MINI, no really mini update.
Yesterday I spent half the day at Old Mutual and Standard Bank as well as signing documents for Sanlam ( there are all financial institutions for our foreign readers) as some of them are at times not very efficient.
Then we visited some of our aunts, did some grocery (well meat and booze) shopping for last nights awesome BBQ/Braai here at Jupiters place.
On Monday evening for the first time in my 36 years of riding, my back or kidneys forced me to pull over and take Turbo charged Paracetamol and some Ibuprofen about 70km from home.
So yesterday my brother who wears a kidney belt, insisted on buying me one as well, as we are only about 18% into this ride.
I hope that the guys who were here last night and took some pics, will post them up on here in this thread.
Last nights get together was awesome. Seeing old friends and meeting new.
Thanks to everybody who came around last night.
Deon and I really enjoyed meeting some of you guys face to face vs forum faces.
If any of you took pics, PLEASE DO POST IN MY RIDE REPORT THREAD as I cannot upload or post yet.
I also want to make a special mention to two guys who maxed out on feeding my mad habit of number plate collecting.
Schaun "Tiger8" and Craig "Knucklehead" both had me personalized WD GRIZZ and GRIZZ EC plates made up. I was again blown away by the generous nature of guys on this forum, but also South Africans in general.
Thank you also to BigDom for sending me his original GSPOT EC plate that he replaced with a smaller more sensibly sized one.
Thanks to Jupiters network, my bike spent about 4.5 hours under the hands of Airhead Guru Martin Walker yesterdayand now feels tighter and actually idles below 1000rpm.
Today is Wednesday 10th, raining nicely.
Got a few things to do and visits to slot in as well as more deliveries of bits n bobs for UK people sending stuff here. My panniers are getting emptier as I deliver stuff but filling as fast with trinkets, number plates and other touristy treasures I buy along the way for my wife, kids and others.
Tomorrow is an early start up to Elliot, via Queenstown on some less than perfect roads.