Call us Crazy!! But what an ADVENTURE!! - Finished! WE MADE IT!!

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Hmmm ek het uitgesien na die report, dit lyk lekker.....lekker f....en koud :biggrin:

Keep it comming :thumleft:
Jy weet wat se hulle van die manne van Makwassie? - Hulle spyker maar hulle was nie

Lekr report :thumleft:
Well - sharing some more - still busy writing the last few day.... hang in there!!!  :lamer: :lamer:

Stay in Pta

It was a mad few days, still trying to recover from the karoo tippie when it was Marique’s Bday, hectic, think we drank all the beers in PTA!!
Here are a few pics….



>:D This is how it's done! >:D

I even had to write an EXAM!!  :pot: Simone prepared an exam for me for when I went and visited her…

I was terrible, but at least got 100% for Arts and Crafts!!

I also had to get my back brakes sorted and tried KTM in Centurion…. Mmm….did not really help me… so opted to go visit Adventure MX!!
NOW this Guy knows his stuff! I had a hectic hangover and was stuck on the N1 for far too long and when I got to him – everything is great there- out of the city – relaxed, he’s got everything you will need, No cash needed – EFT quick quick! Had my sprockets and chain replaced, went for the 16T front, GOOD Price!! And he serviced my back brakes and clutch while I was there!
JUST a Big thanx to ADVENTURE MX for sorting me out! You rock man!! I really do hope you guys up in Gauteng support him!!


Well everything sorted and packed we had our last family gathering on the plot, I just love those bonfires, someone tokkoling the guitar and cold beer in my hand!!

:ricky: :ricky: :ricky: :ricky: :ricky: :ricky: :ricky: :ricky: :ricky:
WE could not wait for tomorrow, as then our REAL trip starts!
Befokte trip tjom :thumleft:

Nou moet jy nog net vir Rut leer hoe om n bike op n grondpad  regop te hou dan vang ons n trip voor hy en Chantie trou :mwink:

hondsekierie said:
Befokte trip tjom :thumleft:

Nou moet jy nog net vir Rut leer hoe om n bike op n grondpad  regop te hou dan vang ons n trip voor hy en Chantie trou :mwink:
:laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4:

Ja - dit sal ma vinnig moet gebeur!! Wanner is jy weer hier dan moet ons vi Rut bietjie cederberge toe vat vir training!!

STay tuned vir di res van di trip lesotho toe!!  :ricky: :ricky:
Scrat said:
I also had to get my back brakes sorted and tried KTM in Centurion…. Mmm….did not really help me… so opted to go visit Adventure MX!!
NOW this Guy knows his stuff! Had my sprockets and chain replaced, went for the 16T front, GOOD Price!! And he serviced my back brakes and clutch while I was there!
JUST a Big thanx to ADVENTURE MX for sorting me out! You rock man!!
Nice RR and was nice meeting you at A MX
Day5 Pta to Clarens

The day finally arrived!  :ricky: :ricky: :ricky: :ricky: all packed and ready - Einstein was added to the mascot list!

Ma Beerjie het nogsteed sy plekkei gehad!

Said our goodbyes, and we started our 1st day on our long way round trip back to Cpt. 

One of my friends decided to join us on a fun run to Marlboro drive in JHB. He will soon be getting his GSA and then start joining us on the dirt! Thanks Jandre!! :thumleft: :thumleft:


The N1 and N3 was madness :eek: :eek: :eek:  – all those road works going on – what a mess, after a boring 2 and hlf hours ride we finally stopped just outside Heidelberg at a 1 stop and had a lekke Steers lunch.

This bee fell into my lucozade and looked dead - but Marique's or rather Eva's magic touch and he started getting life again!

We carried on on the N3 and our last stop was at Villiers to refuel and have some red bull, someone was feeling sleepy again!!  :bueller: :bueller:

On the road again.... me just loving life!!  :thumleft:


We realized that time was flying and we’d better get a move on – we headed off to Frankford and then straight for Bethlehem, not a lot of pics taken but we had to stop and take some of this old house.. Must have been a stunning place in its days!



We arrived in Bethlehem and had to find a place with leke cold beer and the best option was O’Hagan’s, nice little spot there.

We continued on to Clarens and it started getting very cold now  :eek: :eek:…. sun was setting fast and we were hungry!


We also had to stop at the As River Outfall Outlet... (think that is what it is called ??? ???)


We finally arrived in Clarens just after dark and it’s Saturday evening, everyone watching the rugby, we opted for the Barrel and Beef bar and soon started phoning around to find accom for the evening…. DAMMM…  :-[ :-[ :-[ everyone was fully booked!!!  :eek: :eek:  What to do? We left our tent in PTA and we only have our sleeping bags with us…… after phoning almost everyone… we got hold of a nice old lady called Anne, :biggrin: she has a small little flat on top of her garage and we could stay there, and best is it’s a block up from where we were enjoying our drinks and dinner!
We arrived at Anne’s spot and what a Gem… very cozy and secure parking for my bike in her garden… a bit of OBS before bed and soon we were fast asleep tucked away from the cold outside.

We were ready for the unknown that waited for us tomorrow!
Super stuff Scrat and Marique..... :thumleft: up to Marique for piliioning such a long way....

it can get quite boring at the back... ::)

keep it rolling Scrat....

Day6 Clarens to Oxbow Lodge  

We had some Oats so easy for breakfast and started packing up again… soon we were ready to go and off to Fouriesburg for breakfast.
We realized that we still have an extra camera and it will be better if Eva take some action pics, to save time and not stop all the time for 'n sigaretjie  >:D >:D
Marique Getting ready for the day

Anne's little devil... >:D >:D

Anne trying to avoid the camera....

View from our flat in Clarens

On our way to Fouriesburg - a lot of smoke in the air....


We found a little deli and had a good brunch and stocked up with some sweets for the kids… refueled and drew some cash as it will be Cash only in Lesotho….. :-\


On route to Caledonspoort we saw a lot of veld fires – sad…. :'( :'(


We had no problems at the border and soon was of towards Butha-Buthe, great road so far, just have to look out for all the animals…



Butha-Buthe was very busy and we had to make 110% sure to knock anyone over… :eek: :eek:


but soon we were on the A1 towards Oxbow….  :ricky: :ricky:



In some places the kids came running down towards the rd and screaming – “we want sweet!!!!”  ….. Someone told me not to just give sweets or money for no reason – if you stop they need to do something for that reward, either sing, dance or stand for a pic then you may reward them…. Worked for us! (We never gave any Money – only sweets)
The scenery was amazing and the winding road awesome!! We kept on climbing and climbing and soon started seeing frozen waterfalls and mountain streams… and it was getting really chilly now!



We finally got to a spot where we could stop and take pics of this stunning waterfall….AMAZING.....




It was so quite there and the air smelled sweet!  Out of nowhere this voice came out and echoed “GIVE ME MONEY!!!”  WTF  ??? ???– where did that came from?? Then we heard the rocks tumbling and saw him – a Sheppard came running down to the rd, this was our 1st chance to try out the reward scheme with our sweets. And we got our pic! Cool


– we headed into the unknown again!!

The road we came from.... quite a climb.....

Constantly alert and on a lookout for the “Black Ice” on every shaded corner in the road that will deff send us plummeting down the mountain! – some pics of the road..






One of the reasons why we decided to do Lesotho is to see snow!! Ya – we have never seen snow…… (little did we know in just a couple of days....... :mwink: :mwink:)
So we had to stop and enjoy! Dam slippery and cold!!



We soon arrived at Oxbow only to find out that it was only the 2 of us there, well, no problem, at least now we don’t need to share the fireplace and beer with someone!  :pot: :pot:

This was our little chalet and even had parking for Bike,


I had to thank bike for looking after us so Eagerly....

we soon raided the bar and took some pics of the stream below.. , it was rather cold and as soon as the sun set you could feel the cold creeping through the glass and windows!



This was about 8pm after dinner .... damm cold

I made sure Eva was entertained for the evening...... :imaposer: :imaposer:

And i found out ...... Die Regte manier van "Ballas Bak"!!  :pot: :pot:

More Pics was taken but cannot be shared with anyone ............ :mwink: :mwink:
