Garage Pies...Rennies...Redbull and sand...who could ask for more...?

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so i was told, its a pretty road, 100km of lovely passes Visgat, Hermanusdoring, Poen se Loop, and ends in Beauty...well, it isnt....the road is sand, more or less, but always sand....i negotiated to buy a piece of land...the deal went thru in 3 seconds...i had to offload to lift the bike...3 farmers and their tightlipped wives passed..with no offer to help....i got to beauty...and wanted to inflate the tires....but the air, shes a taxi driver blessed me with his new pump, while giving me Magau...and we spoke about the weather...suffering, and life itself... (Edit)
wherever you look, memel has beauty, all is green, lush at the moment....and muddy....the doves of peace, blesses the afrikaanse protestante kerk....[/IMG]]
a hardekool fire, some good friends, a bottle of cheap champagne and a silly hat always seems to work....the Plaasstoep makes the best Kaiings and pap....i left new years day...via Petrus steyn...with a sad longing... i could not do so much on the dirt on the way back, it was soaking deep mud, and i was alone...

................. en die vyf nul ses na Petrus Steyn  :biggrin:

Het jy dan trein ook gery saam met Steve Hofmeyer .............. :ricky:
laurika said:
so i wrote the story, and added it to the pics in its no where...and i am really of short attention span....

Relax ! Your pics tell their story !

I like the grub in the small pot ! Looks good  :drif:
Oom Foe-rie said:
................. en die vyf nul ses na Petrus Steyn  :biggrin:

Het jy dan trein ook gery saam met Steve Hofmeyer .............. :ricky:
wie is steve hofmeyer oom? as hy my a bier aangebied het, sou ek sekerlik, ja...
GlenInk said:
laurika said:
so i wrote the story, and added it to the pics in its no where...and i am really of short attention span....

Relax ! Your pics tell their story !

I like the grub in the small pot ! Looks good  :drif:
kaiings and pap...the best ever,,, i had it two days running...i am adding the type now, one by one..thanks Glen...
laurika said:
Oom Foe-rie said:
................. en die vyf nul ses na Petrus Steyn  :biggrin:

Het jy dan trein ook gery saam met Steve Hofmeyer .............. :ricky:
wie is steve hofmeyer oom? as hy my a bier aangebied het, sou ek sekerlik, ja...

o moer ............. dan was jy nou pregnant ook ................... :laughing4:
Oom Foe-rie said:
laurika said:
Oom Foe-rie said:
................. en die vyf nul ses na Petrus Steyn  :biggrin:

Het jy dan trein ook gery saam met Steve Hofmeyer .............. :ricky:
wie is steve hofmeyer oom? as hy my a bier aangebied het, sou ek sekerlik, ja...

o moer ............. dan was jy nou pregnant ook ................... :laughing4:
Ek laaik jou RR Laurika :thumleft:
Sit vir jou fiets n 21" voorwiel op. Die sand sal bietjie beter word.
chrisL said:
Ek laaik jou RR Laurika :thumleft:
Sit vir jou fiets n 21" voorwiel op. Die sand sal bietjie beter word.
ja Chris, ek kon daai sand beter gedoen het met a ...hierdie is die jaar wat ek my Dakar aanskaf.