Fighting the sandmonster - So called Altlantis n00bie ride

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Heres a small video of yesterdays fun

and the fuller version with some fun effects
Lito said:
Heres a small video of yesterdays fun

Nee, heavy respek ouens!!! Ek gedog Vrystaat sand  is  rof, maar julle beat dit by verre! Met 'n pillion op, daai dunes? WOW!
Julle is Kokers!  :salut:
Mens kan heeldag net staan en kyk hoe ry Lito,

Lito when you doing the Dakar?
Thanks guys. Etienne, not anytime soon mate, I lack the skill to go even .5% there.

Heres some picshas - Amanda and I flipped head over a$$ within 10mins of riding Atlantis - we were standing up and you can guess the rest. As I tired (quickly), we just sat down mostly from then on. If we were standing when this happened, well....  ;D



and then later on, in the backside of Atlantis, we took a break (Amanda, Steve and I). Needless to say I sat down on a thorn bush. You can guess where these kolletjies of blood were coming from... :'( :imaposer:


Sorry George,

but this 

Was moerse funny!!!

:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
was awesome fun guys, realy enjoyed that... esp after the crash.

was food for my soul :D  :ricky: :ricky: :ricky:

going for a lunch thing , will post my pics when I get back or on monday morning, thanks all for coming

and esp tanks to andy950 for loaning us a car with a tow bar! :D
Hiya guys and ladies, thanks for arranging the Atlantis dune ride. It was the first time in dunes for me. So, after the first fall 50m into the sand, followed by a gat oor kop in a soft spot, a few more falls........well, I was just really tired. Hell, picking up a bike takes it out of ones system. Respect to those guys on the heavy bikes, and to anyone doing a long distance trip in serious sand. I arrived home, took a Myprodol, and slept for 2 hours. Washed my bike today, but battled to bend to wash the wheels and all the other bits. I guess that was Sand 201, and not Sand 101 but I am putting it into my memory bank for sure. Seeya next time. :ricky:
the katoom sounded so much better In real life..

Problem was that i couldnt follow Lito's tracks in the soft stuff, he ended up digging trenches the type that you can probably create a water canal out of, but yeah it was so much fun, especially in the twisty bits where he got stuck and roosted me into a sandman.

i had sand in places i didnt even know that those places existed.
stevh0 said:
Problem was that i couldnt follow Lito's tracks in the soft stuff

excuses excuses man    :p :p :p :biggrin:

but seriously, sorry for roosting you, I did try and negate that as much as possible. mea culpa  :'(
FUN FUN FUN .... :ricky: you gotta admit taking these Beasts out into that Sandmonster is an awful lot of hard work
but the thrill and success of that is the reward..... :ricky: :ricky:

Nice one guys....... :ricky:
Lito said:
Heres a small video of yesterdays fun

FARK  :eek:

dude, serious respect for some serious skill

but more respect to amanda for that trust factor  :thumleft: