. Nothing going on.
No bridege swinging or bungee jumping. It used to be a busy place over weekends.


The bridge all closed up. Sad really.


I turn left towards Mosselbay for a kilo or two and then left again at Copper sideing.
Nice long turns. The first Canalo starting to bloom.


I wanted to ride on a road I have not been on. I take the first left. After two gates ( and I do love them so much) :biggrin:
I get to a locked gate!!
I go back all the way to the mainroad and take the next one left. Sign says Buisplaas.
As I passed this ewe only the frontfeet of the lamb was sticking out but by the time I had done two U turn's
it was born and she was chewing ambilical cord. Nature sure is quick. :thumleft:


All two hundred of them. How do I know?
I counted the tits and devided it by four!!!! Easy :imaposer: I had a chap to the farmer :deal:


That is were I was a hour and a half ago.


And was I tempted to cross here but with my track record of crossing water I rather did not and
I knew I'd be on private land once I have done so.


I have not been here before and I stop at the first house to find out what Buisplaas is all about.
It was started by missionaries and the total landsize is 94 ha. Most if not all work in Mosselbay 50 kilos
away or on the neigbouring farms. Some cattle and sheep is kept but they could do better with what they have
methinks but the water have to be pumped and that is where the problem lies. The Eskom bill :eek7:
The town used to be called Buffelsdrift but almost everyone in town has the surname of Buis so they
changed to Buisplaas.

Rugbyveld and school.


Built in a time when money was scarce and people had lots of time.


An hour later this little one is standing and drinking. Nature is fast :deal:


I go back to the mainroad and turn left towards Herbertsdale to go check  out a road I have driven long
time ago but know it has been washed away by the river. I get there and it is fenched off.
These two follow me for about 500 meters!!


I ride slowly and everytime I stop there they are. Naughty buggers!!


I turn right for the N2 again. I open up a bit as it is getting late.
That is the valley towards Herbertsdale in the background.


At the N2 I go strait accross to Gouritzmond. This an estuary that formed because of a little river that flows
into an area that used to be open towards the Gouritsriver.


The locals are enjoying the good weather at the singlelane bridge crossing the Gourits.


I turn left just after Rein's Nature resurve and is ride south and then turn west again.
Narrow little road with a few gates.


These pines were planted long ago to act as a windbreak for wheatfields.




Picking wildflowers is big business here for the farmers.


At the next T I turn left until a deadend for a private beachreserve.
Iemand vir n huise by die see? :thumleft:



I turn around an head for home. Into the sun unfortuneatly. Turn off the main dirtroad to
a smaller one that is a shortcut home.
Slow traffic. Farmworkers that went and collected wood.


This is a little "gatgooi" en play road but very dangerous as one do not know what is around the next corner. :eek7:


On a slight hill I take another pic of Stillbay.
I am glad I went for this short ride today. It could have been easy to find an excuse to not go ride but I did not.
All this I saw in +- 200 kilos.


Thanks for reading. :thumleft:
You guys are so lucky to have such cool roads on  your doorstep, makes me very jealous.  :sip:
Nice one Chris....but tell me, why did they close the bungy swing bussiness? it use to be so busy? had some good jumps off the bridge a few years back....
Nice Chris  :thumleft: :thumleft:
laurika said:
Nice one Chris....but tell me, why did they close the bungy swing bussiness? it use to be so busy? had some good jumps off the bridge a few years back....
Money L.
It was getting expensive to jump or swing and people do not have that kind of money
anymore I think to spend on 5 seconds screaming their lungs out.
I hope one day they will open it up again as it was cool to just sit and watch.
chrisL said:
laurika said:
Nice one Chris....but tell me, why did they close the bungy swing bussiness? it use to be so busy? had some good jumps off the bridge a few years back....
Money L.
It was getting expensive to jump or swing and people do not have that kind of money
anymore I think to spend on 5 seconds screaming their lungs out.
I hope one day they will open it up again as it was cool to just sit and watch.
yes, and the bridge also had such a lovely view of the river below....pity.
Great ride, great pictures! Thak you for sharing  :thumleft:
laurika said:
Nice one Chris....but tell me, why did they close the bungy swing bussiness? it use to be so busy? had some good jumps off the bridge a few years back....

It was closed because the bridge became unstable, the full story used to be on the Face Adrenalin website.

Nice ride Chris, nou jeuk my gat sommer weer om te gaan ry  :thumleft:
Cool pics Chris and a lekker route.
Will have to strech my leggs a little fyrther and come and ride with you some time ?
naturebiker said:
You guys are so lucky to have such cool roads on  your doorstep, makes me very jealous.  :sip:

*sigh*...........ek stem ja.....daar is nie woorde vir daai paaie nie.  :drif:

Lekker Oom Chris....en dankie vir die deel. Eendag as ons groot is!  :thumleft:
Mooi wereld en mooi beskrywings...

Dankie Chris!
Lekke ry plek daar by jou Chris. Ek sal ook saam Andy moet kom kuier weer.  :ricky:

PS: Hou daai 600 kondome vir my asb. Jy het dit tog nie nodig nie.  ;D
Chris you are so lucky cause there are some awesome roads in that area.Do you have a route that you maybe saved?? :thumleft: