Father and child sleep out at Monte Christo

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Baie dankie vir almal........Ek en my seun het dit baie geniet en was lekker om jul te ontmoet.
    Mooi man,ek wens ek was nog jonk soos julle.A trip with your kid is priceless.I still enjoy every moment with mine and he is nearly 36.


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Julle twee pret mense! Kallie julle kom lekker saamgekom het!
Moet ook bieg ek het so skuins voor 7 voor jou huis verby gery - het beplan om te stop maar moes maar deurdruk huistoe, vrou was al bekommered!
Baie dankie aan almal, julle is great mense. Gwild jy is die nice'ste shark supporter wat ek ken.

Vaalbaas jy mag maar chillie bites maak. Ouens Gouda Slaghuis mag maar chillie bites maak.. :thumleft:
What a lovely RR :thumleft: :thumleft: So nice to see something different like this, being done. Sure the little ones had a really Gr8 time :thumleft: :thumleft:

Thanks for sharing it with us.
Saturday morning I had a very excited little girl(Samantha) come into my room at 5am just to see daddy still asleep.  She waited very patiently for dad to get up around 6am and started getting ready for the ride. By 7:30 we where on our way.


Took a slow ride to Worcester got there just before 9am. Waited a little while for Blikners and kiddy. We all had a nice breakfast at the Wimpy Steers.
From here ino more then a hour&half to the camp-site.


We did a quick stop at Slanghoek for weewee's and pics.



Got to the camp-site around 11:30 quick tent pitch and ready for the pool.



Later we sat around and got to know one-another a little better. It was good to see the guys more relaxed with there kids around.  ;D



Next morning some interesting ways to get the hot water for coffee and some more chatting was had. (this could be a debate, plastic coke bottle full of water lid on or half water lid of in the fire/coals)


Packing up and getting ready to go.


I didn't take any pics on the way home.  :-\

I was about half/hour from home when I could feel that little miss was starting to get heavy on the strap she was strapped to me.  It was my first trip with a strap set-up and I was a little worried that it might not work. I found it very easy to feel when she started falling asleep. My strap was a little thin but it did the job.

For any fathers/mothers that want to take a smaller kiddy on a trip but are unsure? I can advise that it is not hard to feel there movements at all and my little girl was happy on the back. I would recommend using a nice thick wide strap or material to strap him/her to you as that would keep them from leaning to far over if they fall asleep.

I was told by someone that you get a set-up that can be strapped to the bike and then you can tie the kiddy to that but the idea of having little miss strapped to a bike and then coming off, just didn't sound right to me. I would rather have her to me and maybe have a chance of cushioning her fall myself then having her stuck to a bike rolling over.  Just my 2c on it.  :thumleft:

It was a very successful trip and I am sure she will jump at the chance to go again.  :ricky:

Gwild you are the man, start arranging the next daddy kiddies out ride!  :thumleft:

Thanks to all that attended, it was great meeting you all.

Riaan (R-O-V-Rat)

gwild said:
So Riaan and son, Fearless Frikkie and daughter, Rooi Willie and son and myself and son met at Graanendal shopping complex to load some extra stuff in Riaan's bakkie. We were all very excited and got going soon after we arrived at Graanendal. We left Graanendal and our first stop was in Gouda by Vaalbaas

Nice one!

Where's Graanendal? Is it near Genadendal?
eikeboom said:
gwild said:
So Riaan and son, Fearless Frikkie and daughter, Rooi Willie and son and myself and son met at Graanendal shopping complex to load some extra stuff in Riaan's bakkie. We were all very excited and got going soon after we arrived at Graanendal. We left Graanendal and our first stop was in Gouda by Vaalbaas

Nice one!

Where's Graanendal? Is it near Genadendal?

Graanendal is in Durbanville!
As jy Durbanville inkom vanaf Klipheuwel se kant by die eerste robot draai jy lings en dan is die winkel kompleks Graanendal op jou linkerkant.  :thumleft:
Ek het 'n paar fotos, maar my meisiekind is al weer op kuier met die kamara. Ek sal eers in die nuwe jaar my bydrae kan maak, maar ek sien daar is heelwat gekiek  en geplaas
Is reg so Galblaas, ek het n paar fotos van jou maar dis meestal net voete!
Gaaf om te ontmoed en daai droewors is, sorry WAS, tops!
VaalBaas said:
Ek het 'n paar fotos, maar my meisiekind is al weer op kuier met die kamara. Ek sal eers in die nuwe jaar my bydrae kan maak, maar ek sien daar is heelwat gekiek  en geplaas

Ja ons wag vir jou kiekies :ricky: