Fighting the sandmonster - So called Altlantis n00bie ride

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Race Dog
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
We had a decent turn out today, I think i coulted about 12 bikes , but as soon as we hit the sand, guys were dropping like flies.

All n all the only casualty we had was Mr Mark, Hope your leg is okay mate, after dropping into a hole and launching himself over the bars the 3rd time. 

Me, Lito and co, Nivea and mr kawasaki (??) kept playing abit longer untill everybody decided its time to go and .. refuel their bodies with the alcoholic fuel.

Lito & co and I decided to ride on since we came to play and thats what we intended to do. we hit a couple of technical bits behind the dunes, still with moerse thick sand and we had a jol. Then Lito decided to go Dune sailing, Bliksem boet, post that video!

Some pictures.

Casualty 1 - Mark hardy

Casualty 2 - Me - Gat oor kop



On the way home, some how I ended with this view :)


The whole day was a blast, Lito and I really had fun throwing sand around..

Eish nous ek taaierd
Boy, did we have fun today! totally awesome! my little XR just had the most fun ever. really came into its own. big respect to the guys with the big bikes! and mark, enough spectacular dismounts already.
and mark, enough spectacular dismounts already.

I agree - he is huffing and puffing around the house like a 95 year old....
Oh he is - I'm jsut taking the mickey out of him not handling things the way he used to *giggle*
Hey dudes and gals , thanks.

Sadly to say the best was actually after everyone left. Myself, Amanda and Steve0 had absolutely the best time ever. What an absolute jol.... :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

I am happy to load a video, but its frikking 221 megs!  :eek:  Anyone have a smart way of compressing it so that it doesnt eat my 3G in its dingisin?

Once again, nice to see so many (and new faces), and its always a pity to me when everyone just dissapears home. Trust you heal up Mark. (ps: the rubber grommets are easily reinstalled in the windshield fairing)

Today was a lot of fun. Here are a few cellphone pics of the carnage.

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The Tank did very well. just so seems to be on its side most of time in the thread!
Hey thanks guys for a great day, damn that was a lot of FUN. I must the sand was great mostly, nice and hard but in places the bike just nose dived into really soft patchers, The first time it happened I kissed the front mud guard (Steveho pic of my bike). The 2nd time the bike went into sand submarine mode I took flying lesson and the bike also cartwheeled and ended up facing the wrong direction. The 3rd time she really dived deep and through right through and over the front screen, resulting in my thighs taking some real punishment and snaping the sreen in half.

That KTM 300SX is one absolute blast, that was the most fun to ride in the dunes. Light, fast and floats on the sand. Wheelies for nothing. It has been many many years since I rode a MX bike. Thanks to KTM for loaning the bike out for the day and to N[]va for the originisation and collection the machine.

Thanks again for a tremendouse morning, will be back but this time with knobblies.

Lito said:
Trust you heal up Mark. (ps: the rubber grommets are easily reinstalled in the windshield fairing)


Windshield fairing snapped in half, so I need to find out when I can get plastic welding done.
stevh0 said:
The Tank did very well.

What he said. His last crash into the bushes was partially my fault. I stopped without realising he was so close behind me and he had to take evasive action...into the foliage. Welcome to the forum "Bushdiver". ;D
SACK said:
stevh0 said:
The Tank did very well.

What he said. His last crash into the bushes was partially my fault. I stopped without realising he was so close behind me and he had to take evasive action...into the foliage. Welcome to the forum "Bushdiver". ;D

must say its a funny looking pic
stevh0 said:
The Tank did very well. just so seems to be on its side most of time in the thread!

you should have seen his face when I told him that we need to drag the front wheel around so that bike was facing down hill....  >:D >:D
Now THERE are some bike perspective views you don't see that often.

So that what a 1200 looks like to a worm !  ;D

Tha big katoom would make one fine ditch-digger !
hey . i see its a bit deficuilt to ride sand. but is it easier to ride sand with a 1200gs or with a 200 gomoto
Mr Kawasaki?????? that'll be Mr Andy 250 to you thanks :biggrin:

Sorry, no pics from me this time, here's a few from aprevious ride.......... is that a hijack?


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Andy 950 said:
Mr Kawasaki?????? that'll be Mr Andy 250 to you thanks :biggrin:

Sorry, no pics from me this time, here's a few from aprevious ride.......... is that a hijack?

my bliksem, sorry tjom