DHL Courier duties

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Race Dog
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
BMW (all models)
Almost all courier companies’ slogans have the word time in there somewhere. Or at least some play on words to the effect. When my wife got a quote for a package to be couriered from Graskop, the quote came to R600. “Rubbish,” I blurted. “I will use less fuel with my bike to go fetch it myself.” I did a similar thing with my GS 15 years ago so I thought I would do it again. So without a time deadline, or any pressure, the Strom rumbled east to do it’s DHL duties.

Standing in the kitchen before dawn, preparing a flask of coffee opens the memory floodgates of happy times, spent with loved-ones. In a kitchen not far from here, Megapix was also getting ready. He decided to come with to clear his head a bit. At 5:30, we left fot the N4, stopping at Rose Haven for a quick stop and on to Alzu for breakfast.


After breakfast a whole gaggle of other bikes rumbled in and we had a chinwag with the SuperTen pilot. They were heading to Baberton and surrounds. It sounded like a lot of fun, but looking at the weather, I would rather pass. We stopped at the Bergendal monument where I relived another GS moment.


A quick geocache attempt in Dullstoom, and we were off again. We stopped for another cache before we headed to Lydenburg for a quick milkshake.

When I had a GS, I rode this very road and remembered a pass called Kaspersnek. This was our target. We rode through Ohrigstad and stopped at the site of some Voortrekker graves, that I visited all those years ago.

Strompie, Candy and MegaPix

The road to Kaspersnek was recently scraped, so made for some easy riding.  We saw some warthogs and other game as well.

MegaPix, doing a Meerkat!

When we got to the pass itself the mood changed. The pass, though short, is very technical.  From a photo I took of my GS way back when, the road was pretty smooth. Well, it isn’t pretty or smooth nowadays. It required a lot of concentration and when we crested the downhill bit was even more daunting. MegaPix reveled in the conditions, and even thought this section of road was to be the big time waster, it was worth the time wasted.


Photo opportunity, 15 years apart.

From here we took a quick dash to Graskop, and I strapped the parcel to the bike.

The road between Pilgrims and Graskop

Looking at the time, we were going to run late. Very late. And then mother nature had to butt in as well. Before Sabie, a light rain hit us, but by the time we got to Long Tom we had clear skies again. We stopped at the top and took a few pics, but within minutes, a heavy mist rolled in and we had to move. Before Dullstromm, we stopped at an old station, converted into a roadside café. It was derelict,  and made for nice photos and a welcome rest.


State of the nation

We rode effortlessly further, but as we approached Bronkhorstspruit, we knew we were in for a drenching. The clouds were heavy and lightning was all over. I can handle rain, right up to the point where my underpants get wet. We got home eventually but I was absolutely soaking wet. And you know what? I Will do it again tomorrow.


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