Dodgy memoirs with thanks to Jax

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Pack Dog
Aug 16, 2010
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At a recent PE Ulysses meet, I was invited by BMW PE and Beagle Boy to accompany them on the Dodge City 400 trip. I was quite excited about this, as this was the area that I spent growing up in.  I then proceeded to have a trip down a mountain road, unconventionally flying off the edge, and the Red Bull wings got clipped in mid flight, resulting in a serious lack of throttle control.  Now what. Enter Jax, giving me permission to join Beagle Boy for the weekend.

Then BMW PE dropped out, which left Charmaine and Bennet, Beagle Boy and myself doing the trip together.  This really was a serious trip down memory lane for me, and you readers if you care to join. Thx all for taking me along.

This is my intro, so those of you who are ragging me, get over it......

First coffee stop just outside GMT town, at the Salem turnoff. It took Beagle Boy a while to get me off the bike. I was very comfy on the GS 1200

The ghastly petro stop outside Fort Beaufort, with the two chaps peering over the wall. What else is there to do in that glum spot.

Breakfast at Baddaford, great weather and pleasant banter.

Nuts for Mr T.

Coffee stop at Lindisfarne on the Hogsback Road.

Robin, my old school teacher and now farmers wife of Lindisfarne, with Beagle Boy.

Lonely windmill and frosted grass on the Happy Valley Rd, Hogsback area. Stoney road from Hell.

Tylden, my Gran used to go there for holidays and I learnt about nommer asseblief phone operations in the day.

Queenstown, Hangklip rd. Mountain behind brings back memories of collecting snakes and legavaans with neighbour Quinton Coetsee, and young boys on their snot seperators, those 50cc's that used to roar up and down the street trying to attract a girls attention - and only just going fast enough to separate - you can work it out for yourself..

Stabling built for our horses, so proud in the day as dads and kids got together to do this after we got kicked out of the showgrounds, looking pretty sad 30 years later, but still in use, must have done something right.

Girls High School, the old bag of a headmistress, Ritchie, never did get me expelled, despite all her efforts, and I did matriculate from there in 1977.

The Websters house, in QT, with its Cobra nestled in the garage That is Mick's Motorcycles Webster.

The frenetic activity of midnight loading of off road racers and Micks two boys, Chris and Jonno, who were off to Burgersdorp at sparrows - and supper got lost along the way - all is forgiven.

Old school chums, horse riders, bike riders and volksie rollers, some 30 years later, Les, Derick, Dorothee and Mickey.

Fancied this Triumph at the start in Qt on Sat am.

Dordrecht - my first school, this date shall be omitted.

The home of Hendrick Verwoerd's sister, who was evacuated by the po-po on the night of his murder, and my neighbour as a child.

My old home in Dordrecht, memories of snow up to roof level, yeah, no school, could not get out the doors or windows.

Happy times, used to feed a little wild field mouse bits of cheese and bread on a daily basis, arrow marks the spot.  Used to be convinced it was my pet, ah the simplicity of youth.

Highveld Hotel, Dordrecht. Members of the Methodist Church used to partake of communion wine here, with the permission of the minister, because the church was just too cold in the middle of winter.

For my brother, Rice Crispy, pic of Glen Ink, who always seems to be on the forum at 03h00.

Peter Greyling, founder of the Dodge 400 run, and garage owner in Dordrecht. The last time we met was in approx 1968. His dad owned the original petro port in the days of rationing.  He used to allow a little cheating.

Indwe, I think...I can remember the agency bank van with a few million rond in it, disappearing up the road towards this town, once a week, to open the bank for the farmers.

My expertise with a camera and riding pillion comes to the fore. One finger, a bit of one, and that's the front mudguard of Padrone, who was sticking to the tar. He was a little jaded from the night before.

Views after lunch stop x2


Beagle Boy, my fearless companion, who tolerated many giggles of the one armed bandit trying to get on and off the 1200.

Lady Grey, pit stop of note for some, cups of tea for others, and many just put their feet up for a snooze.

The group from PE, Beagle Boy, Dorothee, Charmaine and Bennet.

The lady's in Lady Grey Hotel.


The church in Lady Grey, and as per Glen Ink, all the homes around it, face towards the church. He was spot on.

These 3 crosses in the church grounds are pretty realistic, and have definite footholds in place to stand on.  Clearly the Passion of the Christ is reenacted there once a year.

This building is in the corner of the church yard, and I would appreciate comments on it. There is no chimney, a metal door divides the entrance form the larger section at the back. No windows, thoughts of Mortuary come to mind..?

Road home after Aliwal, somewhere between Steynsburg and Hofmeyer.

Beagle Boy, who braved the dirt for a short distance, with his pillion rider.

Hofmeyer, for breakfast and man, was it cold there.


Nearly home, and as a girl, who can resist the Eastern Cape Aloes, they just traveled through hills and valleys and were magnificent.


Beagle Boy's bike clocked over to 50 000. Jax not there to share with him, so this pic was very important.

The erosion in the Eastern Cape is unique to our country, and has it's own attractiveness.

As I said, a trip down memory lane, thanks for sharing and Thx to my friend, Jughead for helping me put this together.

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